signature; } $threadID = createThread($_GET['id'], $user->id, $_POST['title'], $_POST['content'].$forum_signature); header('Location: thread.php?id=' . $threadID); } if (!empty($_GET['id'])) { $forum = getForum($_GET['id']); $category = getCategory($forum->category); } else { // TODO: Standard error page echo "No forum ID was provided.
"; exit(); } $logged_in_user = get_logged_in_user(true, '../'); // TODO: Write a function to do this. if ($category->is_helpdesk) { page_head('Help Desk', $logged_in_user); } else { page_head('Forum', $logged_in_user); } show_forum_title($forum, NULL, $category->is_helpdesk); if ($category->is_helpdesk) { echo "

The Questions and problems area is designed to help you get questions answered and problems solved by other users. If you have a question or problem:

The goal is to prevent questions from being asked repeatedly. "; } echo "
"; if ($category->is_helpdesk) { $cell = "Post a New Question"; } else { $cell = "Post a New Thread / Question"; } start_forum_table(array($cell), 2); echo "Title"; if ($category->is_helpdesk) { echo "

Describe your question in a few words. A brief, clear summary will help others with the same question (or an answer) find it.

"; } echo " Message "; if ($category->is_helpdesk) { echo "

If you are having software problems, mention the version number of the software, your computer type, operating system, etc. "; } else { echo " "; row2("", "Add my signature to this post"); row2("", ""); end_forum_table(); echo "

\n"; page_tail(); ?>