#!/usr/bin/perl # $Id:$ # Script to generate the per-error per-user pivot report use strict; use warnings; use Text::Table; use DBI; use monitoring_errors_table; my $dbuser="DB_USER"; my $dbpass="DB_PASSWORD"; # List of errors to monitor my @tomon=(-198,-197,-233,-186,-226,-185,-177,-187,1,2,3); ## End user-serviceable parts our %error_table; my $dbh = DBI->connect('DBI:mysql:DB_NAME', $dbuser, $dbpass ) || die "Could not connect to database: $DBI::errstr"; # Generate a table of errors in the last 24 h # in principle, the time intervals could be selected as # SELECT distinct monitor_time t FROM monitoring m order by t desc limit 1,1 # i.e. the second-to-last monitoring time $dbh->do('set @ut=unix_timestamp();') || die "Query error: $DBI::errstr"; $dbh->do('set @uf=@ut-3600*24;') || die "Query error: $DBI::errstr"; my $sql = <<'EOF'; SELECT mon_submitterof(name) sci, exit_status FROM result WHERE outcome=3 AND received_time BETWEEN @uf and @ut; EOF # $sql='select @uf,@ut'; my $st=$dbh->prepare($sql); $st->execute(); # Initialize the table of descriptions of "interesting" errors my $colsr={other=>"(Any other exit code)"}; foreach my $e (@tomon) { my $t=$error_table{$e} || "(Exit code by app)"; $t=~s/^ERR_//; $colsr->{$e}=$t; } # Pivot table my $data={}; while(my @res=$st->fetchrow_array()) { my ($sci,$err)=@res; if($colsr->{$err}) { # interesting? $data->{$sci}->{$err}++; } else { # otherwise $data->{$sci}->{other}++; } } # List of scientists: sort keys %$data # List of errors: sort keys %$colsr # Print table header 1 my @header=("Code","Error",sort keys %$data); my $table = Text::Table->new( @header ); # Table contents foreach my $col (sort keys %$colsr ) { my @body=($col,$colsr->{$col}); foreach my $sci (sort keys %$data) { my $n=$data->{$sci}->{$col} || 0; push @body,$n; } $table->add(@body); } print $table;