#!/usr/bin/env php . // Script to delete old notifications and send notification emails. // Run once a day. // // We send emails for notifications generated in the last day. // This is a slight kludge - since the timing of period tasks // is not precise, notifications may be delivered twice or not at all. // We use a 1-hour slop factor to err on the side of twice. // $cli_only = true; require_once("../inc/boinc_db.inc"); require_once("../inc/util_ops.inc"); require_once("../project/project.inc"); // delete notifications older than 90 days // function delete_old_notifies() { $t = time()-90*86400; BoincNotify::delete_aux("create_time < $t"); } function send_notify_email($userid, $message) { $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($userid); $subject = "Daily notification summary from ".PROJECT; $body = "The following events occurred in the past day at ".PROJECT.". For details, visit your Account page at ".URL_BASE."home.php $message --------------- To change your email preferences for ".PROJECT.", visit: ".URL_BASE."edit_forum_preferences_form.php Do not reply to this email. "; send_email($user, $subject, $body); echo "sending to $user->email_addr\n"; } function send_notify_emails() { $t = time() - (86400 + 3600); // 1-hour slop factor $query = "select notify.* from DBNAME.notify, DBNAME.forum_preferences where forum_preferences.pm_notification=2 and notify.userid = forum_preferences.userid and notify.create_time > $t"; $notifies = BoincNotify::enum_general($query); $userid = 0; $message = ""; $i = 1; foreach ($notifies as $notify) { if ($userid && $notify->userid != $userid) { send_notify_email($userid, $message); $message = ""; $i = 1; } $userid = $notify->userid; $message .= "$i) "; switch ($notify->type) { case NOTIFY_FRIEND_REQ: $message .= friend_notify_req_email_line($notify); break; case NOTIFY_FRIEND_ACCEPT: $message .= friend_notify_accept_email_line($notify); break; case NOTIFY_PM: $message .= pm_email_line($notify); break; case NOTIFY_SUBSCRIBED_POST: $message .= subscribed_post_email_line($notify); break; } $message .= "\n"; $i++; } if ($userid) { send_notify_email($userid, $message); } } $t = time_str(time()); echo "Starting at $t\n"; delete_old_notifies(); send_notify_emails(); $t = time_str(time()); echo "Ending at $t\n\n"; ?>