To create an account with BOINC projects, a participant must: and then for each selected project:

If the participant chooses N projects, there are N web sites to visit and N Wizards to complete. This is tedious if there are lots of projects.

This document describes BOINC's support for account management systems, which streamline the process of finding and joining BOINC projects. A typical account management system is implemented as a web site. The participant experience is:

This requires many fewer interactions than the manual approach.


An account management system works as follows:

  1. The participant sets up his meta-account and selects projects.
  2. The account manager issues a create account RPC to each selected project.
  3. the participant downloads and installs the BOINC client software from the account manager. The install package includes a file (specific to the account manager) containing the URL of the account manager.
  4. The BOINC client runs, and asks the participant to enter the name and password of his meta-account.
  5. The BOINC client does a query accounts RPC to the account manager, obtaining a list of accounts. It then attaches to these accounts and proceeds.
The create account RPCs are described here.

Core client functionality

The BOINC core client uses the following files to keep track of account manager information.

This file identifies the account manager. It is typically bundled with the BOINC client in an installer package. Its format is: ".html_text(" Name of BOINC account management system ")."
This file contains meta-account information. Its format is: ".html_text(" name xxx ")."
If the core client finds acct_mgr_url.xml but not acct_mgr_login.xml, it prompts for a name and password, stores them in acct_mgr_login.xml, and makes an account manager RPC. The core client offers menu items for making an account manager RPC, and for changing the name/password.

Account manager RPCs

"; list_start(); list_item("URL", "Given in the file acct_manager_url.xml"); list_item("input", "name
password" ); list_item("output", html_text(" Account Manager Name [ MSG ] [ URL KEY ... ] ") ); list_item("action", "returns a list of the accounts associated with this meta-account.

NOTE: the XML must be as above, with the <url> and <authenticator> elements on a single line, and the <account> and </account> tags on separate lines." ); list_end(); page_tail(); ?>