#!/bin/sh # This script should be run under cron. It # (1) re-generates the statistics # (2) produces the daily report # (3) mails it to the list below # 0 0 * * * bash /home/ps3grid/remote/monitoring/monitoring_cron.sh # $Id:$ mon_dir= PATH TO MONITOR DIR mysql="/usr/bin/mysql -pPASSWORD DB_NAME" workflow_results_dir= PATH TO WORKFLOW_RESULTS mailto="SPACE-SEPARATED LIST OF EMAILS" # End user serviceable parts cd $mon_dir # Compute the statistics $mysql < monitoring_compute.sql # Tmp file where to make the report tmpfile=/tmp/monitoring_report.$$ touch $tmpfile # ........................................ # Generate begin echo "== Report begin ==" >> $tmpfile date >> $tmpfile # ........................................ # Per-user summary echo " " >> $tmpfile echo " " >> $tmpfile echo "== Per-user summary ==" >> $tmpfile $mysql <>$tmpfile select scientist, cur_inprogress as sent, cur_unsent as unsent, day_successful as day_suc, day_unsuccessful as day_unsuc, day_credits from monitoring where monitor_time = (select max(monitor_time) from monitoring); EOF # ........................................ # Per-user, per-error breakdown echo " " >> $tmpfile echo " " >> $tmpfile echo "== Per-user, per-error breakdown ==" >> $tmpfile /usr/bin/perl monitoring_errors.pl >> $tmpfile # ........................................ # Cancelled due to too many errors echo " " >> $tmpfile echo " " >> $tmpfile echo "== Chains failing due to too many errors in the last 24 hours ==" >> $tmpfile $mysql <>$tmpfile select mon_wuname(name) as in_group, count(*) as how_many from workunit where (error_mask & 2) = 2 and mod_time > now() - interval 1 day group by in_group; EOF # ........................................ # Per-group summary echo " " >> $tmpfile echo " " >> $tmpfile echo "== Per-group summary (in progress only) ==" >> $tmpfile $mysql <>$tmpfile SET @ut=unix_timestamp(); SET @uf=@ut-3600*24; select t_inprogress.n as group_name, t_inprogress.c as sent, t_unsent.c as unsent, t_success.c as ok, t_clienterror.c as fail, t_severe.c as sev, round(100*t_severe.c/t_success.c) as 's%' from ( select mon_wuname(name) as n, count(*) as c from result where server_state=4 group by n ) as t_inprogress left join ( select mon_wuname(name) as n, count(*) as c from result where server_state=2 group by n ) as t_unsent on t_inprogress.n=t_unsent.n left join ( select mon_wuname(name) as n, count(*) as c from result where outcome=1 and received_time between @uf and @ut group by n ) as t_success on t_inprogress.n=t_success.n left join ( select mon_wuname(name) as n, count(*) as c from result where outcome=3 and received_time between @uf and @ut group by n ) as t_clienterror on t_inprogress.n=t_clienterror.n left join ( select mon_wuname(name) as n, count(*) as c from result where outcome=3 and elapsed_time>300 and received_time between@uf and @ut group by n ) as t_severe on t_inprogress.n=t_severe.n EOF cat >> $tmpfile < 5 min s%: % of severe failures (sev/ok) EOF # ........................................ # WU turnaround time echo " " >> $tmpfile echo " " >> $tmpfile echo "== Turnaround time of today's WUs (create-canonical received within X days) ==" >> $tmpfile $mysql <>$tmpfile select if(ceil((r.received_time-w.create_time)/3600/24)<=6, ceil((r.received_time-w.create_time)/3600/24), '>6') as turnaround, count(*) from workunit w,result r where canonical_resultid<>0 and canonical_resultid=r.id and received_time > unix_timestamp()-3600*24 group by turnaround EOF # ........................................ # Results turnaround time echo " " >> $tmpfile echo " " >> $tmpfile echo "== Turnaround time of today's results (sent-received within X days) ==" >> $tmpfile $mysql <>$tmpfile select if(ceil((received_time-sent_time)/3600/24)<=6, ceil((received_time-sent_time)/3600/24), '>6') as turnaround, count(*) from result where outcome=1 and received_time > unix_timestamp()-3600*24 group by turnaround EOF # ........................................ # To be duplicated echo " " >> $tmpfile echo " " >> $tmpfile echo "== Late WUs (2d) to be duplicated ==" >> $tmpfile $mysql <>$tmpfile select mon_wuname(workunit.name) as group_name, count(*) as count, round(avg(workunit.priority)) as w_pri, round(avg(result.priority)) as r_pri, round(avg(datediff(now(),from_unixtime(result.sent_time))),1) as sent_age, round(avg(datediff(now(),from_unixtime(result.create_time))),1) as cre_age from workunit,result where workunit.id=result.workunitid and workunit.target_nresults=1 and result.sent_time> $tmpfile <> $tmpfile echo " " >> $tmpfile echo "== Disk occupation per group ==" >> $tmpfile cd $workflow_results_dir du -sch * >> $tmpfile cd - > /dev/null # ........................................ # Free disk space echo " " >> $tmpfile echo " " >> $tmpfile echo "== Disk space availability ==" >> $tmpfile df -h >> $tmpfile # ........................................ # Generate end echo " " >> $tmpfile echo " " >> $tmpfile echo "== Report end ==" >> $tmpfile date >> $tmpfile # Mail the result in HTML (echo "
 cat $tmpfile;
 echo "
")| mutt -e 'set content_type="text/html"' \ -s "GPUGRID monitoring report" $mailto # Remove tmp rm $tmpfile