// This file is part of BOINC. // http://boinc.berkeley.edu // Copyright (C) 2019 University of California // // BOINC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with BOINC. If not, see . /// db_dump: dump database views in XML format // see https://github.com/BOINC/boinc/wiki/DbDump // Note: // 1) this program is way more configurable than it needs to be. // All projects export stats in the same format, // as described in the default db_dump_spec.xml that is created for you. // 2) should scrap this and replace it with a 100 line PHP script. // I'll get to this someday. #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "boinc_db.h" #include "filesys.h" #include "util.h" #include "str_util.h" #include "str_replace.h" #include "error_numbers.h" #include "md5_file.h" #include "parse.h" #include "svn_version.h" #include "sched_config.h" #include "sched_util.h" #include "sched_msgs.h" using std::string; using std::vector; #define LOCKFILE "db_dump.out" #define COMPRESSION_NONE 0 #define COMPRESSION_GZIP 1 #define COMPRESSION_ZIP 2 #define SORT_NONE 0 #define SORT_ID 1 #define SORT_TOTAL_CREDIT 2 #define SORT_EXPAVG_CREDIT 3 #define NUM_TABLES 5 #define TABLE_USER 0 #define TABLE_TEAM 1 #define TABLE_HOST 2 #define TABLE_USER_DELETED 3 #define TABLE_HOST_DELETED 4 #define CONSENT_TO_STATISTICS_EXPORT "STATSEXPORT" // must match the above const char* table_name[NUM_TABLES] = {"user", "team", "host", "user_deleted", "host_deleted"}; const char* tag_name[NUM_TABLES] = {"users", "teams", "hosts", "users_deleted", "hosts_deleted"}; int nusers, nhosts, nteams, nusers_deleted, nhosts_deleted; double total_credit; bool have_badges = false; struct OUTPUT { int recs_per_file; bool detail; int compression; class ZFILE* zfile; class NUMBERED_ZFILE* nzfile; int parse(FILE*); }; struct ENUMERATION { int table; int sort; char filename[256]; vector outputs; int parse(FILE*); int make_it_happen(char*); }; struct DUMP_SPEC { char output_dir[256]; char final_output_dir[256]; char archive_dir[256]; vector enumerations; int parse(FILE*); }; int OUTPUT::parse(FILE* in) { char buf[256], buf2[256]; recs_per_file = 0; detail = false; compression = COMPRESSION_NONE; zfile = 0; nzfile = 0; while (fgets(buf, 256, in)) { if (match_tag(buf, "")) return 0; if (parse_int(buf, "", recs_per_file)) continue; if (match_tag(buf, "")) { detail = true; continue; } if (parse_str(buf, "", buf2, sizeof(buf2))) { if (!strcmp(buf2, "gzip")) { compression = COMPRESSION_GZIP; } else if (!strcmp(buf2, "zip")) { compression = COMPRESSION_ZIP; } else { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "unrecognized compression type: %s", buf ); } continue; } log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "OUTPUT::parse: unrecognized: %s", buf ); } return ERR_XML_PARSE; } int ENUMERATION::parse(FILE* in) { char buf[256], buf2[256]; int retval, i; table = -1; sort = SORT_NONE; strcpy(filename, ""); while (fgets(buf, 256, in)) { if (match_tag(buf, "")) { if (table == -1) return ERR_XML_PARSE; if (sort == -1) return ERR_XML_PARSE; if (!strlen(filename)) return ERR_XML_PARSE; return 0; } if (match_tag(buf, "")) { OUTPUT output; retval = output.parse(in); if (!retval) outputs.push_back(output); } if (parse_str(buf, "", filename, sizeof(filename))) { continue; } if (parse_str(buf, "", buf2, sizeof(buf2))) { for (i=0; i", buf2, sizeof(buf2))) { if (!strcmp(buf2, "id")) sort = SORT_ID; if (!strcmp(buf2, "total_credit")) sort = SORT_TOTAL_CREDIT; if (!strcmp(buf2, "expavg_credit")) sort = SORT_EXPAVG_CREDIT; } } return ERR_XML_PARSE; } int DUMP_SPEC::parse(FILE* in) { char buf[256]; int retval; strcpy(output_dir, ""); strcpy(final_output_dir, ""); strcpy(archive_dir, ""); while (fgets(buf, 256, in)) { if (match_tag(buf, "")) { if (!strlen(output_dir)) return ERR_XML_PARSE; if (!strlen(final_output_dir)) return ERR_XML_PARSE; return 0; } if (match_tag(buf, "")) { ENUMERATION e; retval = e.parse(in); if (!retval) enumerations.push_back(e); } if (parse_str(buf, "is_open(); } void open(const char* filename) { close(); if (!stream->open(filename)) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "Couldn't open %s for output\n", filename ); exit(ERR_FOPEN); } write( "\n<%s>\n", tag.c_str() ); } void open_num(const char* filename, int filenum) { char buf[256]; sprintf(buf, "%s_%d", filename, filenum); open(buf); } void close() { if(!is_open()) return; write("\n", tag.c_str()); stream->close(); } void write(const char* fmt, ...) { if(!is_open()) return; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); char* ptr; int size = vasprintf(&ptr, fmt, args); va_end(args); if(size < 0) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "Error allocating memory buffer\n" ); exit(ERR_MALLOC); } stream->write(ptr, size); free(ptr); } }; // class that automatically opens a new file every N IDs // class NUMBERED_ZFILE : public ZFILE { const char* filename_base; int nids_per_file; int last_filenum; public: NUMBERED_ZFILE(string tag_, int comp, const char* fb, int nids_per_file_) : ZFILE(tag_, comp), filename_base(fb), nids_per_file(nids_per_file_), last_filenum(-1) {} void set_id(int); }; void NUMBERED_ZFILE::set_id(int id) { int filenum = id/nids_per_file; if (!is_open() || (filenum != last_filenum)) { open_num(filename_base, filenum); last_filenum = filenum; } } void write_host_deleted(HOST_DELETED& host_deleted, ZFILE* f) { f->write( "\n" " %lu\n" " %s\n" "\n", host_deleted.hostid, host_deleted.public_cross_project_id ); } void write_host(HOST& host, ZFILE* f, bool detail) { int retval; char p_vendor[2048], p_model[2048], os_name[2048], os_version[2048]; xml_escape(host.p_vendor, p_vendor, sizeof(p_vendor)); xml_escape(host.p_model, p_model, sizeof(p_model)); xml_escape(host.os_name, os_name, sizeof(os_name)); xml_escape(host.os_version, os_version, sizeof(os_version)); f->write( "\n" " %lu\n", host.id ); if (detail) { DB_USER user; retval = user.lookup_id(host.userid); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "user lookup of user %lu for host %lu: %s\n", host.userid, host.id, boincerror(retval) ); } else { if (user.show_hosts) { f->write( " %lu\n", host.userid ); } } } f->write( " %f\n" " %f\n" " %f\n" " %s\n" " %s\n" " %s\n" " %s\n", host.total_credit, host.expavg_credit, host.expavg_time, p_vendor, p_model, os_name, os_version ); // host.serialnum stores coprocessor description // and client and vbox versions. // char boinc[256], vbox[256], coprocs[256]; char buf[1024]; parse_serialnum(host.serialnum, boinc, vbox, coprocs); if (strlen(boinc)) { xml_escape(boinc, buf, sizeof(buf)); f->write( " %s\n", buf ); } if (strlen(vbox)) { xml_escape(vbox, buf, sizeof(buf)); f->write( " %s\n", buf ); } if (strlen(coprocs)) { xml_escape(coprocs, buf, sizeof(buf)); f->write( " %s\n", buf ); } if (detail) { f->write( " %d\n" " %d\n" " %d\n" " %d\n" " %f\n" " %f\n" " %f\n" " %f\n" " %f\n" " %f\n" " %f\n" " %f\n" " %f\n" " %f\n" " %f\n" " %f\n" " %s\n", host.create_time, host.rpc_time, host.timezone, host.p_ncpus, host.p_fpops, host.p_iops, host.p_membw, host.m_nbytes, host.m_cache, host.m_swap, host.d_total, host.d_free, host.n_bwup, host.n_bwdown, host.avg_turnaround, host.credit_per_cpu_sec, host.host_cpid ); } f->write( "\n" ); } void write_user_deleted(USER_DELETED& user_deleted, ZFILE* f) { f->write( "\n" " %lu\n" " %s\n" "\n", user_deleted.userid, user_deleted.public_cross_project_id ); } void write_user(USER& user, ZFILE* f, bool /*detail*/) { char buf[1024]; char cpid[MD5_LEN]; char name[2048], url[2048]; xml_escape(user.name, name, sizeof(name)); xml_escape(user.url, url, sizeof(url)); safe_strcpy(buf, user.cross_project_id); safe_strcat(buf, user.email_addr); md5_block((unsigned char*)buf, strlen(buf), cpid); f->write( "\n" " %lu\n" " %s\n" " %d\n" " %f\n" " %f\n" " %f\n" " %s\n", user.id, name, user.create_time, user.total_credit, user.expavg_credit, user.expavg_time, cpid ); if (config.user_country && strlen(user.country)) { f->write( " %s\n", user.country ); } if (config.user_url && strlen(user.url)) { f->write( " %s\n", url ); } if (user.teamid) { f->write( " %lu\n", user.teamid ); } if (user.has_profile) { f->write( " \n" ); } #if 0 if (detail && user.show_hosts) { DB_HOST host; sprintf(buf, "where userid=%d", user.id); while (1) { retval = host.enumerate(buf) if (retval) break; if (host.total_credit > 0) { write_host(host, f, false); } } if (retval != ERR_DB_NOT_FOUND) { boinc_db.print_error("host enum: %s", boincerror(retval)); exit(retval); } } #endif f->write( "\n" ); } void write_badge_user(char* output_dir) { DB_BADGE_USER bu; char path[MAXPATHLEN]; ZFILE zf("badge_users", COMPRESSION_GZIP); sprintf(path, "%s/badge_user", output_dir); zf.open(path); while (!bu.enumerate("")) { zf.write( " \n" " %lu\n" " %lu\n" " %.0f\n" " \n", bu.user_id, bu.badge_id, bu.create_time ); } zf.close(); } void write_badge_team(char* output_dir) { DB_BADGE_TEAM bt; char path[MAXPATHLEN]; ZFILE zf("badge_teams", COMPRESSION_GZIP); sprintf(path, "%s/badge_team", output_dir); zf.open(path); while (!bt.enumerate("")) { zf.write( " \n" " %lu\n" " %lu\n" " %.0f\n" " \n", bt.team_id, bt.badge_id, bt.create_time ); } zf.close(); } void write_team(TEAM& team, ZFILE* f, bool detail) { DB_USER user; char buf[256]; char name[2048]; char url[2048], name_html[2048]; int retval; char description[BLOB_SIZE]; xml_escape(team.name, name, sizeof(name)); f->write( "\n" " %lu\n" " %d\n" " %s\n" " %lu\n" " %f\n" " %f\n" " %f\n", team.id, team.type, name, team.userid, team.total_credit, team.expavg_credit, team.expavg_time ); // show founder name since that user might not be active // retval = user.lookup_id(team.userid); if (!retval) { char fname[2048]; xml_escape(user.name, fname, sizeof(fname)); f->write( " %s\n", fname ); } f->write( " %d\n", team.create_time ); if (strlen(team.url)) { xml_escape(team.url, url, sizeof(url)); f->write( " %s\n", url ); } if (strlen(team.name_html)) { xml_escape(team.name_html, name_html, sizeof(name_html)); f->write( "%s\n", name_html ); } if (strlen(team.description)) { xml_escape(team.description, description, sizeof(description)); f->write( "%s\n", description ); } f->write( " %s\n", team.country ); if (detail) { sprintf(buf, "where teamid=%lu", team.id); while (1) { retval = user.enumerate(buf); if (retval) break; write_user(user, f, false); } if (retval != ERR_DB_NOT_FOUND) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "user enum: %s", boincerror(retval) ); exit(retval); } } f->write( "\n" ); } int print_app(ZFILE* f, APP& app) { f->write( " \n"); f->write( " %s\n", app.user_friendly_name); #if 0 DB_RESULT result; char buf[256]; int n, retval; // can't do this stuff because MySQL/InnoDB can't do counts efficiently // sprintf(buf, "where appid=%d and server_state=%d", app.id, RESULT_SERVER_STATE_UNSENT); retval = result.count(n, buf); if (!retval) { f->write( " %d\n", n); } sprintf(buf, "where appid=%d and server_state=%d", app.id, RESULT_SERVER_STATE_IN_PROGRESS); retval = result.count(n, buf); if (!retval) { f->write( " %d\n", n); } sprintf(buf, "where appid=%d and server_state=%d", app.id, RESULT_SERVER_STATE_OVER); retval = result.count(n, buf); if (!retval) { f->write( " %d\n", n); } #endif f->write( " \n"); return 0; } int print_apps(ZFILE* f) { DB_APP app; f->write( " \n"); while (!app.enumerate()) { print_app(f, app); } f->write( " \n"); return 0; } void print_badges(ZFILE* f) { DB_BADGE badge; f->write( " \n"); while (!badge.enumerate()) { have_badges = true; f->write( " \n" " %lu\n" " %s\n" " %s\n" " %s\n" " \n", badge.id, badge.name, badge.title, badge.image_url ); } f->write( " \n"); } int tables_file(char* dir) { char buf[256]; ZFILE zf("tables", false); sprintf(buf, "%s/tables.xml", dir); zf.open(buf); zf.write( " %d\n", (int)time(0) ); if (config.credit_by_app) { zf.write(" \n"); } if (nusers) zf.write(" %d\n", nusers); if (nteams) zf.write(" %d\n", nteams); if (nhosts) zf.write(" %d\n", nhosts); if (nusers_deleted) zf.write(" %d\n", nusers_deleted); if (nhosts_deleted) zf.write(" %d\n", nhosts_deleted); if (total_credit) zf.write(" %lf\n", total_credit); print_apps(&zf); print_badges(&zf); zf.close(); return 0; } int ENUMERATION::make_it_happen(char* output_dir) { unsigned int i; int n, retval; DB_USER user; DB_USER_DELETED user_deleted; DB_TEAM team; DB_HOST host; DB_HOST_DELETED host_deleted; DB_RESULT result; DB_CONSENT_TYPE consent_type; char clause[512]; char lookupclause[256]; char userclause[256]; char hostclause[256]; char teamclause[256]; char joinclause[512]; char orderclause[256]; char path[MAXPATHLEN]; long ncount; double sumtotalcredit; sprintf(path, "%s/%s", output_dir, filename); for (i=0; iopen(path); } } // Generate the SQL necessary for retrieving data // host, user, and team where clauses safe_strcpy(userclause, "WHERE total_credit > 0 AND authenticator NOT LIKE 'deleted%'"); safe_strcpy(hostclause, "WHERE total_credit > 0 AND domain_name != 'deleted' AND host.userid != 0"); safe_strcpy(teamclause, "WHERE total_credit > 0"); // set order clause based on sort type switch(sort) { case SORT_NONE: safe_strcpy(orderclause, ""); break; case SORT_ID: safe_strcpy(orderclause, "ORDER BY id"); break; case SORT_TOTAL_CREDIT: safe_strcpy(orderclause, "ORDER BY total_credit DESC"); break; case SORT_EXPAVG_CREDIT: safe_strcpy(orderclause, "ORDER BY expavg_credit DESC"); break; } switch(table) { case TABLE_USER: // Count number of users, this needs to be independent of // CONSENT_TO_STATISTICS_EXPORT. // SQL clause to ignore deleted users. safe_strcpy(clause, userclause); safe_strcat(clause, " "); safe_strcat(clause, orderclause); retval = user.count(ncount, clause); if (!retval) nusers = ncount; retval = user.sum(sumtotalcredit, "total_credit", clause); if (!retval) total_credit = sumtotalcredit; // lookup consent_type sprintf(lookupclause, "where shortname = '%s'", CONSENT_TO_STATISTICS_EXPORT); retval = consent_type.lookup(lookupclause); // If retval is 0: lookup is successful, and consent_type // enabled flag is true, then edit the SQL clause to use the // JOIN statements to extract only the users who have // consented to statistics exports. if ( (!retval) && (consent_type.enabled) ) { // This INNER JOIN clause does the following. It joins the // user table with the latest_consent View table, see // schema.sql for this view's definition. The // latest_consent represents the latest consent status for // all users and consent_types. Effectively returning users // who have consented to statistics exports. sprintf(joinclause, "INNER JOIN (\ SELECT userid\ FROM latest_consent\ WHERE consent_type_id=%ld\ AND consent_flag=1) AS lc\ ON user.id = lc.userid", consent_type.id); safe_strcat(joinclause, " "); safe_strcat(joinclause, clause); safe_strcpy(clause, joinclause); } n = 0; while (1) { retval = user.enumerate(clause, true); if (retval) break; if (!strncmp("deleted", user.authenticator, 7)) continue; for (i=0; iset_id(n++); } if (out.zfile) { write_user(user, out.zfile, out.detail); } else { write_user(user, out.nzfile, out.detail); } } } if (retval != ERR_DB_NOT_FOUND) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "user enum: %s", boincerror(retval) ); exit(retval); } break; case TABLE_USER_DELETED: n = 0; while (1) { retval = user_deleted.enumerate("order by userid"); if (retval) break; nusers_deleted++; for (i=0; iset_id(n++); } if (out.zfile) { write_user_deleted(user_deleted, out.zfile); } else { write_user_deleted(user_deleted, out.nzfile); } } } if (retval != ERR_DB_NOT_FOUND) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "user_deleted enum: %s", boincerror(retval) ); exit(retval); } break; case TABLE_HOST: // Count number of hosts, this needs to be independent of // CONSENT_TO_STATISTICS_EXPORT. // SQL clause to ignore deleted hosts. safe_strcpy(clause, hostclause); safe_strcat(clause, " "); safe_strcat(clause, orderclause); retval = host.count(ncount, clause); if (!retval) nhosts = ncount; // lookup consent_type sprintf(lookupclause, "where shortname = '%s'", CONSENT_TO_STATISTICS_EXPORT); retval = consent_type.lookup(lookupclause); // If retval is 0: lookup is successful, and consent_type // enabled flag is true, then edit the SQL clause to use the // JOIN statements to extract only the users who have // consented to statistics exports. if ( (!retval) && (consent_type.enabled) ) { // This INNER JOIN clause does the following. It joins the // host table with the latest_consent View table, see // schema.sql for this view's definition. The // latest_consent represents the latest consent status for // all users and consent_types. Effectively returning // hosts of users who have consented to statistics // exports. sprintf(joinclause, "INNER JOIN (\ SELECT userid\ FROM latest_consent\ WHERE consent_type_id=%ld\ AND consent_flag=1) AS lc\ ON host.userid = lc.userid", consent_type.id); safe_strcat(joinclause, " "); safe_strcat(joinclause, clause); safe_strcpy(clause, joinclause); } n = 0; while(1) { retval = host.enumerate(clause); if (retval) break; if (!host.userid) continue; if (!strncmp("deleted", host.domain_name, 8)) continue; for (i=0; iset_id(n++); } if (out.zfile) { write_host(host, out.zfile, out.detail); } else { write_host(host, out.nzfile, out.detail); } } } if (retval != ERR_DB_NOT_FOUND) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "host enum: %s", boincerror(retval) ); exit(retval); } break; case TABLE_HOST_DELETED: n = 0; while(1) { retval = host_deleted.enumerate("order by hostid"); if (retval) break; nhosts_deleted++; for (i=0; iset_id(n++); } if (out.zfile) { write_host_deleted(host_deleted, out.zfile); } else { write_host_deleted(host_deleted, out.nzfile); } } } if (retval != ERR_DB_NOT_FOUND) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "host_deleted enum: %s", boincerror(retval) ); exit(retval); } break; case TABLE_TEAM: // SQL clause for teams. safe_strcpy(clause, teamclause); safe_strcat(clause, " "); safe_strcat(clause, orderclause); n = 0; while(1) { retval = team.enumerate(clause); if (retval) break; nteams++; for (i=0; iset_id(n++); } if (out.zfile) { write_team(team, out.zfile, out.detail); } else { write_team(team, out.nzfile, out.detail); } } } if (retval != ERR_DB_NOT_FOUND) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "team enum: %s", boincerror(retval) ); exit(retval); } break; } for (i=0; iclose(); delete out.zfile; } if (out.nzfile) { out.nzfile->close(); delete out.nzfile; } } return 0; } void usage(char* name) { fprintf(stderr, "This program generates XML files containing project statistics.