name = $name; } } class App_Version { var $app; var $version; var $exec_name; var $platform_name; function App_Version($app) { $this->app = $app; $this->version = 1; $this->exec_name = $app->name; $this->platform_name = get_env_var("BOINC_PLATFORM"); } } class Project { var $name; var $users; var $apps; var $app_versions; var $plat_names; var $project_dir; var $db_name; var $db_passwd; var $generate_keys; var $shmem_key; var $key_dir; var $download_url; var $scheduler_url; var $upload_url; var $user_name; var $master_url; var $resource_share; function Project() { $this->name = "test"; $this->users = array(); $this->apps = array(); $this->app_versions = array(); $this->plat_names = array(); $this->db_passwd = ""; $this->generate_keys = false; $this->shmem_key = get_env_var("BOINC_SHMEM_KEY"); $this->resource_share = 1; } function add_user($user) { array_push($this->users, $user); } function add_app($app) { array_push($this->apps, $app); } function add_app_version($app_version) { array_push($this->app_versions, $app_version); } function add_platform($plat_name) { array_push($this->plat_names, $plat_name); } // Set up the database and directory structures for a project // function Install() { $base_dir = get_env_var("BOINC_PROJECTS_DIR"); $source_dir = get_env_var("BOINC_SRC_DIR"); $cgi_url = get_env_var("BOINC_CGI_URL")."/".$this->name; $this->download_url = get_env_var("BOINC_HTML_URL")."/".$this->name."/download"; $this->upload_url = $cgi_url."/file_upload_handler"; $this->scheduler_url = $cgi_url."/cgi"; $this->project_dir = $base_dir."/".$this->name; $this->master_url = get_env_var("BOINC_HTML_URL")."/".$this->name."/html_user/index.html"; PassThru("rm -rf $this->project_dir"); PassThru("mkdir $this->project_dir"); // make the CGI writeable in case scheduler writes req/reply files PassThru("mkdir $this->project_dir/cgi; chmod uog+w $this->project_dir/cgi"); PassThru("mkdir $this->project_dir/upload; chmod uog+w $this->project_dir/upload"); PassThru("mkdir $this->project_dir/download"); PassThru("mkdir $this->project_dir/keys"); PassThru("mkdir $this->project_dir/html_ops"); PassThru("mkdir $this->project_dir/html_user"); array_push($this->plat_names, get_env_var("BOINC_PLATFORM")); if ($this->generate_keys) { } else { $this->key_dir = get_env_var("BOINC_KEY_DIR"); PassThru("cp $this->key_dir/* $this->project_dir/keys"); } // set up the database // $this->user_name = get_env_var("BOINC_USER_NAME"); $this->db_name = $this->user_name."_".$this->name; run_db_script("drop.sql", $this->db_name); run_db_script("schema.sql", $this->db_name); run_db_script("constraints.sql", $this->db_name); db_open($this->db_name); db_query("insert into project(name) values('$this->name')"); for ($i=0; $iusers); $i++) { $user = $this->users[$i]; $now = time(0); db_query("insert into user values (0, $now, '$user->email_addr', '$user->name', 'foobar', '$user->authenticator', 'Peru', '12345', 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0)"); } echo "adding apps\n"; for ($i=0; $iapps); $i++) { $app = $this->apps[$i]; $now = time(0); db_query("insert into app(name, create_time) values ('$app->name', $now)"); } echo "adding platforms\n"; for ($i=0; $iplat_names); $i++) { $platform = $this->plat_names[$i]; run_tool("add platform -db_name $this->db_name -platform_name $platform"); } echo "adding app versions\n"; for ($i=0; $iapp_versions); $i++) { $app_version = $this->app_versions[$i]; $app = $app_version->app; if ($app->name == "core client") { $dir = "$source_dir/client"; $exec_name = sprintf("boinc_%d.%d_%s", get_env_var("BOINC_MAJOR_VERSION"), get_env_var("BOINC_MINOR_VERSION"), $app_version->platform_name); } else { $dir = "$source_dir/apps"; $exec_name = $app_version->exec_name; } run_tool("add app_version -db_name $this->db_name -app_name '$app->name' -platform_name $app_version->platform_name -version $app_version->version -download_dir $this->project_dir/download -download_url $this->download_url -code_sign_keyfile $this->key_dir/code_sign_private -exec_dir $dir -exec_files $exec_name"); } // copy the server programs to the project /cgi dir, // and make a config file there // PassThru("cp $source_dir/sched/cgi $this->project_dir/cgi/"); PassThru("cp $source_dir/sched/file_upload_handler $this->project_dir/cgi/"); PassThru("cp $source_dir/sched/make_work $this->project_dir/cgi/"); PassThru("cp $source_dir/sched/feeder $this->project_dir/cgi/"); PassThru("cp $source_dir/sched/result_retry $this->project_dir/cgi/"); PassThru("cp $source_dir/sched/validate_test $this->project_dir/cgi/"); PassThru("cp $source_dir/html_ops/stripchart.cgi $this->project_dir/cgi/"); $f = fopen("$this->project_dir/cgi/config.xml", "w"); fputs($f, "\n"); fputs($f, " $this->db_name\n"); fputs($f, " $this->db_passwd\n"); fputs($f, " $this->shmem_key\n"); fputs($f, " $this->key_dir\n"); fputs($f, " $this->download_url\n"); fputs($f, " $this->upload_url\n"); fputs($f, " $this->project_dir/upload\n"); fputs($f, " $this->user_name\n"); fputs($f, "\n"); fclose($f); // copy the user and administrative PHP files to the project dir, // PassThru("cp -f $source_dir/html_user/* $this->project_dir/html_user"); PassThru("cp -f $source_dir/tools/country_select $this->project_dir/html_user"); PassThru("cp -f $source_dir/html_ops/* $this->project_dir/html_ops"); // put a file with the database name and other info in each directory // $f = fopen("$this->project_dir/html_user/config.xml", "w"); fputs($f, "$this->db_name\n"); fputs($f, "$this->db_name\n"); fputs($f, "$this->download_url\n"); fputs($f, "$cgi_url\n"); fclose($f); PassThru("cp $this->project_dir/html_user/config.xml $this->project_dir/html_ops"); // edit "index.html" in the user directory to have // the right scheduler URL // $u = str_replace("/", "\\\/", $this->scheduler_url); $x = "sed -e s/SCHEDULER_URL/$u/ $this->project_dir/html_user/index.html > temp; mv temp $this->project_dir/html_user/index.html"; echo "$x\n"; PassThru($x); // create symbolic links to the CGI and HTML directories // $cgi_dir = get_env_var("BOINC_CGI_DIR"); $cgi_url = get_env_var("BOINC_CGI_URL"); $html_dir = get_env_var("BOINC_HTML_DIR"); $html_url = get_env_var("BOINC_HTML_URL"); PassThru("rm -f $cgi_dir/$this->name"); PassThru("ln -s $this->project_dir/cgi $cgi_dir/$this->name"); PassThru("rm -f $html_dir/$this->name"); PassThru("ln -s $this->project_dir $html_dir/$this->name"); // show the URLs for user and admin sites // echo "The master URL for project $this->name is $this->master_url\n"; $admin_url = $html_url."/".$this->name."/html_ops/index.html"; echo "The admin URL for project $this->name is $admin_url\n"; } function start_feeder(){ PassThru("cd $this->project_dir/cgi; ./feeder -asynch > feeder_out"); } function start_make_work($work){ $result_template_path = realpath($work->result_template); PassThru("cd $this->project_dir/cgi; make_work -asynch -result_template $result_template_path -wu_name $work->wu_template > make_work_out"); } function start_validate($app, $quorum) { PassThru("cd $this->project_dir/cgi; validate_test -asynch -app $app->name -quorum $quorum > validate_out"); } function stop() { $f = fopen($this->project_dir."/cgi/stop_server", "w"); fputs($f, "\n"); fclose($f); } function check_results($ntarget, $result) { $n = 0; db_open($this->db_name); $result = mysql_query("select * from result"); while ($x = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $n++; if ($result->state != null && $result->state != $x->state) { echo "ERROR: result $x->id: unexpected state $x->state\n"; } if ($result->stderr_out != null) { if (substr($result->stderr_out, $x->stderr_out)==0) { echo "ERROR: result $x->id: unexpected stderr_out $x->stderr_out\n"; } } if ($result->exit_state != null && $result->exit_status != $x->exit_status) { echo "ERROR: result $x->id: unexpected exit_status $x->exit_status\n"; } } if ($n != $ntarget) { echo "ERROR: expected $ntarget results, found $n.\n"; } } function num_wus_left() { db_open($this->db_name); $result = mysql_query("select count(*) as cnt from result where state=2"); $count = mysql_fetch_object($result); return $count->cnt; } function num_results_done() { db_open($this->db_name); $result = mysql_query("select count(*) as cnt from result where state=4"); $count = mysql_fetch_object($result); return $count->cnt; } function compare_file($result, $correct) { PassThru("diff $this->project_dir/upload/$result $correct", $retval); if ($retval) { echo "File mismatch: $out $correct\n"; } else { echo "Files match: $out $correct\n"; } } } class User { var $name; var $email_addr; var $authenticator; function User() { $this->name = "John"; $this->email_addr = ""; $this->authenticator = "3f7b90793a0175ad0bda68684e8bd136"; } } class Host { var $name; var $projects; var $user; var $host_dir; var $global_prefs; var $log_flags; function Host($user) { $this->user = $user; $this->name = "test"; $this->projects = array(); $this->global_prefs = null; $this->log_flags = null; } function add_project($project) { array_push($this->projects, $project); } function install() { $base_dir = get_env_var("BOINC_HOSTS_DIR"); $this->host_dir = $base_dir."