// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License // Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in // compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ // // Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" // basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing rights and limitations // under the License. // // The Original Code is the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing. // // The Initial Developer of the Original Code is the SETI@home project. // Portions created by the SETI@home project are Copyright (C) 2002 // University of California at Berkeley. All Rights Reserved. // // Contributor(s): // #include "wingui_sswindow.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CMainWindow message map and member functions BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CSSWindow, CWnd) ON_WM_CLOSE() ON_WM_CREATE() ON_WM_DESTROY() ON_WM_PAINT() ON_WM_TIMER() END_MESSAGE_MAP() ////////// // CSSWindow::CSSWindow // arguments: void // returns: void // function: sets initial rect for window and other members CSSWindow::CSSWindow() { int nX = rand() % 50; int nY = rand() % 50; m_Rect.SetRect(0+nX,0+nY,640+nX,480+nY); SetMode(MODE_NO_GRAPHICS); m_hBOINCIcon = LoadIcon(AfxGetInstanceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON)); m_uScreenSaverMsg = RegisterWindowMessage(START_SS_MSG); m_uSetMsg = RegisterWindowMessage(APP_SET_MSG); m_uGetMsg = RegisterWindowMessage(APP_GET_MSG); m_uAppModeMsg = RegisterWindowMessage("BOINC_APP_MODE"); m_dwAppId = 0; m_uStartTime = 0; m_bCleared = false; } // CMainWindow::SetMode // arguments: nMode: the new mode // returns: void // function: destroys the current window and creates a new window // in the new mode void CSSWindow::SetMode(int nMode) { RECT WindowRect = {0,0,0,0}; m_nPrevMode = m_nMode; m_nMode = nMode; if(GetSafeHwnd()) { if(m_nPrevMode != MODE_FULLSCREEN) GetWindowRect(&m_Rect); DestroyWindow(); } CString strWndClass = AfxRegisterWndClass(0); DWORD dwExStyle; DWORD dwStyle; if (nMode == MODE_FULLSCREEN) { HDC screenDC=::GetDC(NULL); WindowRect.left = WindowRect.top = 0; WindowRect.right=GetDeviceCaps(screenDC, HORZRES); WindowRect.bottom=GetDeviceCaps(screenDC, VERTRES); ::ReleaseDC(NULL, screenDC); dwExStyle=WS_EX_TOPMOST; dwStyle=WS_POPUP; while(ShowCursor(false) >= 0); } else { m_uStartTime = 0; if(m_Rect.IsRectEmpty()) m_Rect.SetRect(CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT); WindowRect = m_Rect; dwExStyle=WS_EX_APPWINDOW|WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE; dwStyle=WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW; while(ShowCursor(true) < 0); } CreateEx(dwExStyle, strWndClass, "DEFAULT BOINC Graphics", dwStyle|WS_CLIPSIBLINGS|WS_CLIPCHILDREN, WindowRect, NULL, 0, NULL); if(nMode == MODE_FULLSCREEN || nMode == MODE_WINDOW) { ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); SetFocus(); } else { ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); } } ////////// // CSSWindow::CheckAppWnd // arguments: void // returns: void // function: polls application windows to see if the currently shown // window needs to be switched, or if an app has closed void CSSWindow::CheckAppWnd() { if(m_nMode != MODE_FULLSCREEN) return; CWnd* pAppWnd; if (m_dwAppId == 0) { if(BlankScreen()) return; if(gstate.active_tasks.active_tasks.size() == 0) return; m_dwAppId = gstate.active_tasks.active_tasks[0]->pid; pAppWnd = GetWndFromProcId(m_dwAppId); if(pAppWnd) { pAppWnd->PostMessage(m_uSetMsg, MODE_FULLSCREEN, 0); } else { m_dwAppId = 0; } } else { if(BlankScreen()) { pAppWnd = GetWndFromProcId(m_dwAppId); if(pAppWnd && IsWindow(pAppWnd->m_hWnd)) { SetMode(MODE_FULLSCREEN); pAppWnd->PostMessage(m_uSetMsg, MODE_NO_GRAPHICS, 0); } m_dwAppId = 0; } else { pAppWnd = GetWndFromProcId(m_dwAppId); if(!pAppWnd || !IsWindow(pAppWnd->m_hWnd)) { SetMode(MODE_FULLSCREEN); m_dwAppId = 0; } } return; } } // CMainWindow::DefWindowProc // arguments: message: message received // wParam: message's wparam // lParam: message's lparam // returns: dependent on message // function: handles messages as a screensaver would LRESULT CSSWindow::DefWindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CPoint mousePos; switch(message) { case WM_KEYDOWN: case WM_KEYUP: case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: case WM_MBUTTONDOWN: case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: if(m_nMode == MODE_FULLSCREEN) SetMode(MODE_NO_GRAPHICS); return 0; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: if(m_nMode == MODE_FULLSCREEN) { GetCursorPos(&mousePos); if(mousePos != m_MousePos) SetMode(MODE_NO_GRAPHICS); } return 0; } if(m_uScreenSaverMsg == message) { if(gstate.active_tasks.active_tasks.size() == 0) m_dwAppId = 0; else m_dwAppId = gstate.active_tasks.active_tasks[0]->pid; m_uStartTime = (double)time(0); m_bCleared = false; SetMode(MODE_FULLSCREEN); CWnd* pAppWnd = GetWndFromProcId(m_dwAppId); if(pAppWnd && IsWindow(pAppWnd->m_hWnd)) { pAppWnd->PostMessage(m_uSetMsg, MODE_FULLSCREEN, 0); } return 0; } else if(m_uAppModeMsg == message) { if(lParam == m_dwAppId && wParam != MODE_FULLSCREEN) { SetMode(MODE_NO_GRAPHICS); m_dwAppId = 0; m_uStartTime = 0; } return 0; } return CWnd::DefWindowProc(message, wParam, lParam); } ////////// // CSSWindow::OnClose // arguments: void // returns: void // function: hides the window void CSSWindow::OnClose() { SetMode(MODE_NO_GRAPHICS); } ////////// // CSSWindow::OnCreate // arguments: lpcs: a pointer to the create structure // returns: 0 if successful, otherwise -1 // function: gets mouse position for screensaver and starts timer int CSSWindow::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs) { if (CWnd::OnCreate(lpcs) == -1) { return -1; } GetCursorPos(&m_MousePos); m_uPaintTimerID = SetTimer(PAINT_TIMER, PAINT_WAIT, (TIMERPROC) NULL); m_uAppTimerID = SetTimer(APP_TIMER, APP_WAIT, (TIMERPROC) NULL); m_nPosX = m_nPosY = 0; m_nDX = m_nDY = 5; UtilGetRegKey(REG_BLANK_NAME, m_bBlankScreen); UtilGetRegKey(REG_BLANK_TIME, m_uBlankTime); m_uBlankTime *= 60; return 0; } ////////// // CSSWindow::OnDestroy // arguments: void // returns: void // function: kills timer void CSSWindow::OnDestroy() { KillTimer(m_uPaintTimerID); KillTimer(m_uAppTimerID); } ////////// // CSSWindow::OnPaint // arguments: null // returns: null // function: clears the window and draws the bouncing icon if necessary void CSSWindow::OnPaint() { PAINTSTRUCT ps; CDC* pdc; RECT winRect; pdc = BeginPaint(&ps); GetClientRect(&winRect); pdc->FillSolidRect(&winRect, RGB(0,0,0)); if ((m_nMode == MODE_FULLSCREEN || m_nMode == MODE_WINDOW) && !BlankScreen()) { pdc->DrawIcon(m_nPosX, m_nPosY, m_hBOINCIcon); m_nPosX += m_nDX; m_nPosY += m_nDY; if (m_nPosX <= winRect.left || (m_nPosX+32) >= winRect.right) m_nDX *= -1; if (m_nPosY <= winRect.top || (m_nPosY+32) >= winRect.bottom) m_nDY *= -1; if (m_nPosX < winRect.left) m_nPosX = winRect.left; if ((m_nPosX+32) > winRect.right) m_nPosX = winRect.right-32; if (m_nPosY < winRect.top) m_nPosY = winRect.top; if ((m_nPosY+32) > winRect.bottom) m_nPosY = winRect.bottom-32; } EndPaint(&ps); } ////////// // CSSWindow::BlankScreen // arguments: null // returns: null // function: returns true if we should go into blank screen mode bool CSSWindow::BlankScreen() { return (m_bBlankScreen) && (m_nMode == MODE_FULLSCREEN) && (time(0) >= m_uBlankTime + m_uStartTime); } ////////// // CSSWindow::OnTimer // arguments: uEventID: id of timer signaling event // returns: null // function: redraw the window if needed void CSSWindow::OnTimer(UINT uEventID) { if(uEventID == m_uAppTimerID) { CheckAppWnd(); } if(uEventID == m_uPaintTimerID) { if(!BlankScreen() || !m_bCleared) { if(BlankScreen()) m_bCleared = true; Invalidate(); OnPaint(); } } }