disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default mini disabled initially */ $mini->api_version = 1; $mini->name = 'dashboard_tables'; $mini->category = 'BOINC'; $mini->admin_title = 'Dashboard tables'; $mini->admin_description = 'Tables of computers and projects for a user'; $mini->requiredcontexts = array(); $mini->contexts = array(); $mini->relationships = array(); $display = new panels_display; $display->layout = 'twocol_stacked'; $display->layout_settings = array(); $display->panel_settings = array( 'style_settings' => array( 'default' => NULL, 'left' => NULL, 'right' => NULL, 'top' => NULL, 'bottom' => NULL, ), ); $display->cache = array(); $display->title = ''; $display->content = array(); $display->panels = array(); $pane = new stdClass; $pane->pid = 'new-1'; $pane->panel = 'left'; $pane->type = 'views_panes'; $pane->subtype = 'boinc_account_computers-panel_pane_1'; $pane->shown = TRUE; $pane->access = array(); $pane->configuration = array(); $pane->cache = array(); $pane->style = array( 'settings' => NULL, ); $pane->css = array(); $pane->extras = array(); $pane->position = 0; $display->content['new-1'] = $pane; $display->panels['left'][0] = 'new-1'; $pane = new stdClass; $pane->pid = 'new-2'; $pane->panel = 'right'; $pane->type = 'panels_mini'; $pane->subtype = 'user_project_list'; $pane->shown = TRUE; $pane->access = array(); $pane->configuration = array( 'override_title' => 0, 'override_title_text' => '', ); $pane->cache = array(); $pane->style = array( 'settings' => NULL, ); $pane->css = array(); $pane->extras = array(); $pane->position = 0; $display->content['new-2'] = $pane; $display->panels['right'][0] = 'new-2'; $pane = new stdClass; $pane->pid = 'new-3'; $pane->panel = 'top'; $pane->type = 'views_panes'; $pane->subtype = 'boinc_account_stats-panel_pane_1'; $pane->shown = TRUE; $pane->access = array(); $pane->configuration = array(); $pane->cache = array(); $pane->style = array( 'settings' => NULL, ); $pane->css = array(); $pane->extras = array(); $pane->position = 0; $display->content['new-3'] = $pane; $display->panels['top'][0] = 'new-3'; $display->hide_title = PANELS_TITLE_NONE; $display->title_pane = '0'; $mini->display = $display; $export['dashboard_tables'] = $mini; return $export; }