/".$this->name; $user = $this->user; PassThru("rm -rf $this->host_dir"); PassThru("mkdir $this->host_dir"); // create account files // echo "creating account files\n"; for ($i=0; $iprojects); $i++) { $project = $this->projects[$i]; $encoded_name = strtr($project->name, "/", "_"); echo "writing $this->host_dir/account_$encoded_name.xml\n"; $f = fopen($this->host_dir."/account_$encoded_name.xml", "w"); fputs($f, "\n"); fputs($f, " $project->master_url\n"); fputs($f, " $user->authenticator\n"); fputs($f, " $project->resource_share\n"); fputs($f, "\n"); fclose($f); } // copy log flags, if any // if ($this->log_flags != null) { PassThru("cp $this->log_flags $this->host_dir/log_flags.xml"); } // copy global prefs, if any // if ($this->global_prefs != null) { PassThru("cp $this->global_prefs.xml $this->host_dir/global_prefs.xml"); } } function kill($boinc_pid,$time) { assert($boinc_pid != null); if($time != null) { echo "\nsleepinf for $time seconds"; PassThru("sleep $time"); } PassThru("kill -9 $boinc_pid"); } //forks off a new process to run this host with the given $args. the pid returned is the pid of the newly forked php process. //NOTE: to kill the newly started host, get_new_boincpid() must be called and kill() must be called on it. function run_asynch($args) { $pid = pcntl_fork(); if ($pid == -1) { return -1; } else if ($pid) { return $pid; // we are the parent } else { //we are the child echo "\nRunning core client asynch\n"; $source_dir = get_env_var("BOINC_SRC_DIR"); $platform = get_env_var("BOINC_PLATFORM"); $exec_name = sprintf("boinc_%d.%d_%s", get_env_var("BOINC_MAJOR_VERSION"), get_env_var("BOINC_MINOR_VERSION"), $platform); PassThru("cd $this->host_dir; $source_dir/client/$exec_name $args > client.out"); exit(0); } } //returns a pid for a boinc process running in the system that is different from $boinc_pid. This call blocks until such process is started. function get_new_boincpid($boinc_pid) { while(true) { $pid = exec("pgrep -n boinc"); if(($pid != null) && ($pid != $boinc_pid)) return $pid; } } function run($args) { echo "\nRunning core client\n"; $source_dir = get_env_var("BOINC_SRC_DIR"); $platform = get_env_var("BOINC_PLATFORM"); $exec_name = sprintf("boinc_%d.%d_%s", get_env_var("BOINC_MAJOR_VERSION"), get_env_var("BOINC_MINOR_VERSION"), $platform); PassThru("cd $this->host_dir; $source_dir/client/$exec_name $args > client.out"); } // read a CPU time file written by the client. // This is sort of a kludge. // function read_cpu_time_file($file_name) { $time_file = fopen($this->host_dir/$file_name, "r"); if($time_file == NULL) return 0; fscanf($time_file, "%f", $app_time); fclose($f); return $app_time; } function check_file_present($project, $filename) { $enc_url = replace($project->master_url, "/", "_"); $path= "$this->host_dir/projects/$enc_url/$filename"; if (!file_exists($path)) { echo "ERROR: file $path doesn't exist\n"; } } } class Work { var $app; var $wu_template; var $result_template; var $nresults; var $input_files; var $rsc_iops; var $rsc_fpops; var $rsc_disk; var $delay_bound; function Work($app) { $this->app = $app; $this->input_files = array(); $this->rcs_iops = 180000000000; $this->rcs_fpops = 100000000000; $this->rcs_disk = 1000000; $this->delay_bound = 1000; } function install($project) { $app = $this->app; for ($i=0; $iinput_files); $i++) { $x = $this->input_files[$i]; PassThru("cp $x $project->project_dir/download"); } $cmd = "create_work -db_name $project->db_name -download_dir $project->project_dir/download -upload_url $project->upload_url -download_url $project->download_url/ -keyfile $project->key_dir/upload_private -appname $app->name -rsc_iops $this->rcs_iops -rsc_fpops $this->rsc_fpops -rsc_disk $this->rsc_disk -wu_template $this->wu_template -result_template $this->result_template -nresults $this->nresults -wu_name $this->wu_template -delay_bound $this->delay_bound"; for ($i=0; $iinput_files); $i++) { $x = $this->input_files[$i]; $cmd = $cmd." ".$x; } run_tool($cmd); } }