. // "delete" an account: // - set email address and authenticator to "deleted_pid_time" // - clear name, country, postal_code // - remove from team // - delete posts, subscriptions, and forum prefs // - delete private messages (sent and received) // - delete profile and associated image // for each host: // - clear domain_name, last_ip_addr require_once("../inc/util.inc"); require_once("../inc/host.inc"); require_once("../inc/profile.inc"); require_once("../inc/pm.inc"); check_get_args(array("cmd")); function delete_account($user) { $x = "deleted_".time()."_".random_string(); $retval = $user->update("email_addr='$x', authenticator='$x', name='', country='', postal_code='', has_profile=0"); if (!$retval) return false; user_quit_team($user); forum_delete_user($user); pm_delete_user($user); anonymize_hosts($user); delete_profile($user); return true; } $user = get_logged_in_user(); $cmd = get_str("cmd", true); if ($cmd == "delete") { $retval = delete_account($user); if (!$retval) { error_page("Couldn't delete account"); } else { page_head("Account deleted"); echo " Your account has been deleted. "; page_tail(); } } else { page_head("Confirm delete account"); echo "
Deleting your account will remove all of your personal information from our servers, including your profile and message-board posts. No jobs will be issued to any computers attached to this account.

Are you sure you want to delete your account? "; show_button("delete_account.php?cmd=delete", "Yes", "Delete this account"); show_button("index.php", "No", "Do not delete this account"); echo "

\n"; page_tail(); }