\n" "It should be run once a day as a periodic task in config.xml.\n" "For more info, see https://github.com/BOINC/boinc/wiki/DbDump\n\n" "Usage: %s [options]\n" "Options:\n" " --dump_spec filename Use the given config file (use ../db_dump_spec.xml)\n" " [-d N | --debug_level] Set verbosity level (1 to 4)\n" " [--db_host H] Use the DB server on host H\n" " [--retry_period H] When can't connect to DB, retry after N sec instead of terminating\n" " [-h | --help] Show this\n" " [-v | --version] Show version information\n", name ); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { int retval, i; DUMP_SPEC spec; char* db_host = 0; char spec_filename[256], buf[256]; FILE_LOCK file_lock; int retry_period = 0; check_stop_daemons(); setbuf(stderr, 0); retval = system("cd ../html/ops; echo 2"); log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "db_dump starting\n"); strcpy(spec_filename, ""); for (i=1; i 1000000) retry_period = 1000000; } else if (is_arg(argv[i], "d") || is_arg(argv[i], "debug_level")) { if (!argv[++i]) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "%s requires an argument\n\n", argv[--i]); usage(argv[0]); exit(1); } int dl = atoi(argv[i]); log_messages.set_debug_level(dl); if (dl == 4) g_print_queries = true; } else if (is_arg(argv[i], "db_host")) { if(!argv[++i]) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "%s requires an argument\n\n", argv[--i]); usage(argv[0]); exit(1); } db_host = argv[i]; } else if (is_arg(argv[i], "h") || is_arg(argv[i], "help")) { usage(argv[0]); exit(0); } else if (is_arg(argv[i], "v") || is_arg(argv[i], "version")) { printf("%s\n", SVN_VERSION); exit(0); } else { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "unknown command line argument: %s\n\n", argv[i] ); usage(argv[0]); exit(1); } } if (!strlen(spec_filename)) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "no spec file given\n"); usage(argv[0]); exit(1); } FILE* f = fopen(spec_filename, "r"); if (!f) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "spec file missing\n"); exit(1); } retval = spec.parse(f); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "can't parse spec file\n"); exit(1); } fclose(f); if (file_lock.lock(LOCKFILE)) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "Another copy of db_dump is already running\n"); exit(1); } log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "Starting\n"); retval = config.parse_file(); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "Can't parse config.xml: %s\n", boincerror(retval) ); exit(1); } retval = boinc_mkdir(spec.output_dir); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "boinc_mkdir(%s): %s; %s\n", spec.output_dir, boincerror(retval), boinc_db.error_string() ); exit(1); } while ((retval = boinc_db.open( config.replica_db_name, db_host?db_host:config.replica_db_host, config.replica_db_user, config.replica_db_passwd ))) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "Can't open DB: %s\n", boinc_db.error_string() ); if (retry_period == 0) exit(1); boinc_sleep(retry_period); } retval = boinc_db.set_isolation_level(READ_UNCOMMITTED); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "boinc_db.set_isolation_level: %s; %s\n", boincerror(retval), boinc_db.error_string() ); } boinc_mkdir(spec.output_dir); unsigned int j; for (j=0; jtm_year, tmp->tm_mon+1, tmp->tm_mday, tmp->tm_hour, tmp->tm_min, tmp->tm_sec ); retval = system(buf); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "Can't rename old stats\n"); exit(1); } } sprintf(buf, "mv %s %s", spec.output_dir, spec.final_output_dir); retval = system(buf); if (retval) { log_messages.printf(MSG_CRITICAL, "Can't rename new stats\n"); exit(1); } log_messages.printf(MSG_NORMAL, "db_dump finished\n"); }