. // display the contents of a thread. require_once('../inc/util.inc'); require_once('../inc/forum.inc'); require_once('../inc/news.inc'); $threadid = get_int('id'); $sort_style = get_int('sort', true); $temp_sort_style = get_int('temp_sort_style', true); $start = get_int('start', true); $postid = get_int('postid', true); $filter = get_str('filter', true); if ($filter != "false"){ $filter = true; } else { $filter = false; } $logged_in_user = get_logged_in_user(false); $tokens = ""; if ($logged_in_user) { BoincForumPrefs::lookup($logged_in_user); $tokens = url_tokens($logged_in_user->authenticator); } if (DISABLE_FORUMS && !is_admin($logged_in_user)) { error_page("Forums are disabled"); } if ($threadid < 1) { error_page("Invalid thread ID!"); } $thread = BoincThread::lookup_id($threadid); $forum = BoincForum::lookup_id($thread->forum); if (!$thread) { error_page("Bad thread ID"); } if (!is_forum_visible_to_user($forum, $logged_in_user)) { if ($logged_in_user) { remove_subscriptions_forum($logged_in_user->id, $forum->id); } error_page(tra("This forum is not visible to you.")); } if ($thread->hidden) { if (!is_moderator($logged_in_user, $forum)) { if ($logged_in_user) { remove_subscriptions_forum($logged_in_user->id, $thread->id); } error_page(tra("This thread has been hidden by moderators.")); } } $title = cleanup_title($thread->title); if ($temp_sort_style) { $sort_style = $temp_sort_style; } else if ($sort_style) { $forum_style = 0; // this is deprecated if ($logged_in_user){ $logged_in_user->prefs->thread_sorting = $sort_style; $logged_in_user->prefs->update("thread_sorting=$sort_style"); } else { list($forum_style, $old_style) = parse_forum_cookie(); } send_cookie('sorting', implode("|", array($forum_style, $sort_style)), true ); } else { // get the sorting style from the user or a cookie if ($logged_in_user){ $sort_style = $logged_in_user->prefs->thread_sorting; } else { list($forum_style, $sort_style) = parse_forum_cookie(); } } page_head($title, 'onload="jumpToUnread();"'); $is_subscribed = $logged_in_user && BoincSubscription::lookup($logged_in_user->id, $thread->id); show_forum_header($logged_in_user); echo "

"; switch ($forum->parent_type) { case 0: $category = BoincCategory::lookup_id($forum->category); show_forum_title($category, $forum, $thread); break; case 1: show_team_forum_title($forum, $thread); break; } if (false) { if ($forum->parent_type == 0) { if ($category->is_helpdesk && !$thread->status){ if ($logged_in_user){ if ($thread->owner == $logged_in_user->id){ if ($thread->replies !=0) { // Show a "this question has been answered" to the author echo "

"; show_button( "forum_thread_status.php?id=$thread->id&action=set", tra("My question was answered"), tra("Click here if your question has been adequately answered") ); } } else { // and a "I also got this question" to everyone else echo "

"; show_button( "forum_thread_vote.php?id=$thread->id", tra("I've also got this question") ); } } } } } echo '

'; $reply_url = ""; if (!$logged_in_user) { echo "To post messages, you must log in."; } else { if (can_reply($thread, $forum, $logged_in_user)) { $reply_url = "forum_reply.php?thread=".$thread->id."#input"; show_button( $reply_url, tra("Post to thread"), tra("Add a new message to this thread") ); } if ($is_subscribed) { $type = NOTIFY_SUBSCRIBED_POST; BoincNotify::delete_aux( "userid=$logged_in_user->id and type=$type and opaque=$thread->id" ); $url = "forum_subscribe.php?action=unsubscribe&thread=".$thread->id."$tokens"; show_button( $url, tra("Unsubscribe"), tra("You are subscribed to this thread. Click here to unsubscribe.") ); } else { $url = "forum_subscribe.php?action=subscribe&thread=".$thread->id."$tokens"; show_button( $url, tra("Subscribe"), tra("Click to get email when there are new posts in this thread") ); } // If logged in user is moderator, enable some extra features // if (is_moderator($logged_in_user, $forum)) { if ($thread->hidden){ show_button( "forum_moderate_thread_action.php?action=unhide&thread=".$thread->id."$tokens", tra("Unhide"), tra("Unhide this thread") ); } else { show_button( "forum_moderate_thread.php?action=hide&thread=".$thread->id, tra("Hide"), tra("Hide this thread") ); } if ($thread->sticky){ show_button( "forum_moderate_thread_action.php?action=desticky&thread=".$thread->id."$tokens", tra("Make unsticky"), tra("Make this thread not sticky") ); } else { show_button( "forum_moderate_thread_action.php?action=sticky&thread=".$thread->id."$tokens", tra("Make sticky"), tra("Make this thread always appear at top of forum") ); } if ($thread->locked) { show_button( "forum_moderate_thread_action.php?action=unlock&thread=".$thread->id."$tokens", tra("Unlock"), tra("Allow new posts in this thread") ); } else { show_button( "forum_moderate_thread.php?action=lock&thread=".$thread->id."$tokens", tra("Lock"), tra("Don't allow new posts in this thread") ); } if ($forum->parent_type == 0) { show_button( "forum_moderate_thread.php?action=move&thread=".$thread->id."$tokens", tra("Move"), tra("Move this thread to a different forum") ); } show_button( "forum_moderate_thread.php?action=title&thread=".$thread->id."$tokens", tra("Edit title"), tra("Edit thread title") ); } if (is_admin($logged_in_user)) { show_button( "forum_moderate_thread.php?action=delete&thread=".$thread->id."$tokens", tra("Delete"), tra("Delete thread permanently") ); } // let admins decide whether a news item should be exported as notice // if (is_news_forum($forum) && $logged_in_user && ($logged_in_user->id == $thread->owner)) { if ($thread->status) { show_button( "forum_thread_status.php?action=clear&id=$thread->id", tra("Export as Notice"), "Show this message to all volunteers in the desktop GUI. Use this only for messages of interest or importance to all volunteers." ); } else { show_button( "forum_thread_status.php?action=set&id=$thread->id", tra("Don't export"), tra("Don't export this news item as a Notice") ); } } } // Display a box that allows the user to select sorting of the posts // echo '
'; echo select_from_array("sort", $thread_sort_styles, $sort_style); echo '

'; show_posts( $thread, $forum, $start, $postid, $sort_style, $filter, $logged_in_user ); if ($reply_url) { echo "
"; show_button( $reply_url, tra("Post to thread"), tra("Add a new message to this thread") ); } echo "

"; switch ($forum->parent_type) { case 0: show_forum_title($category, $forum, $thread); break; case 1: show_team_forum_title($forum, $thread); break; } $thread->update("views=views+1"); page_tail(); $cvs_version_tracker[]="\$Id$"; ?>