") != null) { error_page("This function is turned off."); } db_init(); if (!empty($_GET['post'])) { $postId = get_int('post'); $choice = post_str('submit', true); $rating = post_int('rating', true); if (!$choice) $choice = get_str('choice', true); if ($choice == SOLUTION or $choice=="p") { $rating = 1; } else if ($choice == OFF_TOPIC or $choice=="n") { $rating = -1; } // TODO: Define constants for these. if ($choice == null && ($rating == null || $rating > 2 || $rating < -2)) { show_result_page(false, NULL, $choice); exit(); } $post = getPost($postId); $thread = getThread($post->thread); $forum = getForum($thread->forum); $user = get_logged_in_user(true); $user = getForumPreferences($user); /* Make sure the user has the forum's minimum amount of RAC and total credit * before allowing them to rate a post. */ if ($user->total_credit<$forum->rate_min_total_credit || $user->expavg_credit<$forum->rate_min_expavg_credit) { error_page("You need more average or total credit to rate a post."); } if (getHasRated($user,$postId)) { error_page("You have already rated this post once."); } else { $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM post WHERE id = $postId"); if ($result) { if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { $post = mysql_fetch_object($result); if ($choice == NULL || $choice == SOLUTION || $choice == OFF_TOPIC || $choice=="p" || $choice=="n") { $points = $post->votes * $post->score; $votes = $post->votes + 1; $score = ($points + $rating) / $votes; $result2 = mysql_query("UPDATE post SET votes = $votes, score = $score WHERE id = $postId"); } else if ($choice == SUFFERER) { $sql = "UPDATE thread SET sufferers = sufferers + 1 WHERE id = " . $post->thread; $result2 = mysql_query($sql); } if ($result2) { show_result_page(true, $post, $choice); setHasRated($user,$postId); } else { show_result_page(false, $post, $choice); } } else { show_result_page(false, NULL, $choice); } } else { show_result_page(false, NULL, $choice); } } } function show_result_page($success, $post, $choice) { $logged_in_user = get_logged_in_user(false); if ($success) { if ($choice) { page_head('Input Recorded'); echo "

Your input has been successfully recorded. Thank you for your help.

"; } else { page_head('Vote Registered'); echo "Vote Registered"; echo "

Your rating has been successfully recorded. Thank you for your input.

"; } echo "thread, "#", $post->id, "\">Return to thread"; } else { page_head('Vote Submission Problem'); echo "Vote submission failed"; if ($post) { echo "

There was a problem recording your vote in our database. Please try again later.

"; echo "thread, "#", $post->id, "\">Return to thread"; } else { echo "

There post you specified does not exist, or your rating was invalid.

"; } } page_tail(); } ?>