. // Using this page you can edit a post. // First it displays a box to edit in, and when you submit the changes // it will call the methods on the post to make the changes. // require_once('../inc/forum.inc'); require_once('../inc/bbcode_html.inc'); check_get_args(array("id", "tnow", "ttok")); $logged_in_user = get_logged_in_user(); BoincForumPrefs::lookup($logged_in_user); $postid = get_int("id"); $post = BoincPost::lookup_id($postid); if (!$post) error_page("no such post"); $thread = BoincThread::lookup_id($post->thread); if (!$thread) error_page("no such thread"); $forum = BoincForum::lookup_id($thread->forum); if (!is_moderator($logged_in_user, $forum)) { if (time() > $post->timestamp + MAXIMUM_EDIT_TIME) { error_page( "You can no longer edit this post.
Posts can only be edited at most ".(MAXIMUM_EDIT_TIME/60)." minutes after they have been created." ); } } $post_owner = BoincUser::lookup_id($post->user); if (($logged_in_user->id != $post_owner->id) || (can_reply($thread, $forum, $logged_in_user) == false)) { error_page ("You are not authorized to edit this post."); } $thread_owner = BoincUser::lookup_id($thread->owner); // If this post belongs to the creator of the thread and is at top-level // (ie. not a response to another post) // allow the user to modify the thread title // $can_edit_title = ($post->parent_post==0 && $thread_owner->id==$logged_in_user->id && !is_banished($logged_in_user)); $content = post_str("content", true); $title = post_str("title", true); $preview = post_str("preview", true); if (post_str('submit',true) && (!$preview)) { check_tokens($logged_in_user->authenticator); $add_signature = (post_str('add_signature', true) == "1")?1:0; $content = substr($content, 0, 64000); $content = trim($content); if (strlen($content)) { $content = BoincDb::escape_string($content); $now = time(); $post->update("signature=$add_signature, content='$content', modified=$now"); if ($can_edit_title){ $title = trim($title); $title = strip_tags($title); $title = BoincDb::escape_string($title); $thread->update("title='$title'"); } header("Location: forum_thread.php?id=$thread->id"); } else { delete_post($post, $thread, $forum); header("Location: forum_forum.php?id=$forum->id"); } } page_head('Forum','','','', $bbcode_js); show_forum_header($logged_in_user); switch ($forum->parent_type) { case 0: $category = BoincCategory::lookup_id($forum->category); show_forum_title($category, $forum, $thread); break; case 1: show_team_forum_title($forum, $thread); break; } if ($preview == tra("Preview")) { $options = null; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo output_transform($content, $options); echo "
\n"; } echo "
id."\" method=\"POST\" name=\"post\" onsubmit=\"return checkForm(this)\">\n"; echo form_tokens($logged_in_user->authenticator); start_table(); row1("Edit your message"); if ($can_edit_title) { //If this is the user can edit the thread title display a way of doing so if ($preview) { row2( tra("Title").html_info(), "" ); } else { row2( tra("Title").html_info(), '' ); } }; if ($preview) { row2( tra("Message").html_info().post_warning(), $bbcode_html."" ); } else { row2( tra("Message").html_info().post_warning(), $bbcode_html.'' ); } if ($post->signature) { $enable_signature="checked=\"true\""; } else { $enable_signature=""; } row2("", " "); row2("", "" ); end_table(); echo "
"; page_tail(); $cvs_version_tracker[]="\$Id$"; //Generated automatically - do not edit ?>