"; } else { page_head("Download BOINC client software"); } function xecho($x) { global $xml; if (!$xml) { echo $x; } } function dl_item($x, $y) { global $light_blue; echo "$x $y "; } function version( $platform, $number, $desc, $filename, $date, $installer, $features=null, $issues=null ) { global $xml; $path = "dl/$filename"; $url = "http://boinc.berkeley.edu/$path"; $dlink = "$filename"; $md = md5_file($path); $s = number_format(filesize($path)/1000000, 2); if ($xml) { $issues = htmlspecialchars($issues); echo " $platform $desc $date $number $url $filename $s $md $installer $features $issues "; } else { list_start(); list_bar($desc); dl_item("File (click to download)", "$dlink ($s MB)"); dl_item("Version number", $number); dl_item("Release date", $date); dl_item("Installer type", $installer); dl_item("MD5 checksum of download file", $md); if ($features) { dl_item ("New features", $features); } if ($issues) { dl_item ("Known issues", $issues); } list_end(); } } function win_old() { global $xml; if ($xml) { return "Single-mode Windows installer"; } else { return "Single-mode Windows installer"; } } function win_new() { global $xml; if ($xml) { return "Windows installer"; } else { return "Windows installer"; } } function bare_core() { global $xml; if ($xml) { return "Core client only (command-line)"; } else { return "Core client only (command-line)"; } } function sea() { global $xml; if ($xml) { return "Self-extracting archive"; } else { return "Self-extracting archive"; } } function mac_simple() { global $xml; if ($xml) { return "Menubar (simple GUI)"; } else { return "Menubar (simple GUI)"; } } function mac_advanced() { global $xml; if ($xml) { return "Advanced GUI"; } else { return "Advanced GUI"; } } xecho( " BOINC client software is available for

Click on your computer type, or scroll down.

If your computer is not of one of these types, you can

Download information is also available in XML format.

Microsoft Windows (all versions, Windows 95 and later)

"); version( "Windows", "4.25", "Recommended version", "boinc_4.25_windows_intelx86.exe", "3 Mar 2005", win_new(), "Works with HTTP proxies", "
If you experience any of these problems, we recommend using BOINC version 4.19. " ); version( "Windows", "4.19", "Older version", "boinc_4.19_windows_intelx86.exe", "25 Jan 2005", win_old(), null, " " ); version( "Windows", "4.32", "Development version", "boinc_4.32_windows_intelx86.exe", "15 Apr 2005", win_new(), " ", " " ); xecho( "

Macintosh OS/X (10.2 and later)

"); version( "Mac", "4.19", "Recommended version", "boinc_4.19_powerpc-apple-darwin.gz", "25 Jan 2005", bare_core() ); version( "Mac", "4.25 (v2)", "Development version (simple GUI)", "boinc_menubar_4.25_v2_mac.zip", "29 Mar 2005", mac_simple(), "