#!/bin/sh # This file is part of BOINC. # http://boinc.berkeley.edu # Copyright (C) 2014 University of California # # BOINC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation, # either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with BOINC. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # ## # Script for building Macintosh BOINC Manager, Core Client and libraries # by Charlie Fenton 3/27/08 # with thanks to Reinhard Prix for his assistance # # Updated for OS 10.7 Lion and XCode 4.2 on 10/19/11 # Updated 7/9/12 for Xcode 4.3 and later which are not at a fixed address # Updated 2/7/14 to also build libboinc_zip.a # ## This script requires OS 10.8 or later # ## If you drag-install Xcode 4.3 or later, you must have opened Xcode ## and clicked the Install button on the dialog which appears to ## complete the Xcode installation before running this script. ## ## Usage: ## cd to the mac_build directory of the boinc tree, for example: ## cd [path]/boinc/mac_build ## ## then invoke this script as follows: ## source BuildMacBOINC.sh [-dev] [-noclean] [-all] [-lib] [-client] [-help] ## or ## chmod +x BuildMacBOINC.sh ## ./BuildMacBOINC.sh [-dev] [-noclean] [-all] [-lib] [-client] [-help] ## ## optional arguments ## -dev build the development (debug) version. ## default is deployment (release) version. ## ## -noclean don't do a "clean" of each target before building. ## default is to clean all first. ## ## The following arguments determine which targets to build ## ## -all build all targets (i.e. target "Build_All" -- this is the default) ## ## -lib build the six libraries: libboinc_api.a, libboinc_graphics2.a, ## libboinc.a, libboinc_opencl.a, libboinc_zip.a, jpeglib.a and the ## utility application MakeAppIcon_h. ## ## -client build two targets: boinc client and command-line utility boinc_cmd ## (also builds libboinc.a if needed, since boinc_cmd requires it.) ## ## Both -lib and -client may be specified to build seven targets (no BOINC Manager) ## targets="" doclean="clean" buildall=0 buildlibs=0 buildclient=0 style="Deployment" while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case "$1" in -noclean ) doclean="" ; shift 1 ;; -dev ) style="Development" ; shift 1 ;; -all ) buildall=1 ; shift 1 ;; -lib ) buildlibs=1 ; shift 1 ;; -client ) buildclient=1 ; shift 1 ;; * ) echo "usage:" ; echo "cd {path}/mac_build/" ; echo "source BuildMacBOINC.sh [-dev] [-noclean] [-all] [-lib] [-client] [-help]" ; return 1 ;; esac done if [ "${doclean}" = "clean" ]; then echo "Clean each target before building" fi if [ "${buildlibs}" = "1" ]; then targets="$targets -target libboinc -target gfx2libboinc -target api_libboinc -target boinc_opencl -target jpeg -target MakeAppIcon_h" fi if [ "${buildclient}" = "1" ]; then targets="$targets -target BOINC_Client -target cmd_boinc" fi ## "-all" overrides "-lib" and "-client" since it includes those targets if [ "${buildall}" = "1" ] || [ "${targets}" = "" ]; then targets="-target Build_All" fi version=`uname -r`; major=`echo $version | sed 's/\([0-9]*\)[.].*/\1/' `; # minor=`echo $version | sed 's/[0-9]*[.]\([0-9]*\).*/\1/' `; # echo "major = $major" # echo "minor = $minor" # # Darwin version 12.x.y corresponds to OS 10.8.x # Darwin version 11.x.y corresponds to OS 10.7.x # Darwin version 10.x.y corresponds to OS 10.6.x # Darwin version 9.x.y corresponds to OS 10.5.x # Darwin version 8.x.y corresponds to OS 10.4.x # Darwin version 7.x.y corresponds to OS 10.3.x # Darwin version 6.x corresponds to OS 10.2.x if [ "$major" -lt "10" ]; then echo "ERROR: Building BOINC requires System 10.6 or later. For details, see build instructions at" echo "boinc/mac_build/HowToBuildBOINC_XCode.rtf or http://boinc.berkeley.edu/trac/wiki/MacBuild" return 1 fi if [ "${style}" = "Development" ]; then echo "Development (debug) build" else style="Deployment" echo "Deployment (release) build for architectures: i386, x86_64" fi echo "" SDKPATH=`xcodebuild -version -sdk macosx Path` xcodebuild -project boinc.xcodeproj ${targets} -configuration ${style} -sdk "${SDKPATH}" ${doclean} build result=$? if [ $result -eq 0 ]; then # build ibboinc_zip.a for -all or -lib or default, where # default is none of { -all, -lib, -client } if [ "${buildall}" = "1" ] || [ "${buildlibs}" = "1" ] || [ "${buildclient}" = "0" ]; then xcodebuild -project ../zip/boinc_zip.xcodeproj -target boinc_zip -configuration ${style} -sdk "${SDKPATH}" ${doclean} build result=$? fi fi return $result