## $Id$ # testbase.py # # A set of classes for testing BOINC. # These classes let you create multiple projects and multiple hosts # (all running on a single machine), add applications and work units, # run the system, and verify that the results are correct. # # See doc/test.php for details # TODO: make sure things work if build_dir != src_dir import boinc_path_config from Boinc import version from Boinc.setup_project import * import atexit, traceback, signal import cgiserver options.have_init_t = False options.echo_overwrite = False options.client_bin_filename = version.CLIENT_BIN_FILENAME def test_init(): if options.have_init_t: return options.have_init_t = True if not os.path.exists('testbase.py'): os.chdir(os.path.join(boinc_path_config.TOP_SOURCE_DIR,'test')) if not os.path.exists('testbase.py'): raise SystemExit('Could not find testbase.py anywhere') #options.program_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) options.program_path = os.getcwd() options.auto_setup = int(get_env_var("BOINC_TEST_AUTO_SETUP",1))####### options.user_name = get_env_var("BOINC_TEST_USER_NAME", '') or get_env_var("USER") options.db_user = options.user_name options.db_passwd = '' options.db_host = '' options.delete_testbed = get_env_var("BOINC_TEST_DELETE", 'if-successful').lower() # options.install_method = get_env_var("BOINC_TEST_INSTALL_METHOD", 'symlink').lower() options.install_method = 'copy' options.echo_verbose = int(get_env_var("BOINC_TEST_VERBOSE", '1')) options.proxy_port = 16000 + (os.getpid() % 1000) options.drop_db_first = True if options.auto_setup: cgiserver.setup_php(program_path = options.program_path) options.auto_setup_basedir = 'run-%d'%os.getpid() verbose_echo(0, "Creating testbed in %s"%options.auto_setup_basedir) os.mkdir(options.auto_setup_basedir) try: os.unlink('run') except OSError: pass try: os.symlink(options.auto_setup_basedir, 'run') except OSError: pass options.cgiserver_basedir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), options.auto_setup_basedir) options.cgiserver_port = 15000 + (os.getpid() % 1000) options.cgiserver_baseurl = 'http://localhost:%d/' % options.cgiserver_port CgiServer = AsynchCGIServer() CgiServer.serve(base_dir=options.auto_setup_basedir, port=options.cgiserver_port) options.projects_dir = os.path.join(options.cgiserver_basedir, 'projects') options.cgi_dir = os.path.join(options.cgiserver_basedir, 'cgi-bin') options.html_dir = os.path.join(options.cgiserver_basedir, 'html') options.hosts_dir = os.path.join(options.cgiserver_basedir, 'hosts') options.cgi_url = os.path.join(options.cgiserver_baseurl, 'cgi-bin') options.html_url = os.path.join(options.cgiserver_baseurl, 'html') options.port = options.cgiserver_port map(os.mkdir, [options.projects_dir, options.cgi_dir, options.html_dir, options.hosts_dir]) else: options.key_dir = get_env_var("BOINC_TEST_KEY_DIR") options.projects_dir = get_env_var("BOINC_TEST_PROJECTS_DIR") options.cgi_dir = get_env_var("BOINC_TEST_CGI_DIR") options.html_dir = get_env_var("BOINC_TEST_HTML_DIR") options.hosts_dir = get_env_var("BOINC_TEST_HOSTS_DIR") options.cgi_url = get_env_var("BOINC_TEST_CGI_URL") options.html_url = get_env_var("BOINC_TEST_HTML_URL") m = re.compile('http://[^/]+:(\d+)/').match(options.html_url) options.port = m and m.group(1) or 80 init() def proxerize(url, t=True): if t: r = re.compile('http://[^/]*/') return r.sub('http://localhost:%d/'%options.proxy_port, url) else: return url def use_cgi_proxy(): test_init() options.cgi_url = proxerize(options.cgi_url) def use_html_proxy(): test_init() options.html_url = proxerize(options.html_url) def check_exists(file): if not os.path.isfile(file): error("file doesn't exist: " + file) return 1 return 0 def check_deleted(file): if os.path.isfile(file): error("file wasn't