. require_once("../inc/boinc_db.inc"); require_once("../inc/util.inc"); check_get_args(array("hostid", "venue")); $user = get_logged_in_user(); $venue = get_str("venue"); check_venue($venue); $hostid = get_int("hostid"); $host = BoincHost::lookup_id($hostid); if (!$host) { error_page("No such host"); } if ($host->userid != $user->id) { error_page("Not your host"); } $retval = $host->update("venue='$venue'"); if ($retval) { page_head("Host venue updated"); if ($venue == '') { $venue = '(none)'; } echo " The venue of this host has been set to $venue.
This change will take effect the next time the host communicates with this project.
Return to host page. "; page_tail(); } else { db_error_page(); } ?>