// Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing // http://boinc.berkeley.edu // Copyright (C) 2005 University of California // // This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; // either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // To view the GNU Lesser General Public License visit // http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html // or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // a C++ interface to BOINC GUI RPC #ifndef _WIN32 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #include "miofile.h" #include "prefs.h" #include "hostinfo.h" #define GUI_RPC_PORT 1043 #define GUI_RPC_PORT_ALT 31416 // official HTTP status codes // #define HTTP_STATUS_OK 200 #define HTTP_STATUS_PARTIAL_CONTENT 206 #define HTTP_STATUS_RANGE_REQUEST_ERROR 416 #define HTTP_STATUS_MOVED_PERM 301 #define HTTP_STATUS_MOVED_TEMP 302 #define HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND 404 #define HTTP_STATUS_PROXY_AUTH_REQ 407 #define HTTP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR 500 #define HTTP_STATUS_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE 503 #define RUN_MODE_ALWAYS 0 #define RUN_MODE_NEVER 1 #define RUN_MODE_AUTO 2 #define RESULT_NEW 0 #define RESULT_FILES_DOWNLOADING 1 #define RESULT_FILES_DOWNLOADED 2 #define RESULT_COMPUTE_ERROR 3 #define RESULT_FILES_UPLOADING 4 #define RESULT_FILES_UPLOADED 5 #define CPU_SCHED_UNINITIALIZED 0 #define CPU_SCHED_PREEMPTED 1 #define CPU_SCHED_SCHEDULED 2 // see client/ss_logic.h for explanation // #define SS_STATUS_ENABLED 1 #define SS_STATUS_RESTARTREQUEST 2 #define SS_STATUS_BLANKED 3 #define SS_STATUS_BOINCSUSPENDED 4 #define SS_STATUS_NOAPPSEXECUTING 6 #define SS_STATUS_NOGRAPHICSAPPSEXECUTING 7 #define SS_STATUS_QUIT 8 #define SS_STATUS_NOPROJECTSDETECTED 9 // These MUST match the constants in client/client_msgs.h // #define MSG_PRIORITY_INFO 1 // show message in black #define MSG_PRIORITY_ERROR 2 // show message in red #define MSG_PRIORITY_ALERT_INFO 4 // show message in a modal dialog #define MSG_PRIORITY_ALERT_ERROR 5 // show error message in a modal dialog // Which websites can we look up? // #define LOOKUP_GOOGLE 1 #define LOOKUP_YAHOO 2 struct GUI_URL { std::string name; std::string description; std::string url; int parse(MIOFILE&); void print(); }; // statistics at a specific day // struct DAILY_STATS { double user_total_credit; double user_expavg_credit; double host_total_credit; double host_expavg_credit; double day; int parse(MIOFILE&); }; class PROJECT { public: std::string master_url; double resource_share; std::string project_name; std::string user_name; std::string team_name; std::vector gui_urls; double user_total_credit; double user_expavg_credit; double host_total_credit; // as reported by server double host_expavg_credit; // as reported by server double disk_usage; int nrpc_failures; // # of consecutive times we've failed to // contact all scheduling servers int master_fetch_failures; double min_rpc_time; // earliest time to contact any server bool master_url_fetch_pending; // need to fetch and parse the master URL bool sched_rpc_pending; // contact scheduling server for preferences bool tentative; // master URL and account ID not confirmed bool non_cpu_intensive; bool suspended_via_gui; bool dont_request_more_work; PROJECT(); ~PROJECT(); int parse(MIOFILE&); void print(); void clear(); void get_name(std::string&); // statistic of the last x days std::vector statistics; }; class APP { public: std::string name; PROJECT* project; APP(); ~APP(); int parse(MIOFILE&); void print(); void clear(); }; class APP_VERSION { public: std::string app_name; int version_num; APP* app; PROJECT* project; APP_VERSION(); ~APP_VERSION(); int parse(MIOFILE&); void print(); void clear(); }; class WORKUNIT { public: std::string