// The contents of this file are subject to the BOINC Public License // Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in // compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://boinc.berkeley.edu/license_1.0.txt // // Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" // basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing rights and limitations // under the License. // // The Original Code is the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing. // // The Initial Developer of the Original Code is the SETI@home project. // Portions created by the SETI@home project are Copyright (C) 2002 // University of California at Berkeley. All Rights Reserved. // // Contributor(s): // // NOTE: add new errors to the end of the list and don't change // old error numbers to avoid confusion between versions // #define BOINC_SUCCESS 0 #define ERR_SELECT -100 #define ERR_MALLOC -101 #define ERR_READ -102 #define ERR_WRITE -103 #define ERR_FREAD -104 #define ERR_FWRITE -105 #define ERR_IO -106 #define ERR_CONNECT -107 #define ERR_FOPEN -108 #define ERR_RENAME -109 #define ERR_UNLINK -110 #define ERR_OPENDIR -111 #define ERR_XML_PARSE -112 // Unexpected XML tag or XML format #define ERR_GETHOSTBYNAME -113 // Couldn't resolve hostname #define ERR_GIVEUP_DOWNLOAD -114 // too much time has elapsed without progress on file xfer, // or we got a 404 (not found) status code from server #define ERR_GIVEUP_UPLOAD -115 #define ERR_NULL -116 // unexpected NULL pointer #define ERR_NEG -117 // unexpected negative value #define ERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW -118 // caught buffer overflow #define ERR_MD5_FAILED -119 // MD5 checksum failed for a file #define ERR_RSA_FAILED -120 // RSA key check failed for a file #define ERR_OPEN -121 #define ERR_DUP2 -122 #define ERR_NO_SIGNATURE -123 #define ERR_THREAD -124 // Error creating a thread #define ERR_SIGNAL_CATCH -125 #define ERR_QUIT_REQUEST -126 // The app exited due to user request and should be restarted later #define ERR_UPLOAD_TRANSIENT -127 #define ERR_UPLOAD_PERMANENT -128 #define ERR_IDLE_PERIOD -129 // can't start work because of user prefs #define ERR_ALREADY_ATTACHED -130 #define ERR_FILE_TOO_BIG -131 // an output file was bigger than max_nbytes #define ERR_GETRUSAGE -132 // getrusage failed #define ERR_BENCHMARK_FAILED -133 #define ERR_BAD_HEX_FORMAT -134 // hex-format key data is bad #define ERR_USER_REJECTED -135 // user rejected executable file #define ERR_DB_NOT_FOUND -136 // no rows found in lookup() #define ERR_DB_NOT_UNIQUE -137 // not unique in lookup() #define ERR_DB_CANT_CONNECT -138 #define ERR_GETS -139 // gets() or fgets() #define ERR_SCANF -140 // scanf() or fscanf() #define ERR_STRCHR -141 #define ERR_STRSTR -142 #define ERR_READDIR -143 #define ERR_SHMGET -144 #define ERR_SHMCTL -145 #define ERR_SHMAT -146 #define ERR_FORK -147 #define ERR_EXEC -148 #define ERR_NOT_EXITED -149 // a process didn't exit that was supposed to #define ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED -150 // a system call not implemented on this platform #define ERR_GETHOSTNAME -151 #define ERR_NETOPEN -152 #define ERR_SOCKET -153 #define ERR_FCNTL -154 #define ERR_AUTHENTICATOR -155 // scheduler request host ID doesn't match authenticator #define ERR_SCHED_SHMEM -156 // sched shmem has bad contents #define ERR_ASYNCSELECT -157 #define ERR_BAD_RESULT_STATE -158 #define ERR_DB_CANT_INIT -159 #define ERR_NOT_UNIQUE -160 // state files had redundant entries #define ERR_NOT_FOUND -161 // inconsistent client state #define ERR_NO_EXIT_STATUS -162 // exit_status not found in scheduler request #define ERR_FILE_MISSING -163 #define ERR_NESTED_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION_DETECTED -164 #define ERR_SEMGET -165 #define ERR_SEMCTL -166 #define ERR_SEMOP -167 #define ERR_FTOK -168 #define ERR_SOCKS_UNKNOWN_FAILURE -169 #define ERR_SOCKS_REQUEST_FAILED -170 #define ERR_SOCKS_BAD_USER_PASS -171 #define ERR_SOCKS_UNKNOWN_SERVER_VERSION -172 #define ERR_SOCKS_UNSUPPORTED -173 #define ERR_SOCKS_CANT_REACH_HOST -174 #define ERR_SOCKS_CONN_REFUSED -175 #define ERR_TIMER_INIT -176 #define ERR_RSC_LIMIT_EXCEEDED -177 #define ERR_INVALID_PARAM -178 #define ERR_SIGNAL_OP -179 #define ERR_BIND -180 #define ERR_LISTEN -181 #define ERR_TIMEOUT -182 #define ERR_PROJECT_DOWN -183 #define ERR_HTTP_ERROR -184 #define ERR_RESULT_START -185 #define ERR_RESULT_DOWNLOAD -186 #define ERR_RESULT_UPLOAD -187