\n" .TABLE2."\n" . "".TD.LG_FONT."Old Password:\n" ."To change your password, please enter your old password below:\n" ."\n" ."
\n" ."".TD.LG_FONT."New Password:\n" ."Next, enter your new password:\n" ."\n" ."Retype password to confirm:" ."\n" ."\n" ."

       \n" ."\n" ); } function print_update_ok($e_ok) { if ($e_ok == EMAIL_EXISTS) { echo TABLE2."\n There's already an account with that email address. Click the Back button\n in your browser to edit your information, or login to your \n ".$project." account.\n Any other changes you've made, if any, were successfully updated.\n \n"; } else if ($e_ok == EMAIL_FAIL) { echo TABLE2."\n Your email address failed to be updated. Click the Back button\n in your browser to edit your information, or try again later.\n Any other changes you've made, if any, were successfully updated.\n \n"; } else if ($e_ok == EMAIL_UPDATED) { echo TABLE2."\n Your information was successfully updated. A new, temporary password will be sent to the\n email address you provided. You must use this new password the next time you login. \n\n"; } else { echo TABLE2."\n Your information was successfully updated.\n \n"; } } function print_update_fail($e_ok) { if ($e_ok == EMAIL_EXISTS) { echo TABLE2."\n There's already an account with that email address. Click the Back button in your browser to edit your information, or login to your \n ".$project." account. \n Any other changes you've made, if any, failed to be updated. Please try again later.\n \n"; } else if ($e_ok == EMAIL_FAIL) { echo TABLE2."\n Your information failed to be updated. Click the Back button\n in your browser to edit your information, or try again later.\n \n"; } else if ($e_ok == EMAIL_UPDATED) { echo TABLE2."\n Your email address was successfully updated. A new, temporary password will be sent to the\n email address you provided. You must use this new password the next time you login.\n Any other changes you've made, if any, failed to be updated. Please try again later.\n \n"; } else { echo TABLE2."\n Your information failed to be updated. Please try again later.\n \n"; } } ?>