name; std::string app_name; int version_num; double rsc_fpops_est; double rsc_fpops_bound; double rsc_memory_bound; double rsc_disk_bound; PROJECT* project; APP* app; APP_VERSION* avp; WORKUNIT(); ~WORKUNIT(); int parse(MIOFILE&); void print(); void clear(); }; class RESULT { public: std::string name; std::string wu_name; std::string project_url; int report_deadline; bool ready_to_report; bool got_server_ack; double final_cpu_time; int state; int scheduler_state; int exit_status; int signal; std::string stderr_out; bool suspended_via_gui; bool aborted_via_gui; // the following defined if active bool active_task; int active_task_state; int app_version_num; double checkpoint_cpu_time; double current_cpu_time; double fraction_done; double vm_bytes; double rss_bytes; double estimated_cpu_time_remaining; bool supports_graphics; int graphics_mode_acked; APP* app; WORKUNIT* wup; PROJECT* project; RESULT(); ~RESULT(); int parse(MIOFILE&); void print(); void clear(); }; class FILE_TRANSFER { public: std::string name; std::string project_url; std::string project_name; double nbytes; bool generated_locally; bool uploaded; bool upload_when_present; bool sticky; bool pers_xfer_active; bool xfer_active; int num_retries; int first_request_time; int next_request_time; int status; double time_so_far; double bytes_xferred; double file_offset; double xfer_speed; std::string hostname; PROJECT* project; FILE_TRANSFER(); ~FILE_TRANSFER(); int parse(MIOFILE&); void print(); void clear(); }; class MESSAGE { public: std::string project; int priority; int seqno; int timestamp; std::string body; MESSAGE(); ~MESSAGE(); int parse(MIOFILE&); void print(); void clear(); }; class GR_PROXY_INFO { public: bool use_http_proxy; bool use_socks_proxy; bool use_http_authentication; int socks_version; std::string socks_server_name; std::string http_server_name; int socks_server_port; int http_server_port; std::string http_user_name; std::string http_user_passwd; std::string socks5_user_name; std::string socks5_user_passwd; GR_PROXY_INFO(); ~GR_PROXY_INFO(); int parse(MIOFILE&); void print(); void clear(); }; class CC_STATE { public: std::vector projects; std::vector apps; std::vector app_versions; std::vector wus; std::vector results; GLOBAL_PREFS global_prefs; CC_STATE(); ~CC_STATE(); PROJECT* lookup_project(std::string&); APP* lookup_app(std::string&, std::string&); APP* lookup_app(PROJECT*, std::string&); APP_VERSION* lookup_app_version(std::string&, std::string&, int); APP_VERSION* lookup_app_version(PROJECT*, std::string&, int); WORKUNIT* lookup_wu(std::string&, std::string&); WORKUNIT* lookup_wu(PROJECT*, std::string&); RESULT* lookup_result(std::string&, std::string&); RESULT* lookup_result(PROJECT*, std::string&); void print(); void clear(); }; class PROJECTS { public: std::vector projects; PROJECTS(); ~PROJECTS(); void print(); void clear(); }; class RESULTS { public: std::vector results; RESULTS(); ~RESULTS(); void print(); void clear(); }; class FILE_TRANSFERS { public: std::vector file_transfers; FILE_TRANSFERS(); ~FILE_TRANSFERS(); void print(); void clear(); }; class MESSAGES { public: std::vector messages; MESSAGES(); ~MESSAGES(); void print(); void clear(); }; struct DISPLAY_INFO { char window_station[256]; // windows char desktop[256]; // windows char display[256]; // X11 DISPLAY_INFO(); void print_str(char*); }; struct ACCT_MGR_INFO { std::string acct_mgr_name; std::string acct_mgr_url; bool have_credentials; ACCT_MGR_INFO(); ~ACCT_MGR_INFO(){} int parse(MIOFILE&); void clear(); }; struct PROJECT_ATTACH_REPLY { int error_num; std::vectormessages; PROJECT_ATTACH_REPLY(); ~PROJECT_ATTACH_REPLY(){} int parse(MIOFILE&); void clear(); }; struct ACCT_MGR_RPC_REPLY { int error_num; std::vectormessages; ACCT_MGR_RPC_REPLY(); ~ACCT_MGR_RPC_REPLY(){} int parse(MIOFILE&); void