deleted: " + file) return 1 return 0 def check_files_match(file, correct, descr=''): if not os.path.isfile(file): error("file doesn't exist: %s (needs to match %s)" % (file,correct)) return 1 if os.system("diff %s %s" % (file, correct)): error("File mismatch%s: %s %s" % (descr, file, correct)) return 1 else: verbose_echo(2, "Files match%s: %s %s" % (descr, file, correct)) return 0 def _check_vars(dict, **names): for key in names: value = names[key] if not key in dict: if value == None: raise SystemExit('error in test script: required parameter "%s" not specified'%key) dict[key] = value for key in dict: if not key in names: raise SystemExit('error in test script: extraneous parameter "%s" unknown'%key) class STARTS_WITH(str): pass class MATCH_REGEXPS(list): def match(self, text): '''Returns True iff each regexp in self is in text''' for r in self: R = re.compile(r) if not R.search(text): return False return True pass def dict_match(dic, resultdic): '''match values in DIC against RESULTDIC''' if not isinstance(dic, dict): dic = dic.__dict__ for key in dic.keys(): expected = dic[key] try: found = resultdic[key] except KeyError: error("Database query result didn't have key '%s'!" % key) continue if isinstance(expected,STARTS_WITH): match = found.startswith(expected) elif isinstance(expected,MATCH_REGEXPS): match = expected.match(found) else: match = found == expected if not match: id = resultdic.get('id', '?') if str(found).count('\n') or str(expected).count('\n'): format = """result %s: unexpected %s: %s (expected:) %s""" else: format = "result %s: unexpected %s '%s' (expected '%s')" error( format % (id, key, found, expected)) class ExpectedResult: def __init__(self): self.server_state = RESULT_SERVER_STATE_OVER self.client_state = RESULT_FILES_UPLOADED self.outcome = RESULT_OUTCOME_SUCCESS class ExpectedResultComputeError: def __init__(self): self.server_state = RESULT_SERVER_STATE_OVER self.client_state = RESULT_COMPUTE_DONE self.outcome = RESULT_OUTCOME_CLIENT_ERROR # TODO: figure out a better way to change settings for the progress meter than # kill and refork class ProjectList(list): def __init__(self): list.__init__(self) self.state = '' self.pm_started = False def install(self): self.state = '' for i in self: i.install() def run(self): self.set_progress_state('INIT ') for i in self: i.run() def run_init_wait(self): for i in self: i.run_init_wait() self.set_progress_state('RUNNING ') def run_finish_wait(self): self.set_progress_state('FINISH ') for i in self: i.run_finish_wait() self.state='DONE ' def check(self): for i in self: i.check() def stop(self): for i in self: i.maybe_stop() def get_progress(self): progress = [] for project in self: progress.append(project.short_name + ": " + project.progress_meter_status()) return self.state + " " + ' | '.join(progress) def start_progress_meter(self): for project in self: project.progress_meter_ctor() self.rm = ResultMeter(self.get_progress) self.pm_started = True def stop_progress_meter(self): if self.pm_started: self.rm.stop() for project in self: project.progress_meter_dtor() self.pm_started = False def restart_progress_meter(self): if self.pm_started: self.stop_progress_meter() self.start_progress_meter() def set_progress_state(self, state): self.state = state self.restart_progress_meter() all_projects = ProjectList() DEFAULT_NUM_WU = 10 DEFAULT_REDUNDANCY = 5 def get_redundancy_args(num_wu = None, redundancy = None): num_wu = num_wu or sys.argv[1:] and get_int(sys.argv[1]) or DEFAULT_NUM_WU redundancy = redundancy or sys.argv[2:] and get_int(sys.argv[2]) or DEFAULT_REDUNDANCY return (num_wu, redundancy) class TestProject(Project): def __init__(self, works, expected_result, appname=None, num_wu=None, redundancy=None, users=None, hosts=None, add_to_list=True, apps=None, app_versions=None, resource_share=None, **kwargs): test_init() if add_to_list: all_projects.append(self) kwargs['short_name'] = kwargs.get('short_name') or 'test_'+appname kwargs['long_name'] = kwargs.get('long_name') or 'Project ' + kwargs['short_name'].replace('_',' ').capitalize() apply(Project.