// This file is part of BOINC. // http://boinc.berkeley.edu // Copyright (C) 2008 University of California // // BOINC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with BOINC. If not, see . // wrapper.C // wrapper program for CernVM - lets you use CernVM on BOINC // // Handles: // - suspend/resume/quit/abort virtual machine // - reporting CPU time through trickle massages // // Contributor: Jie Wu // // Contributor: Daniel Lombraña González #include #include #include #include #include #include # include #include "zlib.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include #include #include #pragma comment(lib, "shlwapi.lib") #include #include #include #pragma hdrstop #include "boinc_win.h" #include "win_util.h" #else #include #include #include #include #include "procinfo.h" #endif #include "boinc_api.h" #include "diagnostics.h" #include "filesys.h" #include "parse.h" #include "str_util.h" #include "str_replace.h" #include "util.h" #include "error_numbers.h" #define VM_NAME "VMName" #define CPU_TIME "CpuTime" #define PROGRESS_FN "ProgressFile" #define TRICK_PERIOD 45.0*60 #define CHECK_PERIOD 2.0*60 #define POLL_PERIOD 1.0 #define MESSAGE "CPUTIME" #define YEAR_SECS 365*24*60*60 using std::vector; using std::string; struct VM { string virtual_machine_name; string disk_name; string disk_path; string name_path; double current_period; time_t last_poll_point; bool suspended; VM(); void create(); void start(bool vrde, bool headless); void kill(); void pause(); void savestate(); void resume(); void Check(); void remove(); void release(); //release the virtual disk int send_cputime_message(); void poll(); }; void write_cputime(double); APP_INIT_DATA aid; int unzip (const char *infilename, const char *outfilename) { gzFile infile = gzopen(infilename, "rb"); FILE *outfile = fopen(outfilename, "wb"); if (!infile || !outfile) return -1; char buffer[128]; int num_read = 0; while ((num_read = gzread(infile, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0) { fwrite(buffer, 1, num_read, outfile); } gzclose(infile); fclose(outfile); } #ifdef _WIN32 bool IsWinNT() //check if we're running NT { OSVERSIONINFO osv; osv.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osv); GetVersionEx(&osv); return (osv.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT); } #endif bool vbm_popen(string arg_list, char * buffer=NULL, int nSize=1024, string command="VBoxManage -q "){ //when buffer is NULL, this function will not return the input of new process. //Otherwise, it will not redirect the input of new process to buffer #ifdef _WIN32 STARTUPINFO si; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR sd; //security information for pipes PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; HANDLE newstdout,read_stdout; //pipe handles unsigned long exit=0; if(buffer!=0){ if (IsWinNT()) //initialize security descriptor (Windows NT) { InitializeSecurityDescriptor(&sd,SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION); SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(&sd, true, NULL, false); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = &sd; } else sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); sa.bInheritHandle = true; //allow inheritable handles if (!CreatePipe(&read_stdout,&newstdout,&sa,0)) //create stdout pipe { fprintf(stderr,"CreatePipe Failed\n"); CloseHandle(newstdout); CloseHandle(read_stdout); return false; } } GetStartupInfo(&si); si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE; if(buffer!=NULL){ si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES|si.dwFlags; si.hStdOutput = newstdout; si.hStdError = newstdout; //set the new handles for the child process si.hStdInput = NULL; } command+=arg_list; if (!CreateProcess( NULL, (LPTSTR)command.c_str(), NULL, NULL, TRUE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi)) { fprintf(stderr,"CreateProcess Failed!"); if(buffer!