Joining a project

A participant joins a BOINC project as follows:

  1. Visit the project's web site and create an account. This involves filling out a form with
  2. Receive an email containing an account ID, aka authenticator (a long random string).
  3. Download and install the BOINC client program. It will ask for an account ID; cut and paste the one in the email.
The BOINC client resides in a BOINC home directory. If hosts share a network file system, each host must have its own BOINC home directory.

Multiple hosts under one account

A single account can use many hosts. Once an account has been created as above, new hosts can be added in either of two ways:

  1. Download and install the BOINC client program, and cut and paste the account ID as above.
  2. If the new host is the same type as an existing host, copy the contents of the BOINC installation directory from an existing host to the new host.