Several volunteer computing projects, including, Einstein@home, and SETI@home, use software called BOINC. If you participate in projects like this, we request that you answer the following questions. This will help BOINC-based projects increase participation and achieve greater scientific results.

Please answer as many questions as you want, then go to the bottom and click OK. "; echo "

\n"; list_start(); list_bar("Do you run BOINC?"); generate_functions($overall_choices); show_choices($overall_choices, $run_boinc); list_bar("Choosing projects"); show_choice($factors, ""); show_choice($where_item, ""); list_bar("Your computers"); show_choices($comp_items, ""); list_bar("You"); show_choices($you_items, ""); echo " Nationality "; list_bar("Comments"); list_item2( "Please suggest ways that BOINC, and the projects that use it, could be improved:", "" ); list_item("
", "When done click: "); list_end(); echo "
"; ?>