#!/usr/bin/env php . // This script converts the old file-based news (project_news.inc) // into the new forum-based format. error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', true); ini_set('display_startup_errors', true); require_once("../project/project_news.inc"); require_once("../inc/forum_db.inc"); require_once("../inc/forum.inc"); require_once("../inc/bbcode_convert.inc"); $forum_name = "News"; $forum_desc = "News from this project"; echo "This script exports project news from the project_news.inc file to a message board. Do you want to do this (y/n)? "; $stdin = fopen("php://stdin", "r"); $x = trim(fgets($stdin)); if ($x != "y") { exit; } while (1) { echo "Enter the email address of admin account to appear as poster: "; $x = trim(fgets($stdin)); $user = BoincUser::lookup("email_addr='$x'"); if (!$user) { echo "No such user\n"; continue; } BoincForumPrefs::lookup($user); if (!$user->prefs->privilege(S_ADMIN)) { echo "User doesn't have admin privileges"; continue; } break; } $category = BoincCategory::lookup("orderID=0 and is_helpdesk=0"); if (!$category) { die("can't find category"); } $forum = BoincForum::lookup("parent_type=0 and title='$forum_name'"); if ($forum) { die("News forum already exists"); } $now = time(); $forum_id = BoincForum::insert("(category, orderID, title, description, timestamp, is_dev_blog, parent_type) values ($category->id, -1, '$forum_name', '$forum_desc', $now, 1, 0)"); $forum = BoincForum::lookup_id($forum_id); foreach (array_reverse($project_news) as $item) { $content = $item[1]; if (isset($item[2])) { $title = $item[2]; } else { $n = strpos($content, ". "); if ($n) { $title = substr($content, 0, $n); } else { $title = $content; } } $when = strtotime($item[0]); $title = html_to_bbcode($title); $title = mysql_real_escape_string($title); $content = html_to_bbcode($content); $content = mysql_real_escape_string($content); $thread_id = BoincThread::insert("(forum, owner, title, create_time, timestamp, replies) values ($forum_id, $user->id, '$title', $when, $when, 0)"); if (!$thread_id) { echo "thread insert failed\n"; echo "title: [$title]\n"; echo "when: $when\n"; exit; } $id = BoincPost::insert("(thread, user, timestamp, content) values ($thread_id, $user->id, $when, '$content')"); if (!$id) die("post insert"); $forum->update("threads=threads+1, posts=posts+1"); } echo " Project news has been successfully converted from html/project/project_news.inc to forum format. Change your index.php to use show_news(0, 5) to show news and related links. If everything looks OK, you can delete html/project/project_news.inc "; ?>