from distutils.core import setup, Extension # May need to adjust these to suit your system, but a standard installation of the BOINC client from source will put things in these places pyboinc = Extension('boinc', runtime_library_dirs=['/usr/local/lib', '../../lib', '../../api'], extra_objects=['../../lib/libboinc.a', '../../api/libboinc_api.a'], sources = ['boincmodule.C'], libraries=['stdc++', 'boinc', 'boinc_api', 'dl','crypto','ssl'], library_dirs=['/usr/local/lib/', '../../lib', '../../api'], include_dirs=['/usr/local/include/boinc/', '../../lib', '../../api', '../../'], extra_compile_args=['-fPIC'],extra_link_args=['-fPIC']) setup (name = 'PyBoinc', version = '0.1', description = 'Basic python bindings for BOINC network computing package', ext_modules = [pyboinc])