=NULL){ CloseHandle(newstdout); CloseHandle(read_stdout); } return false; } while(1) { GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess,&exit); //while the process is running if (exit != STILL_ACTIVE) break; } CloseHandle(pi.hThread); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); if(buffer!=NULL){ memset(buffer,0,nSize); DWORD bread; ReadFile(read_stdout,buffer,nSize-1,&bread,NULL); // buffer[bread]=0; CloseHandle(newstdout); CloseHandle(read_stdout); } if(exit==0) return true; else return false; #else //linux FILE* fp; char temp[256]; string strTemp=""; command+=arg_list; if(buffer==NULL){ if(!system(command.c_str())) return true; else return false; } fp = popen(command.c_str(),"r"); if (fp == NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: vbm_popen popen failed!\n"); return false; } memset(buffer,0,nSize); while (fgets(temp,256,fp) != NULL){ strTemp+=temp; } pclose(fp); strncpy(buffer,strTemp.c_str(),nSize-1); return true; #endif } VM::VM(){ char buffer[256]; virtual_machine_name=""; current_period=0; suspended=false; last_poll_point=0; //boinc_resolve_filename_s("cernvm.vmdk.gz",disk_path); // fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",disk_path.c_str()); // relative_to_absolute(buffer,(char*)disk_path.c_str()); boinc_getcwd(buffer); disk_name = "cernvm.vmdk"; disk_path = "cernvm.vmdk"; disk_path="/"+disk_path; disk_path=buffer+disk_path; disk_path="\""+disk_path+"\""; // disk_path=buffer; // fprintf(stderr, "%s\n",disk_path.c_str()); name_path=""; //boinc_get_init_data(aid); //name_path += aid.project_dir; //name_path += "/"; name_path += VM_NAME; } void VM::create() { time_t rawtime; string arg_list; char buffer[256]; FILE* fp; //rawtime=time(NULL); //strftime ( buffer, 256, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S", localtime (&rawtime) ); //virtual_machine_name=""; //virtual_machine_name += "BOINC_VM_"; //virtual_machine_name += buffer; //createvm arg_list=""; arg_list="createvm --name "+virtual_machine_name+ \ " --ostype Linux26 --register"; if(!vbm_popen(arg_list)){ fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Create VM method: createvm failed!\n"); fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: %s\n",arg_list.c_str()); fprintf(stderr,"Aborting\n"); boinc_finish(1); } //modifyvm arg_list=""; arg_list="modifyvm "+virtual_machine_name+ \ " --memory 256 --acpi on --ioapic on \ --boot1 disk --boot2 none --boot3 none --boot4 none \ --nic1 nat \ --natdnsproxy1 on"; //CernVM BOINC version doesn't need hostonly network interface /* #ifdef _WIN32 arg_list+="--nic2 hostonly --hostonlyadapter2 \"VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter\""; #else arg_list+="--nic2 hostonly --hostonlyadapter2 \"vboxnet0\""; #endif */ vbm_popen(arg_list); //storagectl arg_list=""; arg_list="storagectl "+virtual_machine_name+ \ " --name \"IDE Controller\" --add ide --controller PIIX4"; vbm_popen(arg_list); //openmedium // arg_list=""; // arg_list="openmedium disk "+disk_path; // vbm_popen(arg_list); //storageattach arg_list=""; arg_list="storageattach "+virtual_machine_name+ \ " --storagectl \"IDE Controller\" \ --port 0 --device 0 --type hdd --medium " \ +disk_path; if(!vbm_popen(arg_list)){ fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Create storageattach failed!\n"); fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: %s\n",arg_list.c_str()); fprintf(stderr,"Aborting\n"); //DEBUG for knowing which filename is being used //fprintf(stderr,disk_path.c_str()); //fprintf(stderr,"\n"); remove(); boinc_finish(1); exit(0); } // Write down the name of the virtual machine in a file called VM_NAME if((fp=fopen(name_path.c_str(),"w"))==NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Saving VM name failed. Details: fopen failed!