add Tool"); ?> `add' adds objects to the BOINC database. Usages:

add project      --name=yah --long_name="YETI @ home"

add platform     --name=c64 [ --user_friendly_name="Commodore 64" ]

add core_version --platform=c64 --version_num=717
                    [--message="Message"] [--message_priority="Priority"]

add app          --name=YetiApp [--min_version=716]

add app_version  --app=YetiApp --platform=c64 --version_num=717
                      [--signature_file=/tmp/sig_file2]] ...

add user         --name="Carl Sagan" --email_addr=""
                    [--country=Estonia --postal_code=94703

For detailed help, type `add' (with no arguments) or `add app_version' for help on adding an app_version, etc.

Typically you will only add platforms and apps, and only at the inception of the project. A project is created with make_project. Core_version and app_version are automatically added by the update_versions tool. Users are usually created through the html interface.