// This file is part of BOINC. // http://boinc.berkeley.edu // Copyright (C) 2020 University of California // // BOINC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with BOINC. If not, see . // Default screensaver. // Shows the BOINC logo and a rotating display of // attached projects and jobs in progress #ifdef _WIN32 #include "boinc_win.h" #else #include #endif #include #include #ifdef __APPLE__ #include "boinc_api.h" #include "mac_branding.h" #include #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #define snprintf _snprintf #endif #include "boinc_gl.h" #include "diagnostics.h" #include "ttfont.h" #include "gutil.h" #include "graphics2.h" #include "network.h" #include "gui_rpc_client.h" #include "util.h" #include "app_ipc.h" #include "error_numbers.h" using std::string; using std::vector; using TTFont::ttf_render_string; using TTFont::ttf_load_fonts; // text sizes - larger is smaller (???) #define TASK_INTRO_SIZE 1200. #define TASK_NONE_SIZE 600. #define TASK_NONE_REASON_SIZE 800. #define TASK_PROJ_SIZE 1200. #define TASK_INFO_SIZE 1350. #define PROJ_INTRO_SIZE 900. #define PROJ_NAME_SIZE 600. #define PROJ_INFO_SIZE 900. #define ALERT_SIZE 900. float white[4] = {1., 1., 1., 1.}; TEXTURE_DESC logo; int width, height; // window dimensions bool mouse_down = false; int mouse_x, mouse_y; RPC_CLIENT rpc; bool retry_connect = true; bool connected = false; double next_connect_time = 0.0; CC_STATE cc_state; CC_STATUS cc_status; #ifdef __APPLE__ char* brand_name = "BOINC"; char* logo_file = "boinc_logo_black.jpg"; # else // These defines are used only on Windows builds #if defined(_GRIDREPUBLIC) const char* brand_name = "GridRepublic"; const char* logo_file = "gridrepublic_ss_logo.jpg"; #elif defined(_CHARITYENGINE) const char* brand_name = "Charity Engine"; const char* logo_file = "CE_ss_logo.jpg"; #elif defined(_PROGRESSTHRUPROCESSORS) const char* brand_name = "Progress Thru Processors"; const char* logo_file = "progress_ss_logo.jpg"; #elif defined(_WCG) const char* brand_name = "World Community Grid"; const char* logo_file = "wcg_ss_logo.jpg"; #else const char* brand_name = "BOINC"; const char* logo_file = "boinc_logo_black.jpg"; #endif #endif #if 0 struct APP_SLIDES { string name; int index; double switch_time; vector slides; APP_SLIDES(string n): name(n), index(0), switch_time(0) {} }; struct PROJECT_IMAGES { string url; TEXTURE_DESC icon; vector app_slides; }; vector project_images; void icon_path(PROJECT* p, char* buf) { char dir[256]; url_to_project_dir((char*)p->master_url.c_str(), dir, sizeof(dir)); sprintf(buf, "%s/stat_icon", dir); } void slideshow(PROJECT* p) { char dir[256], buf[256]; int i; url_to_project_dir((char*)p->master_url.c_str(), dir, sizeof(dir)); for (i=0; i<99; i++) { sprintf(buf, "%s/slideshow_%02d", dir, i); } } PROJECT_IMAGES* get_project_images(PROJECT* p) { unsigned int i; char dir[256], path[256], filename[256]; for (i=0; imaster_url) return π } PROJECT_IMAGES pim; pim.url = p->master_url; url_to_project_dir((char*)p->master_url.c_str(), dir, sizeof(dir)); sprintf(path, "%s/stat_icon", dir); boinc_resolve_filename(path, filename, 256); pim.icon.load_image_file(filename); for (i=0; iproject->project_name.c_str()); y -= .02; float prog_pos[] = {x, y, 0}; float prog_c[] = {.5, .4, .1, alpha/2}; float prog_ci[] = {.1, .8, .2, alpha}; progress.init(prog_pos, .4, -.01, -0.008, prog_c, prog_ci); progress.draw(r->fraction_done); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.2f%% ", r->fraction_done*100); ttf_render_string(x+.41, y, 