\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Aborting\n"); boinc_finish(1); } fputs(virtual_machine_name.c_str(),fp); fclose(fp); } void VM::start(bool vrde=false, bool headless=false) { // Start the VM in headless mode string arg_list=""; if (headless) arg_list=" startvm "+ virtual_machine_name + " --type headless"; else arg_list = " startvm "+ virtual_machine_name; if (!vbm_popen(arg_list)) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Impossible to start the VM\n"); fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: %s\n",arg_list.c_str()); fprintf(stderr,"INFO: Removing VM...\n"); remove(); boinc_finish(1); } // Enable or disable VRDP for the VM: (by default is disabled) if (vrde) { arg_list = ""; arg_list = " controlvm " + virtual_machine_name + " vrde on"; } else { arg_list = ""; arg_list = " controlvm " + virtual_machine_name + " vrde off"; } vbm_popen(arg_list); // If not running in Headless mode, don't allow the user to save, shutdown, power off or restore the VM if (!headless) { arg_list = ""; // Don't allow the user to save, shutdown, power off or restore the VM arg_list = " setextradata " + virtual_machine_name + " GUI/RestrictedCloseActions SaveState,Shutdown,PowerOff,Restore"; vbm_popen(arg_list); } } void VM::kill() { string arg_list=""; arg_list="controlvm "+virtual_machine_name+" poweroff"; vbm_popen(arg_list); } void VM::pause() { time_t current_time; string arg_list=""; arg_list="controlvm "+virtual_machine_name+" pause"; if(vbm_popen(arg_list)) { suspended = true; current_time=time(NULL); current_period += difftime (current_time,last_poll_point); } } void VM::resume() { string arg_list=""; arg_list="controlvm "+virtual_machine_name+" resume"; if(vbm_popen(arg_list)) { suspended = false; last_poll_point=time(NULL); } } void VM::Check(){ string arg_list=""; if(suspended){ arg_list="controlvm "+virtual_machine_name+" resume"; vbm_popen(arg_list); } arg_list="controlvm "+virtual_machine_name+" savestate"; vbm_popen(arg_list); } void VM::savestate() { string arg_list = ""; arg_list = "controlvm " + virtual_machine_name + " savestate"; if (!vbm_popen(arg_list)) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: The VM could not be saved.\n"); } } void VM::remove(){ string arg_list="",vminfo, vboxfolder, vboxXML, vboxXMLNew, vmfolder, vmdisk, line; char * env; char buffer[4096]; size_t found_init, found_end; FILE * fp; bool vmRegistered = false; #ifdef _WIN32 env = getenv("HOMEDRIVE"); fprintf(stderr,"INFO: I´m running in a Windows system...\n"); vboxXML = string(env); env = getenv("HOMEPATH"); vboxXML = vboxXML + string(env); vboxfolder = vboxXML + "\\VirtualBox VMs\\"; vboxXML = vboxXML + "\\.VirtualBox\\VirtualBox.xml"; fprintf(stderr,"INFO: VirtualBox XML file: %s\n",vboxXML.c_str()); #else // New idea env = getenv("HOME"); vboxXML = string(env); if (vboxXML.find("Users") == string::npos) { // GNU/Linux vboxXML = vboxXML + "/.VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml"; vboxfolder = string(env) + "/.VirtualBox/"; fprintf(stderr,"INFO: I'm running in a GNU/Linux system...\n"); } else { // Mac OS X vboxXML = vboxXML + "/Library/VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml"; vboxfolder = string(env) + "/Library/VirtualBox/"; fprintf(stderr,"INFO: I'm running in a Mac OS X system...\n"); } #endif std::ifstream in(vboxXML.c_str()); if (in.is_open()) { vboxXMLNew = vboxfolder + "VirtualBox.xmlNew"; std::ofstream out(vboxXMLNew.c_str()); while (std::getline(in,line)) { found_init = line.find("BOINC_VM"); if (found_init == string::npos) out << line + "\n"; else { vmRegistered = true; fprintf(stderr,"INFO: Obtaining the VM folder...\n"); found_init = line.find("src="); found_end = line.find(virtual_machine_name + ".vbox"); if (found_end != string::npos) fprintf(stderr,"INFO: .vbox found!