@echo off rem Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing rem http://boinc.berkeley.edu rem Copyright (C) 2005 University of California rem rem This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or rem modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public rem License as published by the Free Software Foundation; rem either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. rem rem This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, rem but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of rem MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. rem See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. rem rem To view the GNU Lesser General Public License visit rem http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html rem or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., rem 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA rem FOR /F "usebackq delims==" %%I IN ('%1') DO set PROJECTROOTDIR=%%~I\.. FOR /F "usebackq delims==" %%I IN ('%1') DO set DEPENDSROOTDIR=%%~I\..\..\boinc_depends_win_vs2005 FOR /F "usebackq delims==" %%J IN ('%2') DO set OUTPUTDIR=%%~J FOR /F "usebackq delims==" %%K IN ('%3') DO set PLATFORMNAME=%%~K FOR /F "usebackq delims==" %%L IN ('%4') DO set CONFIGNAME=%%~L if not exist %OUTPUTDIR%\dbghelp.dll ( echo Copying dbghelp to the output directory... copy "%PROJECTROOTDIR%\win_build\installerv2\redist\Windows\%PLATFORMNAME%\dbghelp.dll" "%OUTPUTDIR%" ) if not exist %OUTPUTDIR%\dbghelp95.dll ( echo Copying dbghelp95 to the output directory... copy "%PROJECTROOTDIR%\win_build\installerv2\redist\Windows\%PLATFORMNAME%\dbghelp95.dll" "%OUTPUTDIR%" ) if not exist %OUTPUTDIR%\symsrv.dll ( echo Copying symsrv to the output directory... copy "%PROJECTROOTDIR%\win_build\installerv2\redist\Windows\%PLATFORMNAME%\symsrv.dll" "%OUTPUTDIR%" ) if not exist %OUTPUTDIR%\symsrv.yes ( echo Copying symsrv.yes to the output directory... copy "%PROJECTROOTDIR%\win_build\installerv2\redist\Windows\%PLATFORMNAME%\symsrv.yes" "%OUTPUTDIR%" ) if not exist %OUTPUTDIR%\srcsrv.dll ( echo Copying srcsrv.dll to the output directory... copy "%PROJECTROOTDIR%\win_build\installerv2\redist\Windows\%PLATFORMNAME%\srcsrv.dll" "%OUTPUTDIR%" ) if not exist %OUTPUTDIR%\libcurld.dll ( echo Copying libcurld to the output directory... copy "%DEPENDSROOTDIR%\curl\mswin\%PLATFORMNAME%\%CONFIGNAME%\bin\libcurld.dll" "%OUTPUTDIR%" ) if not exist %OUTPUTDIR%\libcurl.dll ( echo Copying libcurl to the output directory... copy "%DEPENDSROOTDIR%\curl\mswin\%PLATFORMNAME%\%CONFIGNAME%\bin\libcurl.dll" "%OUTPUTDIR%" ) if not exist %OUTPUTDIR%\ca-bundle.crt ( echo Copying ca-bundle.crt to the output directory... copy "%PROJECTROOTDIR%\curl\ca-bundle.crt" "%OUTPUTDIR%" ) if not exist %OUTPUTDIR%\libeay32.dll ( echo Copying libeay32 to the output directory... copy "%DEPENDSROOTDIR%\openssl\mswin\%PLATFORMNAME%\%CONFIGNAME%\bin\libeay32.dll" "%OUTPUTDIR%" ) if not exist %OUTPUTDIR%\ssleay32.dll ( echo Copying ssleay32 to the output directory... copy "%DEPENDSROOTDIR%\openssl\mswin\%PLATFORMNAME%\%CONFIGNAME%\bin\ssleay32.dll" "%OUTPUTDIR%" ) if not exist %OUTPUTDIR%\zlib1d.dll ( echo Copying zlib1d to the output directory... copy "%DEPENDSROOTDIR%\zlib\mswin\%PLATFORMNAME%\%CONFIGNAME%\bin\zlib1d.dll" "%OUTPUTDIR%" ) if not exist %OUTPUTDIR%\zlib1.dll ( echo Copying zlib1 to the output directory... copy "%DEPENDSROOTDIR%\zlib\mswin\%PLATFORMNAME%\%CONFIGNAME%\bin\zlib1.dll" "%OUTPUTDIR%" ) if not exist %OUTPUTDIR%\cudart.dll ( echo Copying cudart to the output directory... copy "%PROJECTROOTDIR%\coprocs\cuda\mswin\%PLATFORMNAME%\%CONFIGNAME%\bin\cudart.dll" "%OUTPUTDIR%" ) if not exist %OUTPUTDIR%\sqlite3.dll ( echo Copying sqlite3 to the output directory... copy "%DEPENDSROOTDIR%\sqlite3\mswin\%PLATFORMNAME%\%CONFIGNAME%\bin\sqlite3.dll" "%OUTPUTDIR%" ) EXIT /B 0