. require_once('../inc/util.inc'); require_once('../inc/stats_sites.inc'); page_head(tra('Statistics and leaderboards')); check_get_args(array()); $credit_by_app = parse_bool(get_config(), "credit_by_app"); start_table(); echo " " . tra("Statistics for %1",PROJECT).":

". tra("More detailed statistics for %1 and other BOINC-based projects are available at several web sites:", PROJECT); shuffle($stats_sites); site_list($stats_sites); echo tra("You can also get your current statistics in the form of a \"signature image\":"); shuffle($sig_sites); site_list($sig_sites); echo tra("Additionally you can get your individual statistics summed across all BOINC projects from several sites; see your %1home page%2.", "",""); echo ""; end_table(); page_tail(); ?>