sim_projects.xml This describes the set of attached projects. ".html_text(" proj 1 100 100 100000000 100000 100000000 .7 1000 ")." A project has one or more applications. Each application has a given latency bound and working-set size. The number of FP ops is a truncated normal distribution with the given mean and variance.

The availability of the projects (i.e. the periods when scheduler RPCs succeed) is modeled with two parameters: the duration of available periods are exponentially distributed with the given mean, and the unavailable periods are exponentially distributed achieving the given available fraction.


This describes the host hardware and availability. ".html_text(" x x x .7 1000 .7 1000 ")." The available periods (i.e., when BOINC is running) and the idle periods (i.e. when there is no user input) are modeled as above.


Same format as the global_prefs.xml file. "; page_tail(); ?>