clear(); }; struct PROJECT_INIT_STATUS { std::string url; std::string name; bool has_account_key; PROJECT_INIT_STATUS(); ~PROJECT_INIT_STATUS(){} int parse(MIOFILE&); void clear(); }; struct PROJECT_CONFIG { int error_num; std::string name; int min_passwd_length; bool account_manager; bool uses_username; bool account_creation_disabled; bool client_account_creation_disabled; std::vector messages; PROJECT_CONFIG(); ~PROJECT_CONFIG(); int parse(MIOFILE&); void clear(); void print(); }; struct ACCOUNT_IN { std::string url; std::string email_addr; std::string user_name; std::string passwd; ACCOUNT_IN(); ~ACCOUNT_IN(); void clear(); }; struct ACCOUNT_OUT { int error_num; std::string authenticator; ACCOUNT_OUT(); ~ACCOUNT_OUT(); int parse(MIOFILE&); void clear(); void print(); }; struct LOOKUP_WEBSITE { int error_num; LOOKUP_WEBSITE(); ~LOOKUP_WEBSITE(); int parse(MIOFILE&); void clear(); }; class RPC_CLIENT { public: int sock; int client_major_version; int client_minor_version; int client_release; bool tried_alt_port; double start_time; double timeout; bool retry; sockaddr_in addr; int send_request(const char*); int get_reply(char*&); RPC_CLIENT(); ~RPC_CLIENT(); int init(const char* host); int init_asynch(const char* host, double timeout, bool retry); // timeout == how long to wait until give up // If the caller (i.e. BOINC Manager) just launched the core client, // this should be large enough to allow the process to // run and open its listening socket (e.g. 60 sec) // If connecting to a remote client, it should be large enough // for the user to deal with a "personal firewall" popup // (e.g. 60 sec) // retry: if true, keep retrying (alternating between ports) // until succeed or timeout. // Use this if just launched the core client. int init_poll(); void close(); int authorize(const char* passwd); int get_state(CC_STATE&); int get_results(RESULTS&); int get_file_transfers(FILE_TRANSFERS&); int get_project_status(PROJECTS&); int get_disk_usage(PROJECTS&); int show_graphics( const char* project, const char* result_name, bool full_screen, DISPLAY_INFO& ); int project_op(PROJECT&, const char* op); int set_run_mode(int mode); int get_run_mode(int& mode); int set_network_mode(int mode); int get_network_mode(int& mode); int get_activity_state(bool& activities_suspended, bool& network_suspended); int get_screensaver_mode(int& status); int set_screensaver_mode( bool enabled, double blank_time, DISPLAY_INFO& ); int run_benchmarks(); int set_proxy_settings(GR_PROXY_INFO&); int get_proxy_settings(GR_PROXY_INFO&); int get_messages(int seqno, MESSAGES&); int file_transfer_op(FILE_TRANSFER&, const char*); int result_op(RESULT&, const char*); int get_host_info(HOST_INFO&); int quit(); int acct_mgr_info(ACCT_MGR_INFO&); const char* mode_name(int mode); int get_statistics(PROJECTS&); int network_query(int&); int network_available(); int get_project_init_status(PROJECT_INIT_STATUS& pis); // the following are asynch operations. // Make the first call to start the op, // call the second one periodically until it returns zero. // TODO: do project update // int get_project_config(std::string url); int get_project_config_poll(PROJECT_CONFIG&); int lookup_account(ACCOUNT_IN&); int lookup_account_poll(ACCOUNT_OUT&); int create_account(ACCOUNT_IN&); int create_account_poll(ACCOUNT_OUT&); int lookup_website(int); int lookup_website_poll(); int project_attach(const char* url, const char* auth, bool use_config_file=false); int project_attach_poll(PROJECT_ATTACH_REPLY&); int acct_mgr_rpc(const char* url, const char* name, const char* passwd, bool use_config_file=false); int acct_mgr_rpc_poll(ACCT_MGR_RPC_REPLY&); int get_newer_version(std::string&); }; struct RPC { char* mbuf; MIOFILE fin; RPC_CLIENT* rpc_client; RPC(RPC_CLIENT*); ~RPC(); int do_rpc(const char*); int parse_reply(); };