<title>Scheduler RPC timing and retry policies</title> 
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<h2>Scheduler RPC timing and retry policies</h2> 
Each scheduler RPC reports results, gets work, or both.
The client's <b>scheduler RPC policy</b> has several components:
when to make a scheduler RPC, which project to contact,
which scheduling server for
that project, how much work to ask for, and what to do if the RPC fails.
The scheduler RPC policy has the following goals:
<li> Make as few scheduler RPCs as possible.
<li> Use random exponential backoff if a project's scheduling servers are down.
This avoids an RPC storm when the servers come back up.
<li> Eventually re-read a project's master URL file in case its set
of schedulers changes.
<li> Report results before or soon after their deadlines.
<h3>Resource debt</h3> 
The client maintains an exponentially-averaged sum of the CPU time
it has devoted to each project.
The constant EXP_DECAY_RATE determines
the decay rate (currently a factor of e every week).
Each project is assigned a <b>resource debt</b>, computed as
resource_debt = resource_share / exp_avg_cpu
Resource debt is a measure of how much work the client owes the
project, and in general the project with the greatest resource debt is
the one from which work should be requested. 

<h3>Minimum RPC time</h3> 
The client maintains a <b>minimum RPC time</b> for each project.
This is the earliest time at which a scheduling RPC should be done to
that project (if zero, an RPC can be done immediately).
The minimum RPC time can be set for various reasons: 
<li> Because of a request from the project, i.e. a
&lt;request_delay&gt; element in a scheduler reply message.
<li> Because RPCs to all of the project's scheduler has failed.
An exponential backoff policy is used.
<li> Because one of the project's computations has failed (the
application crashed, or a file upload or download failed).
An exponential backoff policy is used to prevent a cycle of rapid failures.

<h3>Scheduler RPC sessions</h3> 
Communication with schedulers is organized into <b>sessions</b>,
each of which may involve many RPCs.
There are two types of sessions:
<li> <b>Get-work</b> sessions, whose goal is to get a certain amount of work.
Results may be reported as a side-effect.
<b>Report-result</b> sessions, whose goal is to report results.
Work may be fetched as a side-effect.
The internal logic of scheduler sessions is encapsulated in the class
This is implemented as a state machine, but its logic
expressed as a process might look like:
get_work_session() {
    while estimated work &lt; high water mark
        P = project with greatest debt and min_rpc_time &lt; now
        for each scheduler URL of P
            attempt an RPC to that URL
            if no error break
        if some RPC succeeded
            P.nrpc_failures = 0
            P.min_rpc_time = exponential_backoff(P.min_rpc_failures)
            if P.nrpc_failures mod MASTER_FETCH_PERIOD = 0
                P.fetch_master_flag = true
    for each project P with P.fetch_master_flag set
        read and parse master file
        if error
            P.min_rpc_time = exponential_backoff(P.min_rpc_failures)
        if got any new scheduler urls
            P.nrpc_failures = 0
            P.min_rpc_time = 0

report_result_session(project P) {
    for each scheduler URL of project
        attempt an RPC to that URL
        if no error break
    if some RPC succeeded
        P.nrpc_failures = 0
        P.min_rpc_time = exponential_backoff(P.min_rpc_failures)
The logic for initiating scheduler sessions is expressed in the
following poll function:
if a scheduler RPC session is not active
    if estimated work is less than low-water mark
        start a get-work session
    else if some project P has overdue results
        start a report-result session for P;
        is P is the project with greatest resource debt,
        the RPC request should ask for enough work to bring us up
        to the high-water mark