0, TASK_INFO_SIZE, white, buf); y -= .03; x += .05; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Elapsed: %.0f sec Remaining: %.0f sec", r->elapsed_time, r->estimated_cpu_time_remaining); ttf_render_string(x, y, 0, TASK_INFO_SIZE, white, buf); y -= .03; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "App: %s Task: %s", r->app->user_friendly_name, r->wup->name); ttf_render_string(x, y, 0, TASK_INFO_SIZE, white, buf); y -= .03; } #if 0 void show_coords() { int i; char buf[256]; for (i=-100; i< 101; i+=5) { sprintf(buf, "%d", i); float x = (float)i/100; ttf_render_string(x, 0, 0, 1000., white, buf); } for (i=-100; i< 101; i+=5) { sprintf(buf, "%d", i); float y = (float)i/100; ttf_render_string(0, y, 0, 1000., white, buf); } } #endif void show_project(unsigned int index, float /*alpha*/) { float x=.2, y=.6; char buf[1024]; ttf_render_string(x, y, 0, PROJ_INTRO_SIZE, white, "This computer is participating in"); y -= .07; PROJECT *p = cc_state.projects[index]; ttf_render_string(x, y, 0, PROJ_NAME_SIZE, white, (char*)p->project_name.c_str()); y -= .07; ttf_render_string(x, y, 0, PROJ_INFO_SIZE, white, p->master_url); y -= .05; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "User: %s", p->user_name.c_str()); ttf_render_string(x, y, 0, PROJ_INFO_SIZE, white, buf); y -= .05; if (p->team_name.size()) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Team: %s", p->team_name.c_str()); ttf_render_string(x, y, 0, PROJ_INFO_SIZE, white, buf); y -= .05; } snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Total credit: %.0f Average credit: %.0f", p->user_total_credit, p->user_expavg_credit); ttf_render_string(x, y, 0, PROJ_INFO_SIZE, white, buf); y -= .05; if (p->suspended_via_gui) { ttf_render_string(x, y, 0, PROJ_INFO_SIZE, white, "Suspended"); } } void show_disconnected() { float x=.3, y=.3; char buf[256]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s is not running.", brand_name); ttf_render_string(x, y, 0, ALERT_SIZE, white, buf); } void show_no_projects() { float x=.2, y=.3; char buf[256]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s is not attached to any projects.", brand_name); ttf_render_string(x, y, 0, ALERT_SIZE, white, buf); y = .25; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Attach to projects using %s.", brand_name); ttf_render_string(x, y, 0, ALERT_SIZE, white, buf); } #define MAX_JOBS_DISPLAY 4 // index is where to start looking in job array // void show_jobs(unsigned int index, double alpha) { float x=.1, y=.7; unsigned int nfound = 0; unsigned int i; cc_status.task_suspend_reason &= ~SUSPEND_REASON_CPU_THROTTLE; char buf[256]; if (!cc_status.task_suspend_reason) { for (i=0; iactive_task) continue; if (r->scheduler_state != CPU_SCHED_SCHEDULED) continue; if (!nfound) { ttf_render_string(x, y, 0, TASK_INTRO_SIZE, white, "Running tasks:"); y -= .05; } show_result(r, x, y, alpha); y -= .05; nfound++; if (nfound == MAX_JOBS_DISPLAY) break; } } if (!nfound) { y = .5; ttf_render_string(x, y, 0, TASK_NONE_SIZE, white, "No running tasks"); char *p = 0; switch (cc_status.task_suspend_reason) { case SUSPEND_REASON_BATTERIES: p = "Computer is running on batteries"; break; case SUSPEND_REASON_USER_ACTIVE: p = "Computer is in use"; break; case SUSPEND_REASON_USER_REQ: p = "Computing suspended by user"; break; case SUSPEND_REASON_TIME_OF_DAY: p = "Computing suspended during this time of day"; break; case SUSPEND_REASON_BENCHMARKS: p = "Computing suspended while running benchmarks"; break; case