Packages required for running the server: mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient apache or apache2 or other webserver php4-cgi (or php4 if running apache 1) Packages required for compilation: g++ libgl-dev libglu-dev (these are virtual packages; one example of packages that provide these are: mesag-dev xlibmesa-glu-dev ) libmysqlclient-dev libglutg3 libglut3-dev libgtk2.0 libgtk2.0-dev libwxgtk2.2 libwxgtk2.2-dev (Note: after installing these packages, you will still need to download/compile/install a newer version. Make sure you end up with a libwx_gtk-2.4.a as well as You'll need to configure with the --disable-shared option to get the .a). (Another Note: Depending on what gtk packages you have installed, you may be missing the script "gtk-config" which wxwidgets needs to configure (it uses the script to determine gtk version. At worst, just make a script called gtk-config that spits out the version number of GTK when called with the "--version" command line option, i.e.: # gtk-config --version 1.2.10 ). Packages required if you change makefiles: autoconf (>= 2.59) automake (>= 1.9.3) (both are very easy to download from gnu and compile/install)