The BOINC data server is implemented using Apache or a similar web server. It is used both to upload and to download files. File download is handled by the web server, using GET operations. File upload is done by a CGI program, file_upload_handler. The host need not have access to the BOINC database.

You must copy the file upload authentication key to each data server.

The file upload handler uses a configuration of the same format as used by the scheduling server.

Web server configuration

You must edit your web server configuration file to allow access to the download directory and to the file-upload CGI program. For example, the addition to Apache's httpd.conf might be:

Alias /barry/ \"/users/barry/\"

<Directory \"/users/barry/\">
    Options Indexes FollowSymlinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    Alias from all

ScriptAlias /boinc-cgi/ \"/users/barry/cgi/\"

<Directory \"/users/barry/cgi/\">
    AllowOverride None
    Options None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
You should also set the default MIME type as follows:
DefaultType application/octet-stream
"; page_tail(); ?>