id . ", threadid = " . $thread->id; show_result_page("subscribe", (mysql_query($sql) != null), $thread); } function unsubscribe($thread, $user=null) { if (!$thread) { show_result_page("unsubscribe", false, NULL); exit(); } if (!$user) { $user = get_logged_in_user(true); } $sql = "DELETE FROM subscriptions WHERE (userid = ". $user->id . ") AND (threadid = " . $thread->id . ")"; show_result_page("unsubscribe", (mysql_query($sql) != null), $thread); } function show_result_page($action, $success, $thread) { if ($action == "subscribe" && $success) { page_head("Subscription Successful"); echo "Subscription successful"; echo "
You are now subscribed to ", stripslashes($thread->title), ". You will receive an email whenever another user posts to this thread.
"; } else if ($action == "unsubscribe" && $success) { page_head("Unsubscription Successful"); echo "Unsubscription successful"; echo "You have successfully unsubscribed from ", stripslashes($thread->title), ". You will no longer receive emails for posts to this thread.
"; } else if ($action == "subscribe" && !$success) { page_head("Subscription Failed"); echo "Subscription failed"; if ($thread) { echo "There was a problem subscribing you to ", stripslashes($thread->title), ". Please try again later.
"; } else { echo "The thread you tried to subscribe to does not exist.
"; } } else if ($action == "unsubscribe" && !$success) { page_head("Unsubscription Failed"); echo "Unsubscription failed"; if ($thread) { echo "There was a problem unsubscribing you from ", stripslashes($thread->title), ". Please try again later.
"; } else { echo "The thread you tried to unsubscribe from does not exist.
"; } } else { page_head("Unknown action"); echo "Unknown action"; echo "The action you requested is not known
"; } echo "id, "\">Return to thread"; page_tail(); } function notify_subscribers($threadID) { $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM subscriptions WHERE threadid = " . $threadID; $result = mysql_query($sql); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { send_notice_email($row['userid'], $threadID); } } function send_notice_email($userId, $threadID) { $thread = getThread($threadID); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = $userId"); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $title = PROJECT . ": A user has posted to your subscribed thread."; $link = URL_BASE . "forum/thread.php?id=" . $threadID; $body = "Another " . PROJECT . " user has posted to the thread \"" . stripslashes($thread->title) . "\".\n" ."To view the updated thread, visit the following URL:\n\n$link"; mail($row['email_addr'], $title, $body); } ?>