//a program for killing a WU in the BOINC //system this is needed for integration with GRID. // // // Author: Christian Soettrup #include "config.h" #include "boinc_db.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> #include "sched_config.h" #define VERSION 0.3 using namespace std; DB_WORKUNIT wu; DB_RESULT result; SCHED_CONFIG config; void usage(int status){ if (status !=0){ }else{ cout << "killWU v." << VERSION << endl; cout << "usage:" << endl; cout << " killWU [-h] [-c config_dir] wuname\n"; cout << "\t-h\tprints this help\n"; cout << "\t-c config_dir\tread the database configuration from this file\n"; } exit(status); } int main(int argc, char** argv){ int retval,final; string wuname; char buf[256]; string config_dir = "."; //parse the input if (argc<2){ usage(0); return -1; } for (int i=1;i<argc-1;i++){ if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-h")){ usage(0); return -1; } if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-c")){ config_dir = argv[i++]; return -1; } } wuname = argv[argc-1]; final =0; retval = config.parse_file((char *) config_dir.c_str()); if (retval) { fprintf(stderr,"can't read config file\n"); return -1; } retval = boinc_db.open(config.db_name, config.db_host,config.db_user, config.db_passwd); if (retval) { cout << "boinc_db.open failed: " << retval<<endl;; return -1; } sprintf(buf,"where name='%s'",wuname.c_str()); retval = wu.lookup(buf); if (retval){ cout << "no workunit with name: " << wuname << endl; final= -1; }else{ //the workunit state is set as deleted sprintf(buf,"update workunit set error_mask=error_mask|16 where id='%d'",wu.id); boinc_db.do_query(buf); //and the results are set as server state over and outcome state result not needed if the result is unsent otherwise it is left to finish normally sprintf(buf,"update result set server_state=5,outcome=5 where server_state=2 and workunitid='%d'",wu.id); boinc_db.do_query(buf); cout << "Workunit with name: " << wuname << " killed."endl; } boinc_db.close(); return final; } const char *BOINC_RCSID_a63ea0ae5e="$Id$";