update_versions script releases new application versions. It creates database entries and copies files to the download directory.

To use:

Single-file application versions

File names must be of the form NAME_VERSION_PLATFORM[.ext], e.g.:


If a file of the form

is found, its contents will be used as a digital signature for the corresponding file. Recommended code-signing practices are described here.

If a file of the form

is found, its contents will be added to the <file_ref> element describing the file (you can use this for attributes like <copy_file>).

Multiple-file application versions

Application versions can consist of multiple files, one of which is the main program. To create a multiple-file application version, create a directory with the same name as the main program (of the form NAME_VERSION_PLATFORM[.ext]). and put the files in that directory.

If your application includes executable files other than the main file, make sure that their protection flags include the user execute (u+x) bit. "; page_tail(); ?>