// Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing // http://boinc.berkeley.edu // Copyright (C) 2005 University of California // // This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; // either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // To view the GNU Lesser General Public License visit // http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html // or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA #ifndef _CLIENT_STATE_ #define _CLIENT_STATE_ #ifndef _WIN32 #include #include #endif #include "acct_mgr.h" #include "app.h" #include "client_types.h" #include "file_xfer.h" #include "gui_rpc_server.h" #include "hostinfo.h" #include "http.h" #include "language.h" #include "miofile.h" #include "net_stats.h" #include "net_xfer.h" #include "pers_file_xfer.h" #include "prefs.h" #include "scheduler_op.h" #include "ss_logic.h" #include "time_stats.h" extern int add_new_project(); #define USER_RUN_REQUEST_ALWAYS 1 #define USER_RUN_REQUEST_AUTO 2 #define USER_RUN_REQUEST_NEVER 3 #define DONT_NEED_WORK 0 #define NEED_WORK 1 #define NEED_WORK_IMMEDIATELY 2 enum SUSPEND_REASON { SUSPEND_REASON_BATTERIES = 1, SUSPEND_REASON_USER_ACTIVE = 2, SUSPEND_REASON_USER_REQ = 4, SUSPEND_REASON_TIME_OF_DAY = 8, SUSPEND_REASON_BENCHMARKS = 16, SUSPEND_REASON_DISK_SIZE = 32 }; #define CPU_HALF_LIFE (86400*7) // CLIENT_STATE encapsulates the global variables of the core client. // If you add anything here, initialize it in the constructor // class CLIENT_STATE { public: std::vector projects; std::vector apps; std::vector file_infos; std::vector app_versions; std::vector workunits; std::vector results; NET_XFER_SET* net_xfers; PERS_FILE_XFER_SET* pers_file_xfers; HTTP_OP_SET* http_ops; FILE_XFER_SET* file_xfers; ACTIVE_TASK_SET active_tasks; HOST_INFO host_info; GLOBAL_PREFS global_prefs; NET_STATS net_stats; SS_LOGIC ss_logic; GUI_RPC_CONN_SET gui_rpcs; LANGUAGE language; TIME_STATS time_stats; PROXY_INFO proxy_info; ACCT_MGR acct_mgr; int core_client_major_version; int core_client_minor_version; int file_xfer_giveup_period; int user_run_request; // values above (USER_RUN_REQUEST_*) int user_network_request; // same, just for network bool started_by_screensaver; bool exit_when_idle; bool check_all_logins; bool return_results_immediately; bool allow_remote_gui_rpc; bool show_projects; bool requested_exit; char detach_project_url[256]; // stores URL for -detach_project option char reset_project_url[256]; // stores URL for -reset_project option char update_prefs_url[256]; // stores URL for -update_prefs option char main_host_venue[256]; // venue from project that gave us general prefs bool exit_before_upload; // exit when about to upload a file // exponential backoff variables int master_fetch_period, retry_base_period, retry_cap; int master_fetch_retry_cap, master_fetch_interval; int sched_retry_delay_min, sched_retry_delay_max; int pers_retry_delay_min, pers_retry_delay_max, pers_giveup; bool activities_suspended; bool network_suspended; bool executing_as_daemon; bool size_overflow; bool redirect_io; private: bool client_state_dirty; int old_major_version; int old_minor_version; char* platform_name; bool skip_cpu_benchmarks; // if set, use hardwired numbers rather than running benchmarks bool run_cpu_benchmarks; // if set, run benchmarks on client startup int exit_after_app_start_secs; // if nonzero, exit this many seconds after starting an app double app_started; // when the most recent app was started // CPU sched state // double cpu_sched_last_time; double cpu_sched_work_done_this_period; // --------------- client_state.C: public: CLIENT_STATE(); int init(); bool do_something(double t); // Initiates and completes actions (file transfers, process executions) // Never blocks. // Returns true if it actually did something, // in which case it should be called again immediately. int net_sleep(double dt); // sleeps until either dt seconds have elapsed, // or until there's network activity. bool time_to_exit(); PROJECT* lookup_project(const char*); APP* lookup_app(PROJECT*, const char*); FILE_INFO* lookup_file_info(PROJECT*, const char* name); RESULT* lookup_result(PROJECT*, const char*); WORKUNIT* lookup_workunit(PROJECT*, const char*); APP_VERSION* lookup_app_version(APP*, int); ACTIVE_TASK* lookup_active_task_by_result(RESULT*); int detach_project(PROJECT*); int report_result_error(RESULT&, const char *format, ...); int reset_project(PROJECT*); int version(); private: int link_app(PROJECT*, APP*); int link_file_info(PROJECT*, FILE_INFO*); int link_file_ref(PROJECT*, FILE_REF*); int link_app_version(PROJECT*, APP_VERSION*); int link_workunit(PROJECT*, WORKUNIT*); int link_result(PROJECT*, RESULT*); void print_summary(); bool garbage_collect(double); bool update_results(double); double total_resource_share(); // --------------- cs_account.C: public: int add_project(const char* master_url, const char* authenticator); private: int parse_account_files(); int parse_preferences_for_user_files(); // --------------- cs_apps.C: public: bool must_schedule_cpus; // Reschedule CPUs ASAP. Set when: // - core client starts (CS::init()) // - an app exits (ATS::check_app_exited()) // - Tasks are killed (ATS::exit_tasks()) // - a result's input files finish downloading (CS::update_results()) // - an app fails to start (CS::schedule_cpus()) // - any project op is done via RPC (suspend/resume) // - any result op is done via RPC (suspend/resume) int restart_tasks(); int quit_activities(); void set_ncpus(); double estimate_cpu_time(WORKUNIT&); double get_fraction_done(RESULT* result); bool input_files_available(RESULT*); ACTIVE_TASK* get_next_graphics_capable_app(); private: int ncpus; int nslots; int choose_version_num(char*, SCHEDULER_REPLY&); int app_finished(ACTIVE_TASK&); void assign_results_to_projects(); bool schedule_largest_debt_project(double expected_pay_off); bool start_apps(); bool schedule_cpus(double); bool handle_finished_apps(double); void handle_file_xfer_apps(); int schedule_result(RESULT*); // --------------- cs_benchmark.C: public: bool should_run_cpu_benchmarks(); void start_cpu_benchmarks(); bool cpu_benchmarks_poll(); void abort_cpu_benchmarks(); bool are_cpu_benchmarks_running(); // --------------- cs_cmdline.C: public: void parse_cmdline(int argc, char** argv); void parse_env_vars(); void do_cmdline_actions(); // --------------- cs_files.C: public: bool start_new_file_xfer(PERS_FILE_XFER&); private: int make_project_dirs(); bool handle_pers_file_xfers(double); // --------------- cs_prefs.C: public: int project_disk_usage(PROJECT*, double&); int total_disk_usage(double&); // returns the total disk usage of BOINC on this host int allowed_disk_usage(double&); int allowed_project_disk_usage(double&); private: void check_suspend_activities(double, int&); int suspend_activities(int reason); int resume_activities(); void check_suspend_network(double, int&); int suspend_network(int reason); int resume_network(); void install_global_prefs(); PROJECT* global_prefs_source_project(); void show_global_prefs_source(bool); // --------------- cs_scheduler.C: public: double work_needed_secs(); PROJECT* next_project_master_pending(); PROJECT* next_project_need_work(PROJECT*); int make_scheduler_request(PROJECT*, double); int handle_scheduler_reply(PROJECT*, char* scheduler_url, int& nresults); int compute_work_requests(); private: SCHEDULER_OP* scheduler_op; bool contacted_sched_server; PROJECT* find_project_with_overdue_results(); PROJECT* next_project_sched_rpc_pending(); //bool some_project_rpc_ok(); bool scheduler_rpc_poll(double); double ettprc(PROJECT*, int); double avg_proc_rate(PROJECT*); // --------------- cs_statefile.C: public: void set_client_state_dirty(char*); int parse_state_file(); int write_state(MIOFILE&); int write_state_file(); int write_state_file_if_needed(); void check_anonymous(); int parse_app_info(PROJECT*, FILE*); int write_state_gui(MIOFILE&); int write_file_transfers_gui(MIOFILE&); int write_tasks_gui(MIOFILE&); // --------------- cs_trickle.C: private: int read_trickle_files(PROJECT*, FILE*); int remove_trickle_files(PROJECT*); public: int handle_trickle_down(PROJECT*, FILE*); // --------------- check_state.C: // stuff related to data-structure integrity checking // public: void check_project_pointer(PROJECT*); void check_app_pointer(APP*); void check_file_info_pointer(FILE_INFO*); void check_app_version_pointer(APP_VERSION*); void check_workunit_pointer(WORKUNIT*); void check_result_pointer(RESULT*); void check_pers_file_xfer_pointer(PERS_FILE_XFER*); void check_file_xfer_pointer(FILE_XFER*); void check_app(APP&); void check_file_info(FILE_INFO&); void check_file_ref(FILE_REF&); void check_app_version(APP_VERSION&); void check_workunit(WORKUNIT&); void check_result(RESULT&); void check_active_task(ACTIVE_TASK&); void check_pers_file_xfer(PERS_FILE_XFER&); void check_file_xfer(FILE_XFER&); void check_all(); #if 0 // ------------------ cs_data.C: // mechanisms for managing data saved on host // public: bool get_more_disk_space(PROJECT*, double); int anything_free(double &); int calc_proj_size(PROJECT*); int calc_all_proj_size(); int compute_share_disk_size(PROJECT*); int total_potential_offender(PROJECT*, double &); int total_potential_self(PROJECT*, double &); double select_delete(PROJECT*, double, int); double delete_results(PROJECT*, double); double compute_resource_share(PROJECT*); PROJECT* greatest_offender(); private: bool data_manager_poll(); bool fix_data_overflow(double, double); int reset_checks(); int delete_inactive_results(PROJECT*); int unstick_result_files(RESULT*); double delete_next_file(PROJECT*, int); double delete_expired(PROJECT*); double offender(PROJECT*); double proj_potentially_free(PROJECT*); FILE_INFO* get_priority_or_lru(PROJECT*, int); #endif }; extern CLIENT_STATE gstate; #endif