// The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License // Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in // compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ // // Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" // basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing rights and limitations // under the License. // // The Original Code is the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing. // // The Initial Developer of the Original Code is the SETI@home project. // Portions created by the SETI@home project are Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 // University of California at Berkeley. All Rights Reserved. // // Contributor(s): // // validate - check and validate new results, and grant credit // -app appname // -quorum n // example WUs only with this many done results // [-one_pass] // make one pass through WU table, then exit // [-asynch] // fork, run in separate process // // This program must be linked with two project-specific functions: // // int check_set(vector, int& canonical, double& credit) // Compare a set of results. // If a canonical result is found, return its ID, // and set the "validate_state" field of all the results // according to whether they match the canonical result. // Also return the "canonical credit" (e.g. the average or median) // // int pair_check(RESULT& new_result, RESULT& canonical, bool& valid); // return valid=true iff the new result matches the canonical one // // Both functions return nonzero if an error occurred, // in which case other outputs are undefined using namespace std; #include #include #include #include "boinc_db.h" #include "util.h" #include "config.h" #include "sched_util.h" #define LOCKFILE "validate.out" #define PIDFILE "validate.pid" extern int check_set(vector&, int& canonical, double& credit); extern int check_pair(RESULT&, RESULT&, bool&); CONFIG config; char app_name[256]; int min_quorum; // here when a result has been validated; // grant credit to host and user // int grant_credit(DB_RESULT& result, double credit) { DB_USER user; DB_HOST host; int retval; retval = host.lookup_id(result.hostid); if (retval) return retval; retval = user.lookup_id(host.userid); if (retval) return retval; user.total_credit += credit; update_average(result.sent_time, credit, user.expavg_credit, user.expavg_time); retval = user.update(); if (retval) return retval; host.total_credit += credit; update_average(result.sent_time, credit, host.expavg_credit, host.expavg_time); retval = host.update(); if (retval) return retval; return 0; } void handle_wu(DB_WORKUNIT& wu) { DB_RESULT result, canonical_result; bool match, update_result; int retval, canonicalid = 0; double credit; unsigned int i; char buf[256]; if (wu.canonical_resultid) { sprintf(buf, "validating WU %s; already have canonical result\n", wu.name ); write_log(buf, MSG_NORMAL); // Here if WU already has a canonical result. // Get unchecked results and see if they match the canonical result // retval = canonical_result.lookup_id(wu.canonical_resultid); if (retval) { write_log("can't read canonical result\n", MSG_NORMAL); // Mark this WU as validated, otherwise we'll keep checking it goto mark_validated; } // scan this WU's results, and check the unchecked ones // sprintf(buf, "where workunitid=%d", wu.id); while (!result.enumerate(buf)) { if (result.validate_state == VALIDATE_STATE_INIT && result.server_state == RESULT_SERVER_STATE_OVER && result.outcome == RESULT_OUTCOME_SUCCESS ) { retval = check_pair(result, canonical_result, match); if (retval) { sprintf(buf, "validate: pair_check failed for result %d\n", result.id ); write_log(buf, MSG_DEBUG); continue; } else { if (match) { result.validate_state = VALIDATE_STATE_VALID; result.granted_credit = wu.canonical_credit; printf("setting result %d to valid; credit %f\n", result.id, result.granted_credit); } else { result.validate_state = VALIDATE_STATE_INVALID; printf("setting result %d to invalid\n", result.id); } } retval = result.update(); if (retval) { write_log("Can't update result\n", MSG_CRITICAL); continue; } retval = grant_credit(result, result.granted_credit); if (retval) { write_log("Can't grant credit\n", MSG_NORMAL); continue; } } } } else { vector results; // Here if WU doesn't have a canonical result yet. // Try to get one sprintf(buf, "validating WU %s; no canonical result\n", wu.name); write_log(buf, MSG_DEBUG); sprintf(buf, "where workunitid=%d", wu.id); while (!result.enumerate(buf)) { if (result.server_state == RESULT_SERVER_STATE_OVER && result.outcome == RESULT_OUTCOME_SUCCESS ) { results.push_back(result); } } sprintf(buf, "found %d successful results\n", results.size()); write_log(buf, MSG_DEBUG); if (results.size() >= (unsigned int)min_quorum) { retval = check_set(results, canonicalid, credit); if (!retval && canonicalid) { write_log("found a canonical result\n", MSG_DEBUG); wu.canonical_resultid = canonicalid; wu.canonical_credit = credit; wu.assimilate_state = ASSIMILATE_READY; for (i=0; i0", app.id); while (!wu.enumerate(buf)) { handle_wu(wu); found = true; } return found; } int main_loop(bool one_pass) { int retval; DB_APP app; bool did_something; char buf[256]; retval = boinc_db_open(config.db_name, config.db_passwd); if (retval) { sprintf(buf, "boinc_db_open: %d\n", retval); write_log(buf, MSG_CRITICAL); exit(1); } sprintf(buf, "where name='%s'", app_name); retval = app.lookup(buf); if (retval) { sprintf(buf, "can't find app %s\n", app.name); write_log(buf, MSG_CRITICAL); exit(1); } while (1) { check_stop_trigger(); did_something = do_validate_scan(app, min_quorum); if (one_pass) break; if (!did_something) { sleep(5); } } return 0; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { int i, retval; bool asynch = false, one_pass = false; char buf[256]; check_stop_trigger(); for (i=1; i 10) { sprintf(buf, "bad min_quorum: %d\n", min_quorum); write_log(buf, MSG_CRITICAL); exit(1); } sprintf(buf, "starting validator; min_quorum %d\n", min_quorum); write_log(buf, MSG_NORMAL); retval = config.parse_file(); if (retval) { write_log("Can't parse config file\n", MSG_CRITICAL); exit(1); } if (asynch) { if (fork()) { exit(0); } } // Call lock_file after fork(), because file locks are not always inherited if (lock_file(LOCKFILE)) { fprintf(stderr, "Another copy of validate is already running\n"); exit(1); } write_pid_file(PIDFILE); install_sigint_handler(); main_loop(one_pass); }