#include #include #include "/usr/local/include/fcgi_stdio.h" #include "db.h" #include "sched_shmem.h" void SCHED_SHMEM::init() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(SCHED_SHMEM)); ss_size = sizeof(SCHED_SHMEM); platform_size = sizeof(PLATFORM); app_size = sizeof(APP); app_version_size = sizeof(APP_VERSION); wu_result_size = sizeof(WU_RESULT); max_platforms = MAX_PLATFORMS; max_apps = MAX_APPS; max_app_versions = MAX_APP_VERSIONS; max_wu_results = MAX_WU_RESULTS; nwu_results = MAX_WU_RESULTS; } int SCHED_SHMEM::verify() { if (ss_size != sizeof(SCHED_SHMEM)) return -1; if (platform_size != sizeof(PLATFORM)) return -1; if (app_size != sizeof(APP)) return -1; if (app_version_size != sizeof(APP_VERSION)) return -1; if (wu_result_size != sizeof(WU_RESULT)) return -1; if (max_platforms != MAX_PLATFORMS) return -1; if (max_apps != MAX_APPS) return -1; if (max_app_versions != MAX_APP_VERSIONS) return -1; if (max_wu_results != MAX_WU_RESULTS) return -1; return 0; } static void overflow(char* table) { fprintf(stderr, "The SCHED_SHMEM structure is too small for table %s.\n" "Increase the size and restart feeder and fcgi.\n", table ); } int SCHED_SHMEM::scan_tables() { PLATFORM platform; APP app; APP_VERSION app_version; int n; n = 0; while (!db_platform_enum(platform)) { platforms[n++] = platform; if (n == MAX_PLATFORMS) overflow("platforms"); } nplatforms = n; n = 0; while (!db_app_enum(app)) { apps[n++] = app; if (n == MAX_APPS) overflow("apps"); } napps = n; n = 0; while (!db_app_version_enum(app_version)) { app_versions[n++] = app_version; if (n == MAX_APP_VERSIONS) overflow("app_versions"); } napp_versions = n; return 0; } PLATFORM* SCHED_SHMEM::lookup_platform(char* name) { int i; for (i=0; iappid == appid && avp->platformid == platformid && avp->version_num == version) { return avp; } } return 0; }