\n"; db_init(); parse_str(getenv("QUERY_STRING")); function print_detail_field() { echo "Detail level"; echo " "; } function print_query_field() { $currenttime=time(); $hourago=$currenttime-3600; $dayago=$currenttime-24*3600; $weekago=$currenttime-7*24*3600; echo " Additional clauses Unix times Now: $currenttime Hour ago: $hourago Day ago: $dayago Week ago: $weekago "; } $first = 1; $title = table_title($table); page_head($title); echo "

Query $table table

\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "\n"; start_table(); if ($table=="platform") { } else if ($table=="app") { } else if ($table=="app_version") { print_detail_field(); print_query_field(); } else if ($table=="host") { print_checkbox("Show Aggregate Information", "show_aggregate", $show_aggregate); print_detail_field(); print_query_field(); } else if ($table=="workunit") { print_detail_field(); print_query_field(); echo "\n"; } else if ($table=="result") { echo "Server state "; server_state_select(); echo "\n"; //print_text_field( "Batch number:", "batch", $batch ); echo "Outcome"; outcome_select(); echo "\n"; echo "Client state"; client_state_select(); echo "\n"; echo "Validate state"; validate_state_select(); echo "\n"; echo "Sort by"; result_sort_select(); echo "\n"; print_detail_field(); print_query_field(); } else if ($table=="team") { print_query_field(); } else if ($table=="user") { print_query_field(); } else { echo "Unknown table name\n"; exit(); } row2("Number of entries to show", ""); row2("", "\n"); end_table(); echo "

\n"; print_describe_table($table, 4); page_tail(); ?>