name. "; $tokens = url_tokens($user->authenticator); show_button( "team_forum.php?teamid=$team->id&cmd=create$tokens", "Create Message Board", "Create a Message Board for $team->name" ); page_tail(); } function create_forum($user, $team) { $id = BoincForum::insert("(category, parent_type) values ($team->id, 1)"); $forum = BoincForum::lookup_id($id); if (!$forum) { error_page("couldn't create forum"); } edit_form($user, $team, $forum); } function edit_form($user, $team, $forum) { page_head("Team forum"); echo "
id> "; echo form_tokens($user->authenticator); start_table(); //row2("Title", "title\">"); //row2("Description", ""); row2("Minimum time between posts (seconds)", "post_min_interval>" ); row2("Minimum total credit to post", "post_min_total_credit>" ); row2("Minimum average credit to post", "post_min_expavg_credit>" ); row2("", ""); end_table(); echo "
"; page_tail(); } function edit_action($forum) { //$title = post_str('title'); //$title = BoincDb::escape_string($title); //$description = post_str('description'); //$description = BoincDb::escape_string($description); $post_min_interval = post_int('post_min_interval'); $post_min_total_credit = post_int('post_min_total_credit'); $post_min_expavg_credit = post_int('post_min_expavg_credit'); $ret = $forum->update("post_min_interval=$post_min_interval, post_min_total_credit=$post_min_total_credit, post_min_expavg_credit=$post_min_expavg_credit"); if ($ret) { page_head("Team Message Board Updated"); echo "Update successful"; page_tail(); } else { error_page("update failed"); } } function show_forum($team) { $forum = BoincForum::lookup("parent_type=1 and category=$team->id"); if (!$forum) { error_page("team has no forum"); } Header("Location: forum_forum.php?id=$forum->id"); } $teamid = get_int("teamid", true); if (!$teamid) $teamid = post_int('teamid'); $team = BoincTeam::lookup_id($teamid); if (!$team) { error_page("no such team"); } $cmd = get_str('cmd', true); if (!$cmd) $cmd = post_str('cmd', true); if ($cmd == 'manage') { $user = get_logged_in_user(); require_founder_login($user, $team); $forum = BoincForum::lookup("parent_type=1 and category=$teamid"); if (!$forum) { create_confirm($user, $team); } else { edit_form($user, $team, $forum); } } else if ($cmd == 'create') { $user = get_logged_in_user(); check_tokens($user->authenticator); require_founder_login($user, $team); create_forum($user, $team); } else if ($cmd == 'edit_action') { $user = get_logged_in_user(); require_founder_login($user, $team); check_tokens($user->authenticator); $forum = BoincForum::lookup("parent_type=1 and category=$teamid"); if (!$forum) error_page("no forum"); edit_action($forum); } else if ($cmd != "") { error_page("unknown command $cmd"); } else { show_forum($team); } ?>