• Zero on success,
  • ERR_OPENDIR if there was a transient error, e.g. the output file is on a network volume that is not available. The validator will try this result again later.
  • Any other return value indicates a permanent error. Example: an output file is missing, or has a syntax error. The result will be marked as invalid. "; block_start(); echo " extern int compare_results( RESULT& r1, void* data1, RESULT& r2, void* data2, bool& match ); "; block_end(); echo " This takes two results and their associated memory structures. It returns (via the 'match' argument) true if the two results are equivalent (within the tolerances of the application). "; block_start(); echo " extern int cleanup_result(RESULT& r, void* data); "; block_end(); echo " This frees the structure pointed to by data, if it's non-NULL. "; block_start(); echo " extern double compute_granted_credit(vector& results); "; block_end(); echo " Given a set of results (at least one of which is valid) compute the credit to be granted to all of them. We recommend that this function simply return median_mean_credit(results);

    You must link these functions with the files validator.C, validate_util.C, and validate_util2.C. The result is your custom validator.


    Here's an example in which the output file contains an integer and a double. Two results are considered equivalent if the integer is equal and the doubles differ by no more than 0.01.

    This example uses utility functions get_output_file_path() and try_fopen(), which are documented here. "; block_start(); echo " struct DATA { int i; double x; }; int init_result(RESULT const & result, void*& data) { FILE* f; string path; int i, n, retval; double x; retval = get_output_file_path(result, path); if (retval) return retval; retval = try_fopen(path.c_str(), f, \"r\"); if (retval) return retval; n = fscanf(f, \"%d %f\", &i, &x); if (n != 2) return ERR_XML_PARSE; DATA* dp = new DATA; dp->i = i; dp->x = x; data = (void*) dp; return 0; } int compare_results( RESULT& r1, void* _data1, RESULT const& r2, void* _data2, bool& match ) { DATA* data1 = (DATA*)_data1; DATA* data2 = (DATA*)_data2; match = true; if (data1->i != data2->i) match = false; if (fabs(data1->x - data2->x) > 0.01) match = false; return 0; } int cleanup_result(RESULT& r, void* data) { if (data) free(data); return 0; } "; block_end(); echo " "; page_tail(); ?>