Validation is the process of comparing redundant results
and deciding which is to be considered correct.
Because floating-point arithmetic varies between platforms,
this decision is an application-specific.
A validator is a back-end program that does validation
and credit-granting.
You must supply a validator for each application in your project.
BOINC supplies a framework program validator.C.
To make a validator program, you must link validator.C
with two application-specific functions:
int check_set(vector results, DB_WORKUNIT& wu, int& canonicalid, double& credit, bool& retry);
int check_pair(RESULT& new_result, RESULT& canonical_result, bool& retry);
check_pair() compares a new result to the canonical result.
In the absence of errors,
it sets the new result's validate_state to either VALIDATE_STATE_INVALID or
If it has a nonrecoverable error reading an output file of either result,
or if the new result's output file is invalid,
it must set the new result's outcome (in memory, not database)
If it has a recoverable error while reading an output file of either result,
it returns retry=true,
which causes the validator to arrange for the WU to be examined
again in a few hours.
check_pair() should return nonzero if a major error occurs.
This tells the validator to write an error message and exit.
Neither function should delete files or access the BOINC database.
A more detailed description is here.
Two example validators are supplied
(each implements check_set() and check_pair()):
sample_bitwise_validator requires a strict majority,
and regards results as equivalent only if they agree byte for byte.
regards any two results as equivalent if their CPU time
exceeds a given minimum.
A placeholder, validator_placeholder.C is also provided. You can replace
this file with your own code and 'make' will correctly build and link it.
Command-line arguments
A validator has the following command-line arguments:
list_item("-app appname", "Name of the application");
list_item("[ -one_pass_N_WU N ]", "Validate at most N WUs, then exit");
list_item("[ -one_pass ]", "Make one pass through WU table, then exit");
list_item("[ -mod n i ]",
"Process only WUs with (id mod n) == i.
This option lets you run multiple instances of the validator
for increased performance."