. require_once("../inc/forum.inc"); require_once("../inc/text_transform.inc"); require_once("../inc/profile.inc"); require_once("../inc/util_ops.inc"); require_once("../project/project.inc"); db_init(); function buttons($i) { echo " skip
reject "; } admin_page_head("screen profiles"); if (function_exists('profile_screen_query')) { $query = profile_screen_query(); } else if (profile_screening()) { $query = "select * from profile, user where profile.userid=user.id " ." and has_picture>0 " ." and verification=0 " ." limit 20" ; } else { $query = "select * from profile, user where profile.userid=user.id " ." and has_picture>0 " ." and verification=0 " ." and uotd_time is null " ." and expavg_credit>1 " ." and (response1 <> '' or response2 <> '') " ." order by recommend desc limit 20" ; } $result = _mysql_query($query); $n = 0; echo "
"; $found = false; while ($profile = _mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $found = true; start_table(); echo ""; buttons($n); echo "

Name: $profile->name
recommends: $profile->recommend
rejects: $profile->reject
RAC: ".format_credit($profile->expavg_credit)."
"; echo ""; start_table(); show_profile($profile, $g_logged_in_user, true); end_table(); echo "\n"; echo "userid\">\n"; $n++; end_table(); } if ($found) { echo " "; } else { echo "No more profiles to screen."; } echo "
"; admin_page_tail(); $cvs_version_tracker[]="\$Id$"; //Generated automatically - do not edit ?>