<title>Scheduler RPC timing and retry policies</title> <body bgcolor=ffffff> <h2>Scheduler RPC timing and retry policies</h2> <p> Each scheduler RPC reports results, gets work, or both. The client's <b>scheduler RPC policy</b> has several components: when to make a scheduler RPC, which project to contact, which scheduling server for that project, how much work to ask for, and what to do if the RPC fails. <p> The scheduler RPC policy has the following goals: <ul> <li> Make as few scheduler RPCs as possible. <li> Use random exponential backoff if a project's scheduling servers are down. This avoids an RPC storm when the servers come back up. <li> Eventually re-read a project's master URL file in case its set of schedulers changes. <li> Report results before or soon after their deadlines. </ul> <h3>Resource debt</h3> <p> The client maintains an exponentially-averaged sum of the CPU time it has devoted to each project. The constant EXP_DECAY_RATE determines the decay rate (currently a factor of e every week). <p> Each project is assigned a <b>resource debt</b>, computed as <p> resource_debt = resource_share / exp_avg_cpu <p> Resource debt is a measure of how much work the client owes the project, and in general the project with the greatest resource debt is the one from which work should be requested. <h3>Minimum RPC time</h3> <p> The client maintains a <b>minimum RPC time</b> for each project. This is the earliest time at which a scheduling RPC should be done to that project (if zero, an RPC can be done immediately). The minimum RPC time can be set for various reasons: <ul> <li> Because of a request from the project, i.e. a <request_delay> element in a scheduler reply message. <li> Because RPCs to all of the project's scheduler has failed. An exponential backoff policy is used. <li> Because one of the project's computations has failed (the application crashed, or a file upload or download failed). An exponential backoff policy is used to prevent a cycle of rapid failures. </ul> <h3>Scheduler RPC sessions</h3> <p> Communication with schedulers is organized into <b>sessions</b>, each of which may involve many RPCs. There are two types of sessions: </p> <ul> <li> <b>Get-work</b> sessions, whose goal is to get a certain amount of work. Results may be reported as a side-effect. <li> <b>Report-result</b> sessions, whose goal is to report results. Work may be fetched as a side-effect. </ul> The internal logic of scheduler sessions is encapsulated in the class SCHEDULER_OP. This is implemented as a state machine, but its logic expressed as a process might look like: <pre> get_work_session() { while estimated work < high water mark P = project with greatest debt and min_rpc_time < now for each scheduler URL of P attempt an RPC to that URL if no error break if some RPC succeeded P.nrpc_failures = 0 else P.nrpc_failures++ P.min_rpc_time = exponential_backoff(P.min_rpc_failures) if P.nrpc_failures mod MASTER_FETCH_PERIOD = 0 P.fetch_master_flag = true for each project P with P.fetch_master_flag set read and parse master file if error P.nrpc_failures++ P.min_rpc_time = exponential_backoff(P.min_rpc_failures) if got any new scheduler urls P.nrpc_failures = 0 P.min_rpc_time = 0 } report_result_session(project P) { for each scheduler URL of project attempt an RPC to that URL if no error break if some RPC succeeded P.nrpc_failures = 0 else P.nrpc_failures++; P.min_rpc_time = exponential_backoff(P.min_rpc_failures) } </pre> The logic for initiating scheduler sessions is expressed in the following poll function: <pre> if a scheduler RPC session is not active if estimated work is less than low-water mark start a get-work session else if some project P has overdue results start a report-result session for P; is P is the project with greatest resource debt, the RPC request should ask for enough work to bring us up to the high-water mark </pre>