$v) { if (!$dev && is_dev($v)) continue; return $v; } } function download_link($pname) { global $platforms; global $url_base; $p = $platforms[$pname]; $v = latest_version($p); $file = $v['file']; $long_name = $p['name']; $num = $v['num']; $path = "dl/$file"; $url = $url_base.$file; $dlink = "$file"; $s = number_format(filesize($path)/1000000, 2); echo "
". sprintf(tr(DL_VERSION_LNAME_SIZE), $num, $long_name, $s )."
"; if ($pname == 'linux') { echo "

Note: BOINC may be available as a package for for your particular Linux distribution (Gentoo, Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu); check this first before downloading from this page.

Note: 5.9.1+ requires GLIBC 2.4 or better to run. This change was required for the benchmarks to be similar to the other platforms. "; } } function link_row($pname) { echo ""; if ($pname=='win') { echo " Windows"; } else if ($pname=='mac') { echo " Mac OS X"; } else if ($pname=='linux') { echo " Linux/x86"; } echo ""; download_link($pname); echo " "; } $apps = array( array('classic.jpg', 180, 143), array('cpdn_200.jpg', 200, 147), array('eah_200.png', 200, 150), array('rosetta_at_home.jpg', 200, 150), array('qah.200x150.png', 200, 150), ); function show_pictures() { global $apps; shuffle($apps); $a0 = $apps[0]; $a1 = $apps[1]; $f0 = $a0[0]; $f1 = $a1[0]; echo "

"; } function show_download($pname) { echo "
".tr(DL_WHATS_BOINC) ; if ($pname) { download_link($pname); } else { echo " "; link_row('win'); link_row('mac'); link_row('linux'); echo "
"; } echo "

".tr(DL_SYSTEMREQ)." | ".tr(DL_RELNOTES)." | ".tr(DL_TROUBLE)." "; if ($pname) { //echo " | ".tr(DL_OTHERSYS)." echo " | ".tr(DL_ALLVERSIONS)." "; } else { echo " | ".tr(DL_ALLVERSIONS)."


  • ".sprintf(tr(DL_MAKEYOUROWN),"","")."
  • ".sprintf(tr(DL_DL_FROM3RDP),"","")."
"; } echo "

"; show_pictures(); echo "

".tr(DL_MIRRORS)." "; } if ($_GET['xml']) { $args = strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?'); Header("Location: download_all.php$args"); exit(); } page_head(tr(DL_DOWNLOAD_TITLE)); if ($_GET['all_platforms']) { show_download(null); } else if (strstr($client_info, 'Windows')) { show_download('win'); } else if (strstr($client_info, 'Mac')) { show_download('mac'); } else if (strstr($client_info, 'Linux')) { show_download('linux'); } else { show_download(null); } page_tail(true); ?>