\n"); vmfolder = line.substr(found_init+5,found_end-(found_init+5)); fprintf(stderr,"INFO: %s VM folder: %s\n", virtual_machine_name.c_str(),vmfolder.c_str()); fprintf(stderr,"INFO: Done!"); } } in.close(); out.close(); } // When the project is reset, we have to first unregister the VM, else we will have an error. arg_list="unregistervm "+virtual_machine_name; if(!vbm_popen(arg_list)) { fprintf(stderr,"INFO: CernVM does not exist, so it is not necessary to unregister.\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr,"INFO: Successfully unregistered the CernVM\n"); } // Delete old VirtualBox.xml and replace with new one std::remove(vboxXML.c_str()); std::rename(vboxXMLNew.c_str(),vboxXML.c_str()); // Remove remaining BOINC_VM folder #ifdef _WIN32 if (vmRegistered) { vmfolder = "RMDIR \"" + vmfolder + "\" /s /q"; if (system(vmfolder.c_str()) == 0) fprintf(stderr,"INFO: VM folder deleted!\n"); else fprintf(stderr,"INFO: System was clean, nothing to delete.\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr,"INFO: VM was not registered, deleting old VM folders...\n"); vmfolder = "RMDIR \"" + vboxfolder + virtual_machine_name + "\" /s /q"; if ( system(vmfolder.c_str()) == 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"INFO: VM folder deleted!\n"); else fprintf(stderr,"INFO: System was clean, nothing to delete.\n"); } #else // GNU/Linux and Mac OS X // First delete the VM folder obtained in VirtualBox.xml if (vmRegistered) { vmfolder = "rm -rf \"" + vmfolder + "\""; if ( system(vmfolder.c_str()) == 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"INFO: VM folder deleted!\n"); else { fprintf(stderr,"INFO: System was clean, nothing to delete.\n"); } } else { fprintf(stderr,"INFO: VM was not registered, deleting old VM folders...\n"); vmfolder = "rm -rf \"" + string(env) + "/VirtualBox VMs/" + virtual_machine_name + "\" "; if ( system(vmfolder.c_str()) == 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"INFO: VM folder deleted!\n"); else fprintf(stderr,"INFO: System was clean, nothing to delete.\n"); } #endif // // arg_list=""; // //arg_list="unregistervm "+virtual_machine_name+" --delete"; // // arg_list="unregistervm "+virtual_machine_name; // if(!vbm_popen(arg_list)) // { // fprintf(stderr,"INFO: CernVM does not exist, so it is not necessary to unregister.\n"); // fprintf(stderr,"INFO: Please, check that cernvm.vmdk virtual hard disk is not registered.\n"); // } // else // { // fprintf(stderr,"INFO: Successfully unregistered the CernVM\n"); // // } // // arg_list = ""; // arg_list = "closemedium disk \"" + vmdisk + "\""; // if(!vbm_popen(arg_list)) // { // fprintf(stderr,"INFO: Please, check that cernvm.vmdk virtual hard disk is not registered.\n"); // } // else // { // fprintf(stderr,"INFO: Successfully removed the CernVM disk\n"); // // } // // // // Remove file VM_NAME to delete the name of the VM // boinc_delete_file(name_path.c_str()); // } void VM::release(){ string arg_list=""; arg_list="closemedium disk "+disk_path; vbm_popen(arg_list); } int VM::send_cputime_message() { char text[256]; int reval; string variety=MESSAGE; sprintf(text,"%lf",current_period); reval=boinc_send_trickle_up((char *)variety.c_str(), text); current_period=0; write_cputime(0); return reval; } void VM::poll() { FILE* fp; string arg_list, status; char buffer[1024]; time_t current_time; arg_list=""; arg_list="showvminfo "+virtual_machine_name+" --machinereadable" ; if (!vbm_popen(arg_list,buffer,sizeof(buffer))){ fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Get status from VM failed!\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Aborting\n"); boinc_finish(1); } status=buffer; if(status.find("VMState=\"running\"") !=string::npos){ if(suspended){ suspended=false; last_poll_point=time(NULL); } else{ current_time=time(NULL); current_period += difftime (current_time,last_poll_point); last_poll_point=current_time; fprintf(stderr,"INFO: VM poll is running\n"); } return; fprintf(stderr,"INFO: VM is running!