__init__, [self], kwargs) (num_wu, redundancy) = get_redundancy_args(num_wu, redundancy) self.resource_share = resource_share or 1 self.num_wu = num_wu self.redundancy = redundancy self.expected_result = expected_result self.works = works self.users = users or [User()] self.hosts = hosts or [Host()] self.platforms = [Platform()] self.app_versions = app_versions or [ AppVersion(App(appname), self.platforms[0], appname)] self.apps = apps or unique(map(lambda av: av.app, self.app_versions)) # convenience vars: self.app_version = self.app_versions[0] self.app = self.apps[0] # convenience vars: self.work = self.works[0] self.user = self.users[0] self.host = self.hosts[0] self.started = False def init_install(self): if not options.auto_setup: verbose_echo(1, "Deleting previous test runs") rmtree(self.dir()) # self.drop_db_if_exists() def query_create_keys(self): '''Overrides Project::query_create_keys() to always return true''' return True def install_works(self): for work in self.works: work.install(self) def install_hosts(self): for host in self.hosts: for user in self.users: host.add_user(user, self) host.install() def install_platforms_versions(self): def commit(list): for item in list: item.commit() self.platforms = unique(map(lambda a: a.platform, self.app_versions)) verbose_echo(1, "Setting up database: adding %d platform(s)" % len(self.platforms)) commit(self.platforms) verbose_echo(1, "Setting up database: adding %d apps(s)" % len(self.apps)) commit(self.apps) verbose_echo(1, "Setting up database: adding %d app version(s)" % len(self.app_versions)) commit(self.app_versions) verbose_echo(1, "Setting up database: adding %d user(s)" % len(self.users)) commit(self.users) def install(self): self.init_install() self.install_project() self.install_platforms_versions() self.install_works() self.install_hosts() def run(self): self.sched_install('make_work', max_wus = self.num_wu) self.sched_install('sample_dummy_assimilator') self.sched_install('file_deleter') self.sched_install('sample_bitwise_validator') self.sched_install('feeder') self.sched_install('transitioner') self.start_servers() def run_init_wait(self): time.sleep(8) def run_finish_wait(self): '''Sleep until all workunits are assimilated and no workunits need to transition. If more than X seconds have passed than just assume something is broken and return.''' timeout = time.time() + 3*60 while (num_wus_assimilated() < self.num_wu) or num_wus_to_transition(): time.sleep(.5) if time.time() > timeout: error("run_finish_wait(): timed out waiting for workunits to assimilate/transition") break def check(self): # verbose_sleep("Sleeping to allow server daemons to finish", 5) # TODO: self.check_outputs(output_expected, ZZZ, YYY) self.check_results(self.expected_result, self.num_wu*self.redundancy) self.sched_run('file_deleter') # self.check_deleted("download/input") # TODO: use generator/iterator whatever to check all files deleted # self.check_deleted("upload/uc_wu_%d_0", count=self.num_wu) def progress_meter_ctor(self): pass def progress_meter_status(self): return "WUs: [A:%d T:%d] Results: [U:%d,IP:%d,O:%d T:%d]" % ( num_wus_assimilated(), #num_wus(), self.num_wu, num_results_unsent(), num_results_in_progress(), num_results_over(), num_results()) def progress_meter_dtor(self): pass def _disable(self, *path): '''Temporarily disable a file to test exponential backoff''' path = apply(self.dir, path) os.rename(path, path+'.disabled') def _reenable(self, *path): path = apply(self.dir, path) os.rename(path+'.disabled', path) def disable_masterindex(self): self._disable('html_user/index.php') def reenable_masterindex(self): self._reenable('html_user/index.php') def disable_scheduler(self, num = ''): self._disable('cgi-bin/cgi'+str(num)) def reenable_scheduler(self, num = ''): self._reenable('cgi-bin/cgi'+str(num)) def disable_downloaddir(self, num = ''): self._disable('download'+str(num)) def reenable_downloaddir(self, num = ''): self._reenable('download'+str(num)) def disable_file_upload_handler(self, num = ''): self._disable('cgi-bin/file_upload_handler'+str(num)) def reenable_file_upload_handler(self, num = ''): self._reenable('cgi-bin/file_upload_handler'+str(num)) def check_results(self, matchresult, expected_count=None): '''MATCHRESULT should be a dictionary of columns to check, such as: server_state stderr_out exit_status ''' expected_count = expected_count or self.redundancy results = database.Results.find() for result in results: dict_match(matchresult, result.__dict__) if len(results) != expected_count: error("expected %d results, but found %d" % (expected_count, len(results))) def check_files_match(self, result, correct, count=None): '''if COUNT is specified then [0,COUNT) is mapped onto the %d in RESULT''' if count != None: errs = 0 for i in range(count): errs += self.check_files_match(result%i, correct) return errs return check_files_match(self.dir(result), correct, " for project '%s'"%self.short_name) def check_deleted(self, file, count=None): if count != None: errs = 0 for i in range(count): errs += self.check_deleted(file%i) return errs return check_deleted(self.dir(file)) def check_exists(self, file, count=None): if count != None: errs = 0 for i in range(count): errs += self.check_exists(file%i) return errs return check_exists(self.dir(file)) class Platform(database.Platform): def __init__(self, name=None, user_friendly_name=None): database.Platform.__init__(self) self.name = name or version.PLATFORM self.user_friendly_name = user_friendly_name or name class User(database.User): def __init__(self): database.User.__init__(self,id=None) self.name = 'John' self.email_addr = 'john@boinc.org' self.authenticator = "3f7b90793a0175ad0bda68684e8bd136" class App(database.App): def __init__(self, name): database.App.__init__(self,id=None) self.name = name self.min_version = 1 class AppVersion(database.AppVersion): def __init__(self, app, platform, exec_file): database.AppVersion.__init__(self,id=None) self.app = app self.version_num = version.BOINC_MAJOR_VERSION * 100 self.platform = platform self.min_core_version = 1 self.max_core_version = 999 self._exec_file=exec_file def commit(self): self.xml_doc = tools.process_app_version( self.app, self.version_num, [os.path.join(boinc_path_config.TOP_BUILD_DIR,'apps',self._exec_file)], quiet=True) database.AppVersion.commit(self) class HostList(list): def run(self, asynch=False): map(lambda i: i.run(asynch=asynch), self) def stop(self): map(lambda i: i.stop(), self) all_hosts = HostList() class Host: def __init__(self, add_to_list=True): if add_to_list: all_hosts.append(self) self.name = 'Commodore64' self.users = [] self.projects = [] self.global_prefs = None self.cc_config = 'cc_config.xml' self.host_dir = os.path.join(options.hosts_dir, self.name) self.defargs = "-exit_when_idle -skip_cpu_benchmarks -return_results_immediately" # self.defargs = "-exit_when_idle -skip_cpu_benchmarks -sched_retry_delay_bin 1" def add_user(self, user, project): self.users.append(user) self.projects.append(project) def dir(self, *dirs): return apply(os.path.join,(self.host_dir,)+dirs) def install(self): rmtree(self.dir()) os.mkdir(self.dir()) verbose_echo(1, "Setting up host '%s': creating account files" % self.name); for (user,project) in