Global view Projects Applications Scheduling server Database Project back end (interacts with scheduler via DB, files) web server Data servers Clients core client, applications, files single download preferences Abstractions projects applications Workunits -> input file descriptors -> files Results -> output file descriptors -> files file descriptors can give name/FD files can have various properties files up/downloaded to servers; may be "sticky" client-generated scratch files; may be "sticky" some files originate on servers and are sent to clients; some files originate on client and are deleted after the WU some files originate on client and become input for later WUs some files originate on client and are uploaded (and maybe kept) Results are generated in advance (alternative: let clients fill in template) Properties of workunits disk/RAM max needs IOPs/FLOPs/memBW needs File transfer requests Result sequences Examples SETI@home case: generate multiple results; generate more as needed case: result sequences normal case interrupted/restarted case access to large output files How things work on the scheduling server WUs and results described by XML files (has file, resource info) user preferences described by XML files file transfer requests described by XML files DB keeps track of apps hosts platforms users app versions core versions WUs all input files available? results unsent/sent/completed/error/timed out Host measurements CPU: #cpus, int, FP, mem BW mem: total, cache, swap disk: total, free network: bandwidth up/down. IP address history on fraction connected fraction How we keep track of different hosts RPC seqno The scheduling server algorithm Project back end: examples How things work in the client FSM model network stack processor slots account file, client state file main loop of client When does the client ask for work? hi/lo water marks server backoff requests failed connection backoff What are user preferences? max RAM to use while user active confirm before connect? don't compute while on batteries min time between disk I/O max disk space to use (absolute, or % of free) list of projects % of resources (disk, CPU) hours to communicate/compute max #bytes to upload each day max #bytes to download each day How are preferences adjusted? Web interface XML file (extensible set of preferences w/o server change) How a users starts up How a user adds/removes projects How a project starts up Security mechanisms Result validation and credit