\n"); //testing } if(status.find("VMState=\"paused\"") != string::npos){ time_t current_time; if(!suspended){ suspended=true; current_time=time(NULL); current_period += difftime (current_time,last_poll_point); } fprintf(stderr,"INFO: VM is paused!\n"); //testing return; } //if(status.find("VMState=\"poweroff\"") != string::npos // ||status.find("VMState=\"saved\"") != string::npos){ // fprintf(stderr,"INFO: VM is powered off or saved!\n"); //testing // exit(0); //} if (status.find("VMState=\"poweroff\"") != string::npos) { fprintf(stderr, "INFO: VM is powered off and it shouldn't\n"); fprintf(stderr, "INFO: Cancelling WU...\n"); boinc_finish(1); exit(1); } fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Get cernvm status error!\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Aborting\n"); remove(); boinc_finish(1); } void poll_boinc_messages(VM& vm, BOINC_STATUS &status) { if (status.no_heartbeat) { fprintf(stderr,"INFO: BOINC no_heartbeat\n"); //vm.Check(); vm.savestate(); exit(0); } if (status.quit_request) { fprintf(stderr,"INFO: BOINC status quit_request = True\n"); //vm.Check(); vm.savestate(); exit(0); } if (status.abort_request) { fprintf(stderr,"INFO: BOINC status abort_request = True\n"); fprintf(stderr,"INFO: saving state of the vm and removing it...\n"); vm.savestate(); //vm.send_cputime_message(); vm.remove(); fprintf(stderr,"INFO: VM removed and task aborted\n"); boinc_finish(0); } if (status.suspended) { fprintf(stderr,"INFO: BOINC status suspend = True. Stopping VM\n"); if (!vm.suspended) { vm.pause(); } } else { fprintf(stderr,"INFO: BOINC status suspend = False. Resuming VM\n"); if (vm.suspended) { vm.resume(); } } } void write_cputime(double cpu) { // TODO: modify this method to use real CPU usage from VirtualBox API. FILE* f = fopen(CPU_TIME, "w"); if (!f) return; fprintf(f, "%lf\n", cpu); fclose(f); } void read_cputime(double& cpu) { long int c; cpu = 0; FILE* f = fopen(CPU_TIME, "r"); if (!f) return; int n = fscanf(f, "%ld",&c); fclose(f); if (n != 1) return; cpu = c; } void write_progress(time_t secs) { FILE* f = fopen(PROGRESS_FN, "w"); fprintf(f,"%ld\n", secs); fclose(f); } time_t read_progress() { time_t stored_secs; FILE* f = fopen(PROGRESS_FN, "r"); if (!f) return(0); int n = fscanf(f, "%ld",&stored_secs); fclose(f); if (n != 1) return(0); else return(stored_secs); } time_t update_progress(time_t secs) { time_t old_secs; old_secs = read_progress(); write_progress(old_secs + secs); return(old_secs + secs); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { BOINC_OPTIONS options; BOINC_STATUS status; double cpu_time=0; FILE*fp; char buffer[2048]; // Enough size for the VBoxManage list vms output unsigned int i; bool graphics = false; bool headless = false; bool vrde = false; bool vm_name = false; bool retval = false; // Name for the VM vmdk filename string cernvm = "cernvm.vmdk"; string resolved_name; unsigned int output; // The VM VM vm; // Registering time for progress accounting time_t init_secs = time (NULL); //fprintf(stderr,"INFO: %ld seconds since January 1, 1970\n", init_secs); // Checking command line options for (i=1; i<(unsigned int)argc; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--graphics")) graphics = true; if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--headless")) headless = true; if (!strcmp(argv[i], "--vmname")) { vm.virtual_machine_name = argv[i+1]; fprintf(stderr,"INFO: The name of the VM is: %s\n",vm.virtual_machine_name.c_str()); } } // If the wrapper has not be called with the command line argument --vmname NAME, give a default name to the VM if (vm.virtual_machine_name.empty()) { vm.virtual_machine_name = "BOINC_VM"; } memset(&options, 0, sizeof(options)); options.main_program = true; options.check_heartbeat = true; options.handle_process_control = true; //options.handle_trickle_ups = true; if (graphics) { options.backwards_compatible_graphics = true; } boinc_init_options(&options); // Setting up the PATH for Windows machines: #ifdef _WIN32 // DEBUG information: fprintf(stderr,"\nSetting VirtualBox PATH in Windows...