SUSPEND_REASON_DISK_SIZE: p = "Computing suspended because no disk space"; break; case SUSPEND_REASON_NO_RECENT_INPUT: p = "Computing suspended while computer not in use"; break; case SUSPEND_REASON_INITIAL_DELAY: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Computing suspended while %s is starting up", brand_name ); p = buf; break; case SUSPEND_REASON_EXCLUSIVE_APP_RUNNING: p = "Computing suspended while exclusive application running"; break; case SUSPEND_REASON_CPU_USAGE: p = "Computing suspended because processor usage is high"; break; } if (p) { y -= .1; ttf_render_string(x, y, 0, TASK_NONE_REASON_SIZE, white, p); } } } int update_data() { int retval = rpc.get_state(cc_state); if (!retval) { retval = rpc.get_cc_status(cc_status); } return retval; } struct FADER { double grow, on, fade, off; double start, total; FADER(double g, double n, double f, double o) { grow = g; on = n; fade = f; off = o; start = 0; total = grow + on + fade + off; } bool value(double t, double& v) { if (!start) { start = t; v = 0; return false; } double dt = t - start; if (dt > total) { start = t; v = 0; return true; } if (dt < grow) { v = dt/grow; } else if (dt < grow+on) { v = 1; } else if (dt < grow + on + fade) { double x = dt-(grow+on); v = 1-(x/fade); } else { v = 0; } return false; } }; FADER logo_fader(5,5,5,2); FADER info_fader(4,4,4,1); void app_graphics_render(int , int , double t) { double alpha; static bool showing_project = false; static unsigned int project_index = 0, job_index=0; static float logo_pos[3] = {.2, .2, 0}; int retval; if (!connected) { if (t > next_connect_time) { retval = rpc.init(NULL); if (!retval) { retval = update_data(); } if (retval) { if (!retry_connect) { exit(ERR_CONNECT); } next_connect_time = t + 10; } else { connected = true; } } } glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // draw logo first - it's in background // mode_unshaded(); mode_ortho(); if (logo_fader.value(t, alpha)) { logo_pos[0] = drand()*.4; logo_pos[1] = drand()*.4; } draw_logo(logo_pos, (float)alpha); if (info_fader.value(t, alpha)) { retval = update_data(); if (retval) { if (!retry_connect) { exit(ERR_CONNECT); } connected = false; next_connect_time = t + 10; } else { if (showing_project) { showing_project = false; project_index++; } else { int n = (int)cc_state.results.size(); if (n) { job_index += MAX_JOBS_DISPLAY; job_index %= n; } else { job_index = 0; } showing_project = true; } } } white[3] = alpha; if (connected) { if (cc_state.projects.size() == 0) { show_no_projects(); } else if (showing_project) { if (project_index >= cc_state.projects.size()) { project_index = 0; } show_project(project_index, alpha); } else { show_jobs(job_index, alpha); } } else { show_disconnected(); } ortho_done(); } void app_graphics_resize(int w, int h){ width = w; height = h; glViewport(0, 0, w, h); } void boinc_app_mouse_move(int , int , int , int , int ) {} void boinc_app_mouse_button(int , int , int , int ) {} void boinc_app_key_press(int, int){} void boinc_app_key_release(int, int){} void app_graphics_init() { glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); ttf_load_fonts("."); logo.load_image_file(logo_file); init_lights(); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { int retval; bool test = false; for (int i=1; i (NUMBRANDS-1))) { brandId = 0; } brand_name = brandName[brandId]; logo_file = logoFile[brandId]; #endif boinc_graphics_loop(argc, argv, "BOINC screensaver"); boinc_finish_diag(); #ifdef _WIN32 WinsockCleanup(); #endif return 0; }