// much of this code is public-domain // #include "boinc_win.h" #include "error_numbers.h" #include "diagnostics_win.h" #include "str_util.h" #include "str_replace.h" #include "procinfo.h" using std::vector; // NtQuerySystemInformation typedef NTSTATUS (WINAPI *tNTQSI)( ULONG SystemInformationClass, PVOID SystemInformation, ULONG SystemInformationLength, PULONG ReturnLength ); static int get_process_information(PVOID* ppBuffer, PULONG pcbBuffer) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH; HANDLE hHeap = GetProcessHeap(); HMODULE hNTDllLib = GetModuleHandle(_T("ntdll.dll")); tNTQSI pNTQSI = (tNTQSI)GetProcAddress(hNTDllLib, "NtQuerySystemInformation"); ULONG cbBuffer = 0; while (1) { // Store the buffer size since it appears that somebody is monkeying around // with the return values on some systems. cbBuffer = *pcbBuffer; *ppBuffer = HeapAlloc(hHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, *pcbBuffer); if (*ppBuffer == NULL) { return ERR_MALLOC; } Status = pNTQSI( SystemProcessInformation, *ppBuffer, *pcbBuffer, pcbBuffer ); if (*pcbBuffer < cbBuffer) { // Somebody is trying to screw us up, // so set the value back to the cached size // so we can do something smart like increase the buffer size. *pcbBuffer = cbBuffer; } if (Status == STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH) { HeapFree(hHeap, NULL, *ppBuffer); *pcbBuffer *= 2; } else if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { HeapFree(hHeap, NULL, *ppBuffer); return ERR_GETRUSAGE; } else { return 0; } } return 0; // never reached } // Note: the following will work on both NT and XP, // because the NT process structure differs only at the end // int get_procinfo_XP(PROC_MAP& pm) { ULONG cbBuffer = 128*1024; // 128k initial buffer PVOID pBuffer = NULL; PSYSTEM_PROCESSES pProcesses = NULL; static DWORD pid = 0; if (!pid) { pid = GetCurrentProcessId(); } #if 0 printf("FILETIME: %d\n", sizeof(FILETIME)); printf("LARGE_INTEGER: %d\n", sizeof(LARGE_INTEGER)); printf("DWORD: %d\n", sizeof(DWORD)); printf("UNICODE_STRING: %d\n", sizeof(UNICODE_STRING)); printf("KPRIORITY: %d\n", sizeof(KPRIORITY)); printf("ULONG: %d\n", sizeof(ULONG)); printf("SIZE_T: %d\n", sizeof(SIZE_T)); #endif get_process_information(&pBuffer, &cbBuffer); pProcesses = (PSYSTEM_PROCESSES)pBuffer; while (pProcesses) { PROCINFO p; p.clear(); p.id = pProcesses->ProcessId; p.parentid = pProcesses->InheritedFromProcessId; p.swap_size = pProcesses->VmCounters.PagefileUsage; p.working_set_size = pProcesses->VmCounters.WorkingSetSize; p.page_fault_count = pProcesses->VmCounters.PageFaultCount; p.user_time = ((double) pProcesses->UserTime.QuadPart)/1e7; p.kernel_time = ((double) pProcesses->KernelTime.QuadPart)/1e7; p.is_low_priority = (pProcesses->BasePriority <= 4); p.create_time = pProcesses->CreateTime; WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pProcesses->ProcessName.Buffer, pProcesses->ProcessName.Length, p.command, sizeof(p.command), NULL, NULL ); p.is_boinc_app = (p.id == (int)pid) || (strcasestr(p.command, "boinc") != NULL); #ifdef _CHARITYENGINE if (!strcmp(p.command, "charityengine.exe")) { p.is_boinc_app = true; } #endif #ifdef _GRIDREPUBLIC if (!strcmp(p.command, "gridrepublic.exe")) { p.is_boinc_app = true; } #endif #ifdef _PROGRESSTHRUPROCESSORS if (!strcmp(p.command, "progressthruprocessors.exe")) { p.is_boinc_app = true; } #endif pm.insert(std::pair(p.id, p)); if (!pProcesses->NextEntryDelta) { break; } pProcesses = (PSYSTEM_PROCESSES)(((LPBYTE)pProcesses) + pProcesses->NextEntryDelta); } if (pBuffer) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), NULL, pBuffer); find_children(pm); return 0; } // get a list of all running processes. // int procinfo_setup(PROC_MAP& pm) { OSVERSIONINFO osvi; osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osvi); GetVersionEx(&osvi); switch(osvi.dwPlatformId) { case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS: // Win95, Win98, WinME return 0; // not supported case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: return get_procinfo_XP(pm); } return 0; } // get total CPU time // see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/processthreadsapi/nf-processthreadsapi-getsystemtimes // double total_cpu_time() { FILETIME i, s, u; GetSystemTimes(&i, &s, &u); ULARGE_INTEGER ix, sx,ux; ix.LowPart = i.dwLowDateTime; ix.HighPart = i.dwHighDateTime; sx.LowPart = s.dwLowDateTime; sx.HighPart = s.dwHighDateTime; ux.LowPart = u.dwLowDateTime; ux.HighPart = u.dwHighDateTime; return ((double)ux.QuadPart + (double)sx.QuadPart - (double)ix.QuadPart)/1e7; }