\n"); // First get the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Oracle\VirtualBox fprintf(stderr,"Trying to grab installation path of VirtualBox from Windows Registry...\n"); TCHAR szPath[4096]; DWORD dwType; DWORD cbSize = sizeof(szPath) - sizeof(TCHAR); // Leave room for nul terminator if (SHGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Oracle\\VirtualBox"),TEXT("InstallDir"),&dwType,szPath,&cbSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //szPath[cbSize / sizeof(TCHAR)] = TEXT(´\0´); fprintf(stderr,"Success!!! Installation PATH of VirtualBox is: %s.\n",szPath); } else { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Retrieving the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Oracle\\VirtualBox\\InstallDir value was impossible\n\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Trying with VBOX_INSTALL_PATH environment variable...\n"); LPTSTR VBoxInsPath; DWORD dwRet, dwErr; BOOL fExist, fSuccess; // Retrieve old PATH variable VBoxInsPath = (LPTSTR) malloc(4096*sizeof(TCHAR)); if(NULL == VBoxInsPath) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: malloc for VBoxInsPAth variable. Reason: Out of memory\n"); return FALSE; } dwRet = GetEnvironmentVariable("VBOX_INSTALL_PATH", VBoxInsPath, 4096); if(0 == dwRet) { dwErr = GetLastError(); if( ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND == dwErr ) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: VBOX_INSTALL_PATH environment variable does not exist.\n"); fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Impossible to set up the VirtualBox PATH. Aborting execution.\n\n"); fExist=FALSE; boinc_finish(1); } else { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: GetLastError ouput for VBOX_INSTALL_PATH environment variable: %u\n", dwErr); fprintf(stderr,"Aborting\n"); fExist=FALSE; boinc_finish(1); } } free(VBoxInsPath); } // New variables for setting the environment variable PATH LPTSTR pszOldVal; LPTSTR newVirtualBoxPath; LPTSTR virtualbox; DWORD dwRet, dwErr; BOOL fExist, fSuccess; // Create the new PATH variable newVirtualBoxPath = (LPTSTR) malloc(4096*sizeof(TCHAR)); if(NULL == newVirtualBoxPath) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: malloc for newVirtualBoxPath variable. Reason: Out of memory\n"); return FALSE; } virtualbox = szPath; // Retrieve old PATH variable pszOldVal = (LPTSTR) malloc(4096*sizeof(TCHAR)); if(NULL == pszOldVal) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: malloc of pszOldVal variable. Reason: Out of memory\n"); return FALSE; } dwRet = GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", pszOldVal, 4096); if(0 == dwRet) { dwErr = GetLastError(); if( ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND == dwErr ) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: PATH environment variable does not exist.\n"); fExist=FALSE; exit(1); } } else { // DEBUG: print old PATH enviroment variable fprintf(stderr,"Old PATH environment variable:\n"); fprintf(stderr,pszOldVal); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); // Set new PATH environment variable lstrcat(pszOldVal,";"); // Concat ; to old PATH // Add VirtualBox path SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH",lstrcat(pszOldVal,virtualbox)); dwRet = GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", pszOldVal, 4096); fprintf(stderr,"\nAdding VirtualBox to PATH:\n"); fprintf(stderr,pszOldVal); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } // Free memory free(pszOldVal); free(newVirtualBoxPath); #endif // We check if the VM has already been created and launched if (fp=fopen("VMName","r")) { fclose(fp); vm_name = true; } else { // First remove old versions fprintf(stderr,"INFO: Cleaning old VMs of the project...\n"); vm.remove(); fprintf(stderr,"INFO: Cleaning completed\n"); // Then, Decompress the new VM.gz file fprintf(stderr,"\nInitializing VM...\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Decompressing the VM\n"); retval = boinc_resolve_filename_s("cernvm.vmdk.gz",resolved_name); if (retval) fprintf(stderr,"can't resolve cernvm.vmdk.gz filename"); unzip(resolved_name.c_str(),cernvm.c_str()); fprintf(stderr,"Uncompressed finished\n"); vm_name= false; } if (vm_name) { fprintf(stderr,"VMName exists\n"); bool VMexist=false; string arg_list; //if((fp=fopen(vm.name_path.c_str(),"r"))==NULL){ // fprintf(stderr,"Main fopen failed\n"); // boinc_finish(1); //} //if(fgets(buffer,256,fp)) vm.virtual_machine_name=buffer; //fclose(fp); fprintf(stderr,"INFO: Virtual machine name %s\n",vm.virtual_machine_name.c_str()); // DEBUG for the name of the VM // fprintf(stderr,"Name of the VM:\n"); // fprintf(stderr,vm.virtual_machine_name.c_str()); arg_list=""; arg_list=" list vms"; if (!vbm_popen(arg_list,buffer,sizeof(buffer))){ fprintf(stderr, "CernVMManager list failed!\n"); boinc_finish(1); } string VMlist=buffer; // DEBUG for the list of running VMs // fprintf(stderr,"List of running VMs:\n"); // fprintf(stderr,VMlist.c_str()); // fprintf(stderr,"\n"); if(VMlist.find(vm.virtual_machine_name.c_str()) != string::npos){ VMexist=true; } //Maybe voluteers delete CernVM using VB GUI if(!VMexist){ vm.release(); vm.create(); } } else{ fprintf(stderr,"Warning: VM is not registered!\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Registering a new VM from unzipped image...\n"); vm.create(); } time_t elapsed_secs = 0, dif_secs = 0; long int t = 0; double frac_done = 0; read_cputime(cpu_time); vm.current_period=cpu_time; vm.start(vrde,headless); vm.last_poll_point = time(NULL); while (1) { boinc_get_status(&status); poll_boinc_messages(vm, status); // Report progress to BOINC client if (!status.suspended) { vm.poll(); if (vm.suspended) { fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: VM should be running as the WU is not suspended.\n"); vm.resume(); } //if(vm.current_period >= CHECK_PERIOD) // write_cputime(vm.current_period); //if(vm.current_period >= TRICK_PERIOD) //vm.send_cputime_message(); elapsed_secs = time(NULL); dif_secs = update_progress(elapsed_secs - init_secs); // Convert it for Windows machines: t = static_cast(dif_secs); fprintf(stderr,"INFO: Running seconds %ld\n",dif_secs); // For 12 hours: frac_done = floor((t/43200.0)*100.0)/100.0; fprintf(stderr,"INFO: Fraction done %f\n",frac_done); // Report total CPU time, which is dif_secs (task CPU running time), and checkpoint time (which is also dif_secs, // as this variable is saved from start to re-start) boinc_report_app_status(dif_secs,dif_secs,frac_done); if (frac_done >= 1.0) { fprintf(stderr,"INFO: Stopping the VM...\n"); vm.savestate(); fprintf(stderr,"INFO: VM stopped!\n"); vm.remove(); // Update the ProgressFile for starting from zero next WU write_progress(0); fprintf(stderr,"INFO: Done!! Cleanly exiting.\n"); fprintf(stderr,"INFO: Work Unit completed.\n"); // Output file: fprintf(stderr,"INFO: Creating output file...\n"); FILE* output = fopen("output", "w"); fprintf(output, "Work Unit completed!\n"); fclose(output); fprintf(stderr,"INFO: Done!\n"); boinc_finish(0); } else { init_secs = elapsed_secs; boinc_sleep(POLL_PERIOD); } } else { init_secs = time(NULL); boinc_sleep(POLL_PERIOD); } } } #ifdef _WIN32 int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrevInst, LPSTR Args, int WinMode) { LPSTR command_line; char* argv[100]; int argc; command_line = GetCommandLine(); argc = parse_command_line(command_line, argv); return main(argc, argv); } #endif