// $Id$ // // The contents of this file are subject to the BOINC Public License // Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in // compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://boinc.berkeley.edu/license_1.0.txt // // Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" // basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing rights and limitations // under the License. // // The Original Code is the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing. // // The Initial Developer of the Original Code is the SETI@home project. // Portions created by the SETI@home project are Copyright (C) 2002 // University of California at Berkeley. All Rights Reserved. // // Contributor(s): // // Revision History: // #if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(__APPLE__) #pragma implementation "ViewMessages.h" #endif #include "stdwx.h" #include "BOINCGUIApp.h" #include "MainDocument.h" #include "BOINCTaskCtrl.h" #include "BOINCListCtrl.h" #include "ViewMessages.h" #include "Events.h" #include "res/mess.xpm" #include "res/task.xpm" #include "res/tips.xpm" #define VIEW_HEADER wxT("mess") #define SECTION_TASK wxT(VIEW_HEADER "task") #define SECTION_TIPS wxT(VIEW_HEADER "tips") #define BITMAP_MESSAGE wxT(VIEW_HEADER ".xpm") #define BITMAP_TASKHEADER wxT(SECTION_TASK ".xpm") #define BITMAP_TIPSHEADER wxT(SECTION_TIPS ".xpm") #define COLUMN_PROJECT 0 #define COLUMN_TIME 1 #define COLUMN_MESSAGE 2 #define PRIORITY_INFO 1 #define PRIORITY_ERROR 2 const wxString LINKDESC_DEFAULT = _("Please click a message to see additional options."); const wxString LINK_TASKCOPYALL = wxT(SECTION_TASK "copyall"); const wxString LINKDESC_TASKCOPYALL = _("Copy All
" "Clicking copy all, copies all the messages to the system clipboard."); const wxString LINK_TASKCOPYMESSAGE = wxT(SECTION_TASK "copymessage"); const wxString LINKDESC_TASKCOPYMESSAGE = _("Copy Selection
" "Clicking copy selection, copies the selected message(s) to the system clipboard.

You can select multiple items by holding down either the shift key or control key before clicking on the next desired message."); IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(CViewMessages, CBOINCBaseView) CViewMessages::CViewMessages() { } CViewMessages::CViewMessages(wxNotebook* pNotebook) : CBOINCBaseView( pNotebook, ID_HTML_MESSAGESVIEW, DEFAULT_HTML_FLAGS, ID_LIST_MESSAGESVIEW, DEFAULT_LIST_MULTI_SEL_FLAGS ) { wxASSERT(NULL != m_pTaskPane); wxASSERT(NULL != m_pListPane); wxBitmap bmpMessage(mess_xpm); wxBitmap bmpTask(task_xpm); wxBitmap bmpTips(tips_xpm); bmpMessage.SetMask(new wxMask(bmpMessage, wxColour(255, 0, 255))); bmpTask.SetMask(new wxMask(bmpTask, wxColour(255, 0, 255))); bmpTips.SetMask(new wxMask(bmpTips, wxColour(255, 0, 255))); m_pTaskPane->AddVirtualFile(BITMAP_MESSAGE, bmpMessage, wxBITMAP_TYPE_XPM); m_pTaskPane->CreateTaskHeader(BITMAP_TASKHEADER, bmpTask, _("Tasks")); m_pTaskPane->CreateTaskHeader(BITMAP_TIPSHEADER, bmpTips, _("Quick Tips")); m_pListPane->InsertColumn(COLUMN_PROJECT, _("Project"), wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 115); m_pListPane->InsertColumn(COLUMN_TIME, _("Time"), wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 145); m_pListPane->InsertColumn(COLUMN_MESSAGE, _("Message"), wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 550); m_pMessageInfoAttr = new wxListItemAttr( *wxBLACK, *wxWHITE, wxNullFont ); m_pMessageErrorAttr = new wxListItemAttr( *wxRED, *wxWHITE, wxNullFont ); m_bTipsHeaderHidden = false; m_bItemSelected = false; SetCurrentQuickTip( LINK_DEFAULT, LINKDESC_DEFAULT ); UpdateSelection(); } CViewMessages::~CViewMessages() { if ( m_pMessageInfoAttr ) { delete m_pMessageInfoAttr; m_pMessageInfoAttr = NULL; } if ( m_pMessageErrorAttr ) { delete m_pMessageErrorAttr; m_pMessageErrorAttr = NULL; } } wxString CViewMessages::GetViewName() { return wxString(_("Messages")); } char** CViewMessages::GetViewIcon() { return mess_xpm; } wxInt32 CViewMessages::GetListRowCount() { CMainDocument* pDoc = wxGetApp().GetDocument(); wxASSERT(NULL != pDoc); wxASSERT(wxDynamicCast(pDoc, CMainDocument)); return pDoc->GetMessageCount(); } void CViewMessages::OnListRender(wxTimerEvent &event) { if (!m_bProcessingListRenderEvent) { m_bProcessingListRenderEvent = true; wxASSERT(NULL != m_pListPane); wxInt32 iCount = _GetListRowCount(); if ( iCount != m_iCount ) { m_iCount = iCount; if ( 0 >= iCount ) m_pListPane->DeleteAllItems(); else { m_pListPane->SetItemCount(iCount); m_pListPane->EnsureVisible(iCount-1); } } else { if ( 1 <= m_iCacheTo ) { wxListItem liListItemMessage; wxString strListItemMessage; wxString strDocumentItemMessage; FormatMessage(m_iCacheTo, strDocumentItemMessage); liListItemMessage.SetId(m_iCacheTo); liListItemMessage.SetColumn(COLUMN_MESSAGE); liListItemMessage.SetMask(wxLIST_MASK_TEXT); m_pListPane->GetItem(liListItemMessage); strListItemMessage = liListItemMessage.GetText(); if ( !strDocumentItemMessage.IsSameAs(strListItemMessage) ) { m_pListPane->RefreshItems(m_iCacheFrom, m_iCacheTo); m_pListPane->EnsureVisible(m_iCacheTo); } } } m_bProcessingListRenderEvent = false; } m_pListPane->Refresh(); event.Skip(); } wxString CViewMessages::OnListGetItemText( long item, long column ) const { wxString strBuffer = wxEmptyString; CMainDocument* pDoc = wxGetApp().GetDocument(); wxASSERT(NULL != pDoc); wxASSERT(wxDynamicCast(pDoc, CMainDocument)); switch(column) { case COLUMN_PROJECT: if (item == m_iCacheFrom) pDoc->CachedStateLock(); FormatProjectName( item, strBuffer ); break; case COLUMN_TIME: FormatTime( item, strBuffer ); break; case COLUMN_MESSAGE: FormatMessage( item, strBuffer ); if (item == m_iCacheTo) pDoc->CachedStateUnlock(); break; } return strBuffer; } wxListItemAttr* CViewMessages::OnListGetItemAttr( long item ) const { wxListItemAttr* pAttribute = NULL; wxInt32 iBuffer = 0; wxGetApp().GetDocument()->GetMessagePriority(item, iBuffer); switch(iBuffer) { case PRIORITY_INFO: pAttribute = m_pMessageInfoAttr; break; case PRIORITY_ERROR: pAttribute = m_pMessageErrorAttr; break; } return pAttribute; } void CViewMessages::OnTaskLinkClicked( const wxHtmlLinkInfo& link ) { wxInt32 iIndex = -1; wxASSERT(NULL != m_pTaskPane); wxASSERT(NULL != m_pListPane); if ( link.GetHref() == SECTION_TASK ) m_bTaskHeaderHidden ? m_bTaskHeaderHidden = false : m_bTaskHeaderHidden = true; else if ( link.GetHref() == LINK_TASKCOPYALL ) { wxInt32 iRowCount = 0; OpenClipboard(); iRowCount = m_pListPane->GetItemCount(); for ( iIndex = 0; iIndex < iRowCount; iIndex++ ) { CopyToClipboard( iIndex ); } CloseClipboard(); } else if ( link.GetHref() == LINK_TASKCOPYMESSAGE ) { OpenClipboard(); for ( ;; ) { iIndex = m_pListPane->GetNextItem(iIndex, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED); if ( iIndex == -1 ) break; CopyToClipboard( iIndex ); } CloseClipboard(); } else if ( link.GetHref() == SECTION_TIPS ) m_bTipsHeaderHidden ? m_bTipsHeaderHidden = false : m_bTipsHeaderHidden = true; UpdateSelection(); } void CViewMessages::OnTaskCellMouseHover( wxHtmlCell* cell, wxCoord x, wxCoord y ) { if ( NULL != cell->GetLink() ) { bool bUpdateSelection = false; wxString strLink; strLink = cell->GetLink()->GetHref(); if ( UpdateQuickTip( strLink, LINK_TASKCOPYALL, LINKDESC_TASKCOPYALL ) ) bUpdateSelection = true; else if ( UpdateQuickTip( strLink, LINK_TASKCOPYMESSAGE, LINKDESC_TASKCOPYMESSAGE ) ) bUpdateSelection = true; else { if ( 0 == m_pListPane->GetSelectedItemCount() ) { if ( LINK_DEFAULT != GetCurrentQuickTip() ) { SetCurrentQuickTip( LINK_DEFAULT, LINKDESC_DEFAULT ); bUpdateSelection = true; } } } if ( bUpdateSelection ) { UpdateSelection(); } } } void CViewMessages::UpdateSelection() { wxASSERT(NULL != m_pTaskPane); wxASSERT(NULL != m_pListPane); if ( 0 == m_pListPane->GetSelectedItemCount() ) { m_bTaskHeaderHidden = false; m_bTaskCopyAllHidden = false; m_bTaskCopyMessageHidden = true; if ( m_bItemSelected ) { SetCurrentQuickTip( LINK_DEFAULT, wxT("") ); } m_bItemSelected = false; } else { m_bTaskHeaderHidden = false; m_bTaskCopyAllHidden = false; m_bTaskCopyMessageHidden = false; m_bItemSelected = true; } UpdateTaskPane(); } void CViewMessages::UpdateTaskPane() { wxASSERT(NULL != m_pTaskPane); m_pTaskPane->BeginTaskPage(); m_pTaskPane->BeginTaskSection( SECTION_TASK, BITMAP_TASKHEADER, m_bTaskHeaderHidden ); if (!m_bTaskHeaderHidden) { m_pTaskPane->CreateTask( LINK_TASKCOPYALL, BITMAP_MESSAGE, _("Copy All"), m_bTaskCopyAllHidden ); m_pTaskPane->CreateTask( LINK_TASKCOPYMESSAGE, BITMAP_MESSAGE, _("Copy Selection"), m_bTaskCopyMessageHidden ); } m_pTaskPane->EndTaskSection( m_bTaskHeaderHidden ); m_pTaskPane->UpdateQuickTip( SECTION_TIPS, BITMAP_TIPSHEADER, GetCurrentQuickTipText(), m_bTipsHeaderHidden ); m_pTaskPane->EndTaskPage(); } wxInt32 CViewMessages::FormatProjectName( wxInt32 item, wxString& strBuffer ) const { CMainDocument* pDoc = wxGetApp().GetDocument(); wxASSERT(NULL != pDoc); wxASSERT(wxDynamicCast(pDoc, CMainDocument)); strBuffer.Clear(); pDoc->GetMessageProjectName(item, strBuffer); return 0; } wxInt32 CViewMessages::FormatTime( wxInt32 item, wxString& strBuffer ) const { wxDateTime dtBuffer(wxDateTime::Now()); CMainDocument* pDoc = wxGetApp().GetDocument(); wxASSERT(NULL != pDoc); wxASSERT(wxDynamicCast(pDoc, CMainDocument)); strBuffer.Clear(); pDoc->GetMessageTime(item, dtBuffer); strBuffer = dtBuffer.Format(); return 0; } wxInt32 CViewMessages::FormatMessage( wxInt32 item, wxString& strBuffer ) const { CMainDocument* pDoc = wxGetApp().GetDocument(); wxASSERT(NULL != pDoc); wxASSERT(wxDynamicCast(pDoc, CMainDocument)); strBuffer.Clear(); pDoc->GetMessageMessage(item, strBuffer); strBuffer.Replace( wxT("\n"), wxT(""), true ); return 0; } bool CViewMessages::OpenClipboard() { bool bRetVal = false; bRetVal = wxTheClipboard->Open(); if ( bRetVal ) { m_bClipboardOpen = true; m_strClipboardData = wxEmptyString; wxTheClipboard->Clear(); } return bRetVal; } wxInt32 CViewMessages::CopyToClipboard( wxInt32 item ) { wxInt32 iRetVal = -1; if ( m_bClipboardOpen ) { wxString strBuffer = wxEmptyString; wxString strTimeStamp = wxEmptyString; wxString strProject = wxEmptyString; wxString strMessage = wxEmptyString; FormatTime( item, strTimeStamp ); FormatProjectName( item, strProject ); FormatMessage( item, strMessage ); #ifdef __WXMSW__ strBuffer.Printf( wxT("%s|%s|%s\r\n"), strTimeStamp.c_str(), strProject.c_str(), strMessage.c_str() ); #else strBuffer.Printf( wxT("%s|%s|%s\n"), strTimeStamp.c_str(), strProject.c_str(), strMessage.c_str() ); #endif m_strClipboardData += strBuffer; iRetVal = 0; } return iRetVal; } bool CViewMessages::CloseClipboard() { bool bRetVal = false; if ( m_bClipboardOpen ) { wxTheClipboard->SetData( new wxTextDataObject( m_strClipboardData ) ); wxTheClipboard->Close(); m_bClipboardOpen = false; m_strClipboardData = wxEmptyString; } return bRetVal; }