// Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing // http://boinc.berkeley.edu // Copyright (C) 2005 University of California // // This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; // either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // To view the GNU Lesser General Public License visit // http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html // or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA #if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(__APPLE__) #pragma implementation "BOINCBaseView.h" #endif #include "stdwx.h" #include "BOINCGUIApp.h" #include "MainDocument.h" #include "BOINCBaseView.h" #include "BOINCTaskCtrl.h" #include "BOINCListCtrl.h" #include "res/boinc.xpm" IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(CBOINCBaseView, wxPanel) CBOINCBaseView::CBOINCBaseView() {} CBOINCBaseView::CBOINCBaseView( wxNotebook* pNotebook, wxWindowID iHtmlWindowID, wxInt32 iHtmlWindowFlags, wxWindowID iListWindowID, wxInt32 iListWindowFlags, bool donothing ) : wxPanel(pNotebook, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTAB_TRAVERSAL) { if (!donothing) { wxASSERT(NULL != pNotebook); m_bProcessingTaskRenderEvent = false; m_bProcessingListRenderEvent = false; m_bItemSelected = false; m_strQuickTip = wxEmptyString; m_strQuickTipText = wxEmptyString; // // Globalization/Localization // LINK_DEFAULT = wxT("default"); // // Setup View // m_pTaskPane = NULL; m_pListPane = NULL; SetAutoLayout(TRUE); wxFlexGridSizer* itemFlexGridSizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(2, 0, 0); wxASSERT(NULL != itemFlexGridSizer); itemFlexGridSizer->AddGrowableRow(0); itemFlexGridSizer->AddGrowableCol(1); m_pTaskPane = new CBOINCTaskCtrl(this, iHtmlWindowID, iHtmlWindowFlags); wxASSERT(NULL != m_pTaskPane); m_pListPane = new CBOINCListCtrl(this, iListWindowID, iListWindowFlags); wxASSERT(NULL != m_pListPane); itemFlexGridSizer->Add(m_pTaskPane, 1, wxGROW|wxALL, 1); itemFlexGridSizer->Add(m_pListPane, 1, wxGROW|wxALL, 1); SetSizerAndFit(itemFlexGridSizer); } } CBOINCBaseView::~CBOINCBaseView() {} // The user friendly name of the view. // If it has not been defined by the view "Undefined" is returned. // wxString CBOINCBaseView::GetViewName() { return wxString(_T("Undefined")); } // The user friendly icon of the view. // If it has not been defined by the view the BOINC icon is returned. // const char** CBOINCBaseView::GetViewIcon() { wxASSERT(boinc_xpm); return boinc_xpm; } wxInt32 CBOINCBaseView::GetListRowCount() { wxASSERT(m_pListPane); return m_pListPane->GetItemCount(); } void CBOINCBaseView::FireOnListRender (wxTimerEvent& event) { OnListRender(event); } bool CBOINCBaseView::FireOnSaveState(wxConfigBase* pConfig) { return OnSaveState(pConfig); } bool CBOINCBaseView::FireOnRestoreState(wxConfigBase* pConfig) { return OnRestoreState(pConfig); } void CBOINCBaseView::FireOnChar(wxKeyEvent& event) { OnChar(event); } void CBOINCBaseView::FireOnListSelected(wxListEvent& event) { OnListSelected(event); } void CBOINCBaseView::FireOnListDeselected(wxListEvent& event) { OnListDeselected(event); } wxString CBOINCBaseView::FireOnListGetItemText(long item, long column) const { return OnListGetItemText(item, column); } int CBOINCBaseView::FireOnListGetItemImage(long item) const { return OnListGetItemImage(item); } wxListItemAttr* CBOINCBaseView::FireOnListGetItemAttr(long item) const { return OnListGetItemAttr(item); } void CBOINCBaseView::FireOnTaskLinkClicked(const wxHtmlLinkInfo& link) { OnTaskLinkClicked(link); } void CBOINCBaseView::FireOnTaskCellClicked( wxHtmlCell* cell, wxCoord x, wxCoord y, const wxMouseEvent& event ) { OnTaskCellClicked(cell, x, y, event); } void CBOINCBaseView::FireOnTaskCellMouseHover( wxHtmlCell* cell, wxCoord x, wxCoord y ) { OnTaskCellMouseHover(cell, x, y); } wxInt32 CBOINCBaseView::GetDocCount() { return 0; } void CBOINCBaseView::OnListRender (wxTimerEvent& event) { if (!m_bProcessingListRenderEvent) { m_bProcessingListRenderEvent = true; wxASSERT(m_pListPane); wxInt32 iDocCount = GetDocCount(); wxInt32 iCacheCount = GetCacheCount(); if (iDocCount != iCacheCount) { if (0 >= iDocCount) { EmptyCache(); m_pListPane->DeleteAllItems(); } else { wxInt32 iIndex = 0; wxInt32 iReturnValue = -1; if (iDocCount > iCacheCount) { for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < (iDocCount - iCacheCount); iIndex++ ) { iReturnValue = AddCacheElement(); wxASSERT(!iReturnValue); } wxASSERT(GetDocCount() == GetCacheCount()); } else { for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < (iCacheCount - iDocCount); iIndex++ ) { iReturnValue = RemoveCacheElement(); wxASSERT(!iReturnValue); } wxASSERT(GetDocCount() == GetCacheCount()); } m_pListPane->SetItemCount(iDocCount); } } if (iDocCount) { SyncronizeCache(); } if (_EnsureLastItemVisible() && (iDocCount != iCacheCount)) { m_pListPane->EnsureVisible(iDocCount - 1); } m_bProcessingListRenderEvent = false; } event.Skip(); } bool CBOINCBaseView::OnSaveState(wxConfigBase* pConfig) { bool bReturnValue = true; wxASSERT(NULL != pConfig); wxASSERT(NULL != m_pTaskPane); wxASSERT(NULL != m_pListPane); if (!m_pTaskPane->OnSaveState(pConfig)) { bReturnValue = false; } if (!m_pListPane->OnSaveState(pConfig)) { bReturnValue = false; } return bReturnValue; } bool CBOINCBaseView::OnRestoreState(wxConfigBase* pConfig) { wxASSERT(pConfig); wxASSERT(m_pTaskPane); wxASSERT(m_pListPane); if (!m_pTaskPane->OnRestoreState(pConfig)) { return false; } if (!m_pListPane->OnRestoreState(pConfig)) { return false; } return true; } void CBOINCBaseView::OnChar(wxKeyEvent& event) { event.Skip(); } void CBOINCBaseView::OnListSelected(wxListEvent& event) { SetCurrentQuickTip(LINK_DEFAULT, wxT("")); UpdateSelection(); event.Skip(); } void CBOINCBaseView::OnListDeselected(wxListEvent& event) { SetCurrentQuickTip(LINK_DEFAULT, wxT("")); UpdateSelection(); event.Skip(); } wxString CBOINCBaseView::OnListGetItemText( long WXUNUSED(item), long WXUNUSED(column) ) const { return wxString("Undefined"); } int CBOINCBaseView::OnListGetItemImage(long WXUNUSED(item)) const { return -1; } wxListItemAttr* CBOINCBaseView::OnListGetItemAttr(long WXUNUSED(item)) const { return NULL; } wxString CBOINCBaseView::OnDocGetItemText(long WXUNUSED(item), long WXUNUSED(column)) const { return wxString("Undefined"); } wxString CBOINCBaseView::OnDocGetItemImage(long WXUNUSED(item)) const { return wxString("Undefined"); } wxString CBOINCBaseView::OnDocGetItemAttr(long WXUNUSED(item)) const { return wxString("Undefined"); } void CBOINCBaseView::OnTaskLinkClicked(const wxHtmlLinkInfo& WXUNUSED(link)) {} void CBOINCBaseView::OnTaskCellClicked(wxHtmlCell* WXUNUSED(cell), wxCoord WXUNUSED(x) , wxCoord WXUNUSED(y), const wxMouseEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) {} void CBOINCBaseView::OnTaskCellMouseHover(wxHtmlCell* WXUNUSED(cell), wxCoord WXUNUSED(x) , wxCoord WXUNUSED(y)) {} wxString CBOINCBaseView::GetCurrentQuickTip() { return m_strQuickTip; } wxString CBOINCBaseView::GetCurrentQuickTipText() { return m_strQuickTipText; } void CBOINCBaseView::SetCurrentQuickTip(const wxString& strQuickTip, const wxString& strQuickTipText) { m_strQuickTip = strQuickTip; m_strQuickTipText = strQuickTipText; } wxInt32 CBOINCBaseView::AddCacheElement() { return -1; } wxInt32 CBOINCBaseView::EmptyCache() { return -1; } wxInt32 CBOINCBaseView::GetCacheCount() { return -1; } wxInt32 CBOINCBaseView::RemoveCacheElement() { return -1; } wxInt32 CBOINCBaseView::SyncronizeCache() { wxInt32 iRowIndex = 0; wxInt32 iRowTotal = 0; wxInt32 iColumnIndex = 0; wxInt32 iColumnTotal = 0; wxString strDocumentText = wxEmptyString; wxString strListPaneText = wxEmptyString; bool bNeedRefreshData = false; iRowTotal = GetDocCount(); iColumnTotal = m_pListPane->GetColumnCount(); for (iRowIndex = 0; iRowIndex < iRowTotal; iRowIndex++) { bNeedRefreshData = false; for (iColumnIndex = 0; iColumnIndex < iColumnTotal; iColumnIndex++) { strDocumentText.Empty(); strListPaneText.Empty(); strDocumentText = OnDocGetItemText(iRowIndex, iColumnIndex); strListPaneText = OnListGetItemText(iRowIndex, iColumnIndex); if (!strDocumentText.IsSameAs(strListPaneText)) { if (0 != UpdateCache(iRowIndex, iColumnIndex, strDocumentText)) { wxASSERT(FALSE); } bNeedRefreshData = true; } } if (bNeedRefreshData) { m_pListPane->RefreshItem(iRowIndex); } } return 0; } wxInt32 CBOINCBaseView::UpdateCache( long WXUNUSED(item), long WXUNUSED(column), wxString& WXUNUSED(strNewData) ) { return -1; } bool CBOINCBaseView::_EnsureLastItemVisible() { return EnsureLastItemVisible(); } bool CBOINCBaseView::EnsureLastItemVisible() { return false; } bool CBOINCBaseView::UpdateQuickTip( const wxString& strCurrentLink, const wxString& strQuickTip, const wxString& strQuickTipText ) { bool bRetVal; bRetVal = false; if ((strCurrentLink == strQuickTip) && (strQuickTip != GetCurrentQuickTip())) { SetCurrentQuickTip(strQuickTip, strQuickTipText); bRetVal = true; } return bRetVal; } void CBOINCBaseView::UpdateSelection() {} void CBOINCBaseView::UpdateTaskPane() {} const char *BOINC_RCSID_0a1bd38a5a = "$Id$";