map(None,self.users,self.projects): filename = self.dir(account_file_name(project.config.config.master_url)) verbose_echo(2, "Setting up host '%s': writing %s" % (self.name, filename)) f = open(filename, "w") print >>f, "" print >>f, map_xml(project.config.config, ['master_url']) print >>f, map_xml(user, ['authenticator']) if user.project_prefs: print >>f, user.project_prefs print >>f, "" f.close() # copy log flags and global prefs, if any if self.cc_config: shutil.copy(self.cc_config, self.dir('cc_config.xml')) # if self.global_prefs: # shell_call("cp %s %s" % (self.global_prefs, self.dir('global_prefs.xml'))) # # shutil.copy(self.global_prefs, self.dir('global_prefs.xml')) def run(self, args='', asynch=False): if asynch: verbose_echo(1, "Running core client asynchronously") pid = os.fork() if pid: self.pid = pid return else: verbose_echo(1, "Running core client") verbose_shell_call("cd %s && %s %s %s > client.out 2> client.err" % ( self.dir(), builddir('client', options.client_bin_filename), self.defargs, args)) if asynch: os._exit(0) def stop(self): if self.pid: verbose_echo(1, "Stopping core client") try: os.kill(self.pid, 2) except OSError: verbose_echo(0, "Couldn't kill pid %d" % self.pid) self.pid = 0 def read_cpu_time_file(filename): try: return float(open(self.dir(filename)).readline()) except: return 0 def check_file_present(self, project, filename): check_exists(self.dir('projects', _url_to_filename(project.master_url), filename)) # TODO: do this in Python class Work: def __init__(self, redundancy, **kwargs): self.input_files = [] self.rsc_fpops_est = 1e10 self.rsc_fpops_bound = 4e10 self.rsc_memory_bound = 1e7 self.rsc_disk_bound = 1e7 self.delay_bound = 86400 if not isinstance(redundancy, int): raise TypeError self.min_quorum = redundancy self.target_nresults = redundancy self.max_error_results = redundancy * 2 self.max_total_results = redundancy * 4 self.max_success_results = redundancy * 2 self.app = None self.__dict__.update(kwargs) def install(self, project): verbose_echo(1, "Installing work <%s> in project '%s'" %( self.wu_template, project.short_name)) if not self.app: self.app = project.app_versions[0].app for input_file in unique(self.input_files): install(os.path.realpath(input_file), os.path.join(project.config.config.download_dir, os.path.basename(input_file))) # simulate multiple data servers by making symbolic links to the # download directory r = re.compile('([^<]+)<', re.IGNORECASE) for line in open(self.wu_template): match = r.search(line) if match: newdir = project.download_dir+match.group(1) verbose_echo(2, "Linking "+newdir) os.symlink(project.download_dir, newdir) # simulate multiple data servers by making copies of the file upload # handler r = re.compile('([^<]+)<', re.IGNORECASE) for line in open(self.wu_template): match = r.search(line) if match: handler = project.srcdir('sched', 'file_upload_handler') newhandler = handler + match.group(1) verbose_echo(2, "Linking "+newhandler) os.symlink(handler, newhandler) shutil.copy(self.result_template, project.dir()); cmd = build_command_line("create_work", config_dir = project.dir(), appname = self.app.name, rsc_fpops_est = self.rsc_fpops_est, rsc_fpops_bound = self.rsc_fpops_bound, rsc_disk_bound = self.rsc_disk_bound, rsc_memory_bound = self.rsc_memory_bound, wu_template = self.wu_template, result_template = self.result_template, min_quorum = self.min_quorum, target_nresults = self.target_nresults, max_error_results = self.max_error_results, max_total_results = self.max_total_results, max_success_results = self.max_success_results, wu_name = self.wu_template, delay_bound = self.delay_bound) for input_file in self.input_files: cmd += ' ' + input_file run_tool(cmd) RESULT_METER_DELAY = 0.5 # Note: if test script errors with: # _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: 2013, 'Lost connection to MySQL server # during query' # Then your mysql server can't handle the load -- increase the RESULT_METER_DELAY class ResultMeter: def __init__(self, func, args=[], delay=RESULT_METER_DELAY): '''Forks to print a progress meter''' self.pid = os.fork() if self.pid: atexit.register(self.stop) return # re-open database from Boinc import db_base, database db_base.dbconnection = None database.connect() prev_s = None while True: s = apply(func, args) if s != prev_s: verbose_echo(1, s) prev_s = s time.sleep(delay) def stop(self): if self.pid: os.kill(self.pid, 9) self.pid = 0 def run_check_all(): '''Run all projects, run all hosts, check all projects, stop all projects.''' atexit.register(all_projects.stop) all_projects.install() all_projects.run() all_projects.start_progress_meter() all_projects.run_init_wait() if os.environ.get('TEST_STOP_BEFORE_HOST_RUN'): verbose_echo(1, 'stopped') # wait instead of killing backend procs. # (Is there a better way to do this?) while (1): time.sleep(1) raise SystemExit, 'Stopped due to $TEST_STOP_BEFORE_HOST_RUN' # all_hosts.run(asynch=True) all_hosts.run() all_projects.run_finish_wait() all_projects.stop_progress_meter() print # all_hosts.stop() time.sleep(12) all_projects.stop() all_projects.check() def delete_test(): '''Delete all test data''' if options.auto_setup and hasattr(options,'auto_setup_basedir'): verbose_echo(1, "Deleting testbed %s."%options.auto_setup_basedir) try: shutil.rmtree(options.auto_setup_basedir) except e: verbose_echo(0, "Couldn't delete testbed %s: %s"%(options.auto_setup_basedir,e)) class Proxy: def __init__(self, code, cgi=0, html=0, start=1): self.pid = 0 self.code = code if cgi: use_cgi_proxy() if html: use_html_proxy() if start: self.start() def start(self): self.pid = os.fork() if not self.pid: verbose_shell_call( "exec ./testproxy %d localhost:%d '%s' 2>testproxy.log" % ( options.proxy_port, options.port, self.code), doexec=True) verbose_sleep("Starting proxy server", 1) # check if child process died (pid,status) = os.waitpid(self.pid, os.WNOHANG) if pid: fatal_error("testproxy failed") self.pid = 0 else: atexit.register(self.stop) def stop(self): if self.pid: verbose_echo(1, "Stopping proxy server") try: os.kill(self.pid, 2) except OSError: verbose_echo(0, "Couldn't kill pid %d" % self.pid) self.pid = 0 class AsynchCGIServer: def __init__(self): self.pid = None def serve(self, port, base_dir): verbose_echo(0,"Running CGI server on localhost:%d"%port) self.pid = os.fork() if self.pid: atexit.register(self.kill) return ## child os.chdir(base_dir) sys.stderr = open('cgiserver.log', 'w', 0) cgiserver.serve(port=port) os._exit(1) def kill(self): if self.pid: verbose_echo(1,"Killing cgiserver") try: os.kill(self.pid, 9) except Exception: verbose_echo(0, "Couldn't kill cgiserver pid %d" %self.pid) self.pid = None def test_msg(msg): print print "-- Testing", msg, '-'*(66-len(msg)) test_init() def test_done(): test_init() if sys.__dict__.get('last_traceback'): if sys.last_type == KeyboardInterrupt: errors.count += 0.1 sys.stderr.write("\nTest canceled by user\n") else: errors.count += 1 sys.stderr.write("\nException thrown - bug in test scripts?\n") if errors.count: verbose_echo(0, "ERRORS.COUNT: %d" % errors.count) if options.delete_testbed == 'always': delete_test() return int(errors.count) else: verbose_echo(1, "Passed test!") if options.echo_overwrite: print if options.delete_testbed == 'if-successful' or options.delete_testbed == 'always': delete_test() if options.echo_overwrite: print return 0 # Note: this bypasses other cleanup functions - if something goes wrong during # exit, this may be the culprit. def osexit_test_done(): os._exit(test_done()) atexit.register(osexit_test_done)