. require_once("../inc/util.inc"); require_once("../inc/xml.inc"); xml_header(); // This all needs to work even when DB is down. // So cache list of platforms in a file, // and update it every hour if possible. // function show_platforms() { $path = "../cache/platform_list.xml"; $mtime = @filemtime($path); if ($mtime && (time() - $mtime) < 3600) { @readfile($path); } else { require_once("../inc/db.inc"); $retval = db_init_aux(true); if (!$retval) { $query = 'select name, user_friendly_name, plan_class from platform, app_version where app_version.platformid = platform.id and app_version.deprecated=0 group by name, plan_class'; $result = mysql_query($query); $f = fopen($path, "w"); fwrite($f, "\n"); while ($p = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { if ($p->plan_class) { $pc = " $p->plan_class\n"; } else { $pc = ""; } fwrite($f, " \n $p->name\n $p->user_friendly_name\n$pc \n" ); } mysql_free_result($result); fwrite($f, "\n"); fclose($f); @readfile($path); } } } $config = get_config(); $long_name = parse_config($config, ""); $min_passwd_length = parse_config($config, ""); if (!$min_passwd_length) { $min_passwd_length = 6; } $disable_account_creation = parse_bool($config, "disable_account_creation"); $master_url = parse_config($config, ""); echo " $long_name $master_url "; $local_revision = trim(file_get_contents("../../local.revision")); if ($local_revision) { echo "$local_revision\n"; } if (web_stopped()) { echo " ".ERR_PROJECT_DOWN." 1 "; } else { echo "0\n"; } if ($disable_account_creation || defined('INVITE_CODES')) { echo " \n"; } if (defined('INVITE_CODES')) { echo " \n"; } echo " $min_passwd_length "; if (sched_stopped()) { echo "1\n"; } else { echo "0\n"; } $min_core_client_version = parse_config($config, ""); if ($min_core_client_version) { echo "$min_core_client_version\n"; } show_platforms(); $tou_file = "../../terms_of_use.txt"; if (file_exists($tou_file)) { $terms_of_use = trim(file_get_contents($tou_file)); if ($terms_of_use) { echo "\n$terms_of_use\n